I just checked the manga because I was debating bout super vegeta. And yes, this is super vegeta. He isn't as big as Trunks or Goku. He didn't achieve that form when he claim he's super vegeta.
Nuuuuuu, I like em white.Very nice. Could use some paint shading though. What was the last SHF DBZ figure to receive any sort of shading?
I think it's def passable as a Super Vegeta release, either way it's way more muscular than the original, however making it the beefcake steroid muscles as pictured was most likely a stylistic choice they willingly chose not to do. They probably considered it, but in practice they realized it would look awkward. Who knows , but this is my theory. Sometimes things don't always translate 100% in action figure form as originally planned, so they adjust it accordingly (or not)
I have seen an Custom Super Trunks and Super Vegeta and they look very awakward.. I'm happy with the size this one is.
PCE Vegeta was to satisfy those that kept asking & bugging Adam Newman over & over if Tamashii would ever re-issue SS Vegeta & Trunks since they were still in high demand & expensive a couple years ago, they were going for like $400 on ebay. PCE was a loophole they created for themselves to get around their self-imposed exclusivity policy, thus PCE Vegeta was born (was never intended to be classified as Super Vegeta).. thought this was common knowledge by now??
PCE Vegeta was to satisfy those that kept asking & bugging Adam Newman over & over if Tamashii would ever re-issue SS Vegeta & Trunks since they were still in high demand & expensive a couple years ago, they were going for like $400 on ebay. PCE was a loophole they created for themselves to get around their self-imposed exclusivity policy, thus PCE Vegeta was born (was never intended to be classified as Super Vegeta).. thought this was common knowledge by now??
Dunno if tbhis was partly aimed at me but know all this (as you know I think). My point is more, who here would've bought pce vegeta if they knew this was coming?
Super vegeta is only that bulky when he powers up, but immediately his muscles shrink a bit. That's exactly the point of Trunks' mistake when vegeta's KO'd. Trunks thought he'd be stronger in that uber muscly state, but Vegeta was strategically ahead of him, realizing that form is useless because you become to slow. This vegeta is a perfectly fine representation of Vegeta at his max strength throughout the cell saga.
Nah, he wont. Pwnstar clarified a few pages back that it was displayed by mistake and was never meant to be seen, a real shame honestly.I really wonder if he'll come with that loose hair trunks head... I'm not gonna assume it.