Lot of stuff to reply too.XD
Im not saying I would part with them, im just saying there would be no point in continuing. The ones I already have would be all I would want. If I tried to keep going it would only niggle in my mind that I didnt have one.
Ooooooh, misunderstood you a bit there.

Although I still don't share your position. I mean... I buy the characters I like. Simple as that. Could be everyone, could be only a handful. In DBZ's case so far it's been almost everyone. I could go for completionism but that's a separate added value. Do I understand you correctly that if you weren't going for completionism you wouldn't buy anything anymore? Not even favourites yet to be released...?
I don't think side characters should be special editions, because people out side of the us will have a hard time to purchase it near retail value and that is just unfair. sdcc goku does seem like an exclusive to me since its such a different repaint. now gohan and piccolo were used to fix the old pastel looking figures which I don't like as much as the new ones, I thin for upcoming sdccs exclusive they should add an extra accessory like battle effects or something, battle damage would be cool BUT they wouldn't fit with the current releases so I would personally pass. Remember most sdcc exclusives are repaints with other lines as well, like SS Anakin they repainted the face with sith eyes and that was it.
I guess, I can see your points. Personally I'm inclined to go for sdcc ex characters if it means an extra character a year, but that's indeed a selfish position. I wouldn't wanna entirely lose sdcc ex's I think though, and the problem with a bonus effect is that the ex is always after the initial release, so you'd have to buy another one just for the effect, seeing as you cant be sure what the ex will be upfront ad you don't wanna wait buying the initial release, usually.
Good post, for the first time I understand the common stance that you and many collectors share about this topic. I won't adopt this mentality, but I can understand it now. Thanks.
Prestige was something that always use to confuse me when it came to recreational interests and hobby. At my schools, having an interest in anime instantly alienated you from being popular (or even 'liked' by people in some cases)
>"Hey, is that a cartoon character on your folder?"
>>"No, it's an anime character"
(I wish this was an exaggeration

So being in such an environment, I never thought to care about what other people considered to be valuable. The result is that prestige has always been meaningless to me in terms of hobby. But that's just me.
Hey man, I'm glad about the mutual understanding.

I do get you're more practical attitude. Sorry to hear about the school thing. When I grew up and DBZ aired pretty much everyone I hung out with loved it and in high school it was already done for the most part, not a common subject. I never really understood what anime was till I was like 15-16 and by that time I only hung out with people mostly like minded on the subject. Or I hung out with musicians, being one myself. Maybe also a difference between US and Europe. Cartoons or anime are both foreign export products for us. To most average people here you have Batman, Superman, Spiderman, Pokemon and EVERYTHING else. (Lame, I know.

They made a Jim Lee Cyclops, but it was under the X-Men classics line. I think you're a fan of Anthony's Customs, and he called it the best Cyclops figure.
Had it, sold it. It's the only 90s cyclops ever made (and the old 5" toy) and it sucks. Predates ML. Ever since I started collecting more detailed lines like this one or play arts kai or whatever ML's are just too much just toys to me, they're dated and currently Hasbro is screwing them in quality still so kinda got over them. But the problem was mostly that contrary to you, it's the 90s TAS that made me an x-men fan (and spider-man). What can I say, I was a 90s kid...

And outside of those series/franchises, I really don't like Marvel that much.
Only 6" line I collect is the new Star Wars Black Series, they look fantastic for that scale.
EDIT: sorry misunderstood you Bane, I now read you got into marvel the same way.