I hold the faulconer funi dub score very dear.

But that's my experience. To me removing that music is like removing williams from star wars. It's irrelevant if it's music that was meant to be on it, it just FEELS that way to me, it's the version I fell in love with, grew up with, but to this day find great.
I don't think stuff is wrong or right. It is fiction. And DBZ got a western version in the 90s that I cherish and love. No, I can't really stand dbz with the (to me) crappy orchestra music, or Goku's (to me) dumb japanese voice, but I in general happen to really love synth scores, it added to an otherworldy alien vibe for me, and some of it are also just awesome and/or gorgeous themes. I also really love the english voice actors, Sean Schemmel is Goku to me. In fact, I know quite a lot of die-hard anime fans, but dbz is the golden exception: they all watch it in english, typically. (Ironically, the funi dub VA's themselves did not like the faulconer score, that's too bad to me, some will like that, ultimately I'm not gonna live by another person's opinion, I get chills when I hear the spirit bomb theme, or the music when gohan turns ssj2, or piccolo's theme, etc.)
BUT that doesn't matter though, that was my whole point, enjoy stuff the way you want and let the rest be. Live and let live. If you dislike the funimation score well I sure as hell won't be telling you you should or anything... I just like or love what I love, nothing more. If people feel the need to say that what I like 'isn't really dbz' to me, that says more about them than dbz imo. The only thing imo that we should do is respect each other and respect that this franchise has a weird history and a fractured fanbase who've attached to different versions. That's just the reality of it. I form opinions on what I like or not like based on me and my experiences, not what something someone tells me afterward 'should be' or 'canon'. Does it sometimes influence me? Sure, of course. But sometimes it also doesn't, and some people aren't bothered by it entirely. They want a ssj3 Vegeta. Or fanfiction, or broly. All I can say is okay, to me that stuff doesn't mean anything. But if you guys enjoy it, great.
To each their own is something the dbz fanbase should really have as a motto imo. If you ask for my opinion, you'll get it. Sometimes you'll get my opinion even if you don't ask for it, but I'm not a groupie imo, because I don't tell others what to do or like, or think that I know best. I just have my experiences and my opinions...
Maybe that's a longer answer than you wanted, uh deal with it I guess.

I don't see these differences in which dbz version we prefer matter much in our enjoyment of it as a fanbase... Especially because all the new material only has a japanese or an english dub (EDIT: I guess there's more languages like spanish n stuff, my bad). And to that imo, respect that some people just want this franchise in english (or another language) and don't spoil it because the english dub comes out later...
The only thing I have zero respect for is dubbing live action material.