The Chev
Super Freak
I just meant that Gandalf seemed very afraid of the Balrog, at least in the film. It played to me like he didn't know if he could defend against the Balrog.
That makes sense. I'm not brushed up on the History of Middle-Earth. I do know Gandalf was pretty powerful in his own right.
So does that mean a Balrog is more powerful than Sauron?
Ungoliant was about to eat Morgoth and took an army of balrogs to rescue him. Balrogs are usually not solo. Fear, strength and numbers made them unbeatable. I wonder how tough Gothmog lord of the balrogs was. Dragons were so tough and fearless,that many a time went solo. Ring wraiths also I really think about, their main strength was fear and could be defeated if one had none against them. The last alliance lost their fear against them thus they fled.I don't think so, but a Balrog is probably pretty close. Sauron is still more powerful than pretty much everyone, at least those still around Middle Earth at the time of the LOTR. Balrog's are corrupted forms of the same race as Gandalf and Sauron. Maiar.
Shelob's (the big spider) mother, Ungoliant, was more powerful than Sauron for sure, and Shelob would probably be close as well, which is why Sauron never messes with her.
Thing is while Gandalf had a ring of power he couldn't have used it if Sauron was wearing The One Ring. That Ring had power over all other Rings in Middle-earth. So I'm not sure Gandalf was quite as powerful as Sauron. As far as Balrogs being more powerful I don't believe hey were. They were lesser servants of Morgoth than Sauron was.
It's been awhile since I've read the books and some of the History stuff, so forgive me. So Ungoliant, Gandalf and Sauron were all beings that came to middle-earth and took on the forms of a old man, Spider, etc.?
Ungoliant was about to eat Morgoth and took an army of balrogs to rescue him
Pretty much. The gods, as they are in Tolkien land, are Valar, and then the beings next down from them are Maiar, which are kind of like the equivalent of angels to western culture, and Maiar have no inherent form. They are really spirits. So they have tons of different forms and take on different forms based on their personalities and purpose.
True. Tho I don't think Gandalf was able to be influenced by the One ring the way the other races were. I don't quite remember the timeline of when Gandalf was given his ring, but I think Sauron had the One Ring during that time. You are right that Gandalf couldn't use it, but I don mt think Sauron would have had dominion over Gandalf the way he did over all others he gave a ring of power to.
As for the Balrog's, they were close to Sauron, but Sauron was Morgoth's top dog so to speak. Gandalf and a Balrog would, as we saw, be pretty evenly matched, so like Gandalf, are probably close to, but not quite as powerful as Sauron.
I only meant to say originally that despite his depiction in the movie as being a bit weaker than some, like Sarumon, and struggling against the Balrog and Witch King, Gandalf in his own hayday was more powerful than we really see in LOTR since his purpose is to guide and help rather than directly interact as much.
Went and picked mine up this morning from fedex, cant see anything wrong with him, this PF is awesome! No. 365
Would love some more info on that display case.
The case was used in a car dealership, no idea where you would get one, I was given itill wait till its dark and take a few pics under the lights
Hi all I have my sauron on order can some put theres next to a standard pf
Characters for a comparison
Does anyone bother to look at the last few pages?