If they do another version of this guy, which I'm sure they will, they should do him as a Black Pauldron version, with the orange as the exclusive...after all, you wouldn't need more than one commander...
It's funny that you guys mention the Insider. I have a stack of those as well that I was just going through. I've been lugging them around for the past several years. Besides the three issues dealing with alternate cuts of Star Wars and deleted scenes from the OT (good film history stuff by David West Reynolds), they're now gone.
Being selective is the way to go.
Luke will be going out saturday by the way.
Yeah, there are certain issues I'll keep but the rest are going to go the way of the dinosaurs.
Sweet! MO to OK shouldn't take too long. :chew
I think a lot of collectors go through reassessments. I used to collect all the SS SW figures. Sold them off and moved into the LOTR PFs and other collectibles. Now I'm selling those off and getting back into SS SW figures, but OT-only. I've got one coming from The Josh and 3 more on hold from him. I may be crazy, but somehow I always come back to Star Wars.
Really, I love the exclusive. That scene is such a funny one to me, almost like he's so proud of himself for finding this little ring. I'm pretty stoked they included it.
Really, I love the exclusive. That scene is such a funny one to me, almost like he's so proud of himself for finding this little ring. I'm pretty stoked they included it.
Hey, I am sure the character was glad he just wasn't going to get Force choked..!