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Look, Sir! Crappy flash photos! (My office is too dark to take pix without the flash.)

Once the boss goes to lunch, I'll try for some close-ups and better, non-flash shots.

- J
That's looking pretty good... even with the flash it looks like there is some color variations across the armor.
Well, I just noticed that the "exclusive hand" is the same hand as the gun-holding hand, except it came with a small ring of plastic wedged onto the thumb. I pulled it loose and managed to get it between his forefinger and thumb (no jokes, please.) I had assumed the droid part was molded onto the hand.

I'd also not recommend, when removing the rifle from the tray, to NOT pull it out by the scope. I didn't break mine off, but the potential is definitely there.

The weathering is every bit as dark and intrusive as seen in previous photos. I'm considering finding a way to lighten it.

The chest and back armor are held together with a strap this time around (unlike the Stormtrooper.) There is also a greenish tint to the eyes lenses, which is a nice touch.

Since I'm in earthquake-prone Los Angeles, I always use the figure stands and it's nice to see how well the backpack fits over the top of the stand. It doesn't stick out noticeably.

The pauldron is packed behind the base of the figure stand.

On the whole, a nice addition to the collection, but honestly, if I knew the droid part was not molded to the hand, I would not have gotten this from Sideshow. I would have saved a few bucks, used the gun hand, and fabricated a slim circle of material.

- J
And with regard to the tightness of the body, he's definitely tighter than either of my two Stormtroopers, but surely your mileage may vary. Again, since I always need to use the stands, I never really paid much attention to floppy figures.

I have noticed, tho, that I can't get his arm to stay up high enough for the "Look, Sir... droids!" pose.

- J
That's a little disappointing to hear about the hand.... but I guess if we're feeling lazy its a good thing to have :lol So basically the exclusive ends up being a ring of plastic... not quite as nice as Fisto's droid part.
Well is the body tight we are all waiting!!!!! Or is is another mr flipper flopper shelf diver!!

Mine is as loose as the regular Stormies. And it's true, the droid ring hand is the same exact hand as the right gun holder hand, and the ring isn't even attached to the fingers. It's just around the thumb in the box, and the fingers don't really hold it like they are supposed to. That and the leg armor slides all over the place just like the regular Stormies.

At least this exclusive didn't cost us $5-$10 extra.

On the plus side, at least the paint apps don't look as much like smeered poop as they did at SDCC.
Wow, that's a little disappointing about the droid ring hand. I'm on the waitlist for the exclusive, but I might as well cancel and get the regular for less at another e-tailer.

Funny, the ex seemed so essential before. But if the figure comes with the very same hand sans the ring, then suddenly the exclusive is not that important anymore.
Yep, that hand was pretty much the only reason I didn't pick this up at my local guy for about $90. I can easily make that little ring for the hand already included. This one is going back to some 'lucky' waitlister.
Still disappointing (If this is not an isolated incident) that they can't get these bodies would think by now SS would have run through that bad stock or at least not selling them to their customers.

Not being able to hold poses zaps the fun right out of 1/6...:monkey4