Super Freak
I just filled my car up with gas......$60 for 15 gallons......

there is no doomsday. religion is made up by people. it's all fairy tales. so any doomsday date is just some date made up by someone somewhere way back when. if there is a dooms day it will come out of no where and be a natural disaster, like meteors or something. nothing that has do do with a date or religion.
There you go people.
Listen up! You heard it here!
there is no doomsday. religion is made up by people. it's all fairy tales. so any doomsday date is just some date made up by someone somewhere way back when. if there is a dooms day it will come out of no where and be a natural disaster, like meteors or something. nothing that has do do with a date or religion.
well l dont believe in religion. that's my choice. there are many of them and they all say the other is wrong. so someone must be wrong somewhere. l believe in evolution. and if that is true, then to me that knocks out the theory that god created us in his image, and is creator of all things. l think there is strong evidence that we evolved. even that is sill challenged.
also these idiots who believe this will happen say out of all the people in this world, the 6 billion, that only 200 million will be raised to heavon and the other 97% will be damed on this earth. till we die. well if god created us and loves us and jesus died for our sins then why would he damn pretty much everyone. doesn't make sense to me.
Damn, you convinced me.
And i thought Harold Camping was an idiot.
Exactly, and that unfortunately is why religious threads do not last long here.l dont think l should be attacked because of it, but that's what religion does best cause arguments and conflicts.
how am l an idiot, and compare me to Camping? he is the guy who is spouting this stuff, who has already been wrong in the past about doomsday and he will be wrong again. everyone has their beliefs, and l just don't believe in all the stuff religious people say, and l have a bunch in my family. l believe in evolution. that's my belief. we have the right too choose what we believe in. l dont think l should be attacked because of it, guess it's because l said it's a fairy tale. this is what religion does best, cause arguments and conflicts.
l listened on the radio this week. a paster says anyone who doesn't belive in Jesus will go to hell. he said muslims and others are damned unless they believe in him. a muslim called in mad and offended and they got into a screaming match. he said us muslims believe in Jesus but don't believe he is Gods son or resurrected. then the paster says, "Sorry you dont believein him the right way your all goin to hell". then hung up on him. no one knows what the right answer is and all people do is argue about it. l think religion should be kept to ones self.
well l dont believe in religion. that's my choice. there are many of them and they all say the other is wrong. so someone must be wrong somewhere. l believe in evolution. and if that is true, then to me that knocks out the theory that god created us in his image, and is creator of all things. l think there is strong evidence that we evolved. even that is sill challenged.
also these idiots who believe this will happen say out of all the people in this world, the 6 billion, that only 200 million will be raised to heavon and the other 97% will be damed on this earth. till we die. well if god created us and loves us and jesus died for our sins then why would he damn pretty much everyone. doesn't make sense to me.
hmmm hypocrisy I see here. So it's cool to follow an ancient text but not cool to follow an ancient calendar?
You don't have to answer that. Just found it amusing.
Either way I'll still be here come Sunday.![]()
Exactly, and that unfortunately is why religious threads do not last long here.
No-one should be attacked for posting their beliefs/opinions.