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If they do another version of this guy, which I'm sure they will, they should do him as a Black Pauldron version, with the orange as the exclusive...after all, you wouldn't need more than one commander...
i have 5 years worth of Lee's Action Figure News from the mid to late 90's. Don't know why, most of the toys in it are garbage compared to what we have now.
It's funny that you guys mention the Insider. I have a stack of those as well that I was just going through. I've been lugging them around for the past several years. Besides the three issues dealing with alternate cuts of Star Wars and deleted scenes from the OT (good film history stuff by David West Reynolds), they're now gone.

Being selective is the way to go.

Yeah, there are certain issues I'll keep but the rest are going to go the way of the dinosaurs. :lol
I had a bit stack of old Toyfar mags... then I was about to move and I was like "do I really want to a carry a box of these things?" Just tossed 'em.

I've actually got a bunch of smaller scale and oddball stuff just sitting in a storage bin... stuff so devalued not much point in trying to sell. Probably just drop it off at a thrift store :lol
Yea, I'm glad I unloaded all my Pre-Marvel Legends Toy Biz figures before they became worthless. Unloaded them for RAH Joes and make bank on them when I sold em haha.

Still have some boxed Famous Covers in a box in the attic, havent seen them for a while. Pretty much worthless as well.
Yep, famous covers aren't worth the plastic they're made from :lol

Might just take a box of stuff to Vintage Stock and see if I can get a decent trade-in value :rolleyes:
Yeah, there are certain issues I'll keep but the rest are going to go the way of the dinosaurs. :lol

I think a lot of collectors go through reassessments. I used to collect all the SS SW figures. Sold them off and moved into the LOTR PFs and other collectibles. Now I'm selling those off and getting back into SS SW figures, but OT-only. I've got one coming from The Josh and 3 more on hold from him. I may be crazy, but somehow I always come back to Star Wars.

I started out with SS Star Wars. I was disappointed in most of the figs I purchased. I found HT Movie Masterpieces and collect items from their line exclusively. I find HT sculpts and paint apps some of the best in 1/6th market.

I'm always tempted to return to SS Star Wars since their figures brought me into 1/6th scale collecting. I'm impressed with most of the armored figs and still highly disappointed in the human & creature sculpts / paint apps. Did I mention the awful Buck body used with the figs I did collect..ugh.

I'm probably in the minority but not impressed with the SS Vader and passed. I like the scale versus the regular figs but something about the outfit doesn't sit right with me. The clones and stormtroopers are awesome and each priority release is more and more difficult to pass on these figs. I'm waiting for a Vader (hopefully with a removable helmet) before I "consider" picking up a few armored figs.
Hmm, kind of a lame exclusive. I think I may pass and wait for the inevitable orange pauldron one... I may pick this up later when I purchase a house and get more room though.
Really, I love the exclusive. That scene is such a funny one to me, almost like he's so proud of himself for finding this little ring. I'm pretty stoked they included it.
I like the exclusive as well, that is most likely the way I'll be posing it.
Really, I love the exclusive. That scene is such a funny one to me, almost like he's so proud of himself for finding this little ring. I'm pretty stoked they included it.

I never thought of it like that, but it's true now that you mention it. :lol
This is a very cool exclusive, and the detail on the Prototype looks top-notch. Not to be a hater, but I hope that Sideshow can make the weathering look this nice on the actual production figure, not their strongest suit.

Collecting has been getting too expensive for me already, but this is a surprising price tag...

Best of luck to all of the exclusive chasers tomorrow!!!:banana