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I think the chief issue people are having with the Exclusive hand is that it isn't a unique hand (which the prototype looks to be) so the extra money some have to pay for Ex. vs. Regular essentially buys a second of a hand included in the set and a tiny loose ring now, which to some doesn't seem worth it and I can understand if the only thing truly unique now is the little ring, that's not much if it costs you extra to get the Ex. version of the figure.

I get that. I just think, IMHO, that what comes with the ST looks better than the proto. Just saying. But I totally get that people expected a whole new hand with ring sculpt.

Anyway, I'm stepping aside, as this is one of those things that can get pretty heated, and since I cancelled this guy I don't feel like defending it.
To compare
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I'm not that bothered by the hand. I'm just excited about getting this figure.

A better look at the ring:

I prefer the accuracy and the ability to remove the ring compared to the proto version of the exclusive. If the ring were molded to the hand, would it really look any different or would it look like another pistol grip hand with a ring molded into it?

I get why people might feel slighted, but at the same time it has been quite a while since there was a substantial exclusive offered with a Star Wars figure so this doesn't feel all that different to me.
I'm just entering the tail end of this ring conversation, so is the ring molded to the hand or not? Is it like the proto or not? Is it more like the movie?:confused:
I'm just entering the tail end of this ring conversation, so is the ring molded to the hand or not? Is it like the proto or not? Is it more like the movie?:confused:

The ring is not molded to the hand, but it looks more screen accurate than the proto.
After looking at the figure and the proto this figure is somewhat of a disappointment. The weathering is half-assed. There is no weathering on his pack.
Putting on the pack also seems like it's going to take some effort.
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I agree with you ripper. When i get my figure Im going to weather him up a bit more and do the pack.. It will look good after some touch ups...
Just got the shipping notice for this one. Although I ordered it, the exclusive is laughable. Something that resembles a small ball bearing housing in 1/6 scale. Wow. :rolleyes: Oh well.
True, but it would have been nicer to get this ring, with the hand pictured with the proto.

No way, they made it better..more screen accurate then some chunk of silver.It looks like the part of the casing on that moveable eye thingy part near R2's center eye.
No way, they made it better..more screen accurate then some chunk of silver.It looks like the part of the casing on that moveable eye thingy part near R2's center eye.

Did you read what i said? I agree with you about the ring. I just dont like the hand that was included. Well, more the fact that its the same hand X2.
Just got him put together. All and all a nice figure. A lot better the Medicom Sandie. He sure comes with a lot of accessories. It took me a little while to put the backpack together and his pauldron was hidden under the display stand. Still debating on whether or not to get the orange one.


God that Medicom looks awful. I like this one but i may just go for the orange trooper now.
minor gripe, but wouldn't the ring flipped (the larger end facing out) be more movie accurate?