Super Freak
Yes, send me your collectibles. 

I don't know why you're using the conspiracy angle on this. Do you think it makes you look cool? To use terms like "sheep" and "Shades" all the time? Conspiracy kiddies think this guy is nuts, which he is. The guy is a religious fanatic, not your regular conspiracy nut. And is ____ing loony. You're really showing high ignorance here.
Only mislead over religious idiots are going to expect something to happen. So, using terms like "put your shades on man" don't really apply here.
Sorry to ride your balls but i felt it was needed.
Hell yeah!!!
LOL! You've got time.I've got way too many great things planned for the next several months....this sure as heck better not go down now.![]()
yeah me being a gay woman means I'm damned by most religions anyway.
Make sure to see it Friday.![]()
I missed this prediction! Where's Teemu when you need him?
Honestly though, what's this all about? Someone have a link?
If you guys need some kool-aid, I may be able to get some expired cases from r&d.
We also have Crystal Light for those watching their diet.![]()
I wonder if this guy will still go to church on Sunday the 22nd, or if he'll be too embarrassed.
Didn't someone say he predicted another date before?
I hate doomsday talk. Makes me nervous.![]()
I worry about humanity destroying itself by it's own hand more than biblical prophecy really. The funny thing is the yellow shirted backpack wearing followers just sprang up in my neighborhood, they are on the major intersections and on the overpasses.![]()