I want all this DBZ characters as toys already!!!!!!
Papo not sure what you mean. All DBZ stuff released in the US is by Funimation. The Normal DBZ & Kai. I love the original but KAI is a breath of fresh air. Keeping it like the manga is amazing! What pisses me of is that instead of Reanimating everything ala "Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood" they just used the old stuff. How much more awesome would it have been to have new HD animation for this series! But either way its great!
Kai is actually a mix of new and old. the original was cleaned up and remastered where possible, with new animation being created where it's needed.
examples of cleaned up animation
as awesome as it would have been....
Can you imagine it?
though, they didn't even finish Z.. no way they would have gone any farther than the sayian saga.
was thinking about this... considering his love of Aliens, and explosions.....
A michael bay dragon ball Z movie.
Ninja turtles was canceled.DBZ already got butchered by db evolution lol, and you want Bay to do one?? Look at what he did to transformers; any lore that transformers had got thrown out the window so he could make a "cooler" film, imagine he did DBZ; Goku might end up not being saiyan, or Gohan may end up being in his 20s at the start lol, no thanks! A prime example is his upcoming film about the ninja turtles; he is changing their heritage to being ALIENS instead of mutants, just to make it sound cooler...
Micheal Bay films are good, dont get me wrong, but I just cant stand to see lore and facts get twisted to make a cooler film.
Thanks guys.
I had assumed that would be the case but I wasn't sure if Picollo would look good as well...kind of a Teacher / Student thing
Anyway off to find a Cell now
Thanks again
Hey guys,
Quick question.
I've brought my brother the SDCC Gohan for his birthday in November now I was wondering what companion figure I should get him for Christmas??
I'm torn at the moment & don't know which I should get out of...
Goku is out becuase he's just too expensive (I love him but not THAT muchlol)
So who would you want to pose with your Gohan??
Ta muchly