You know what would be freakin cool if I could switch the head for a Sauron the fair with no helm I bet he would look cool with the long black hair flowing
It does reflect rather nicely on that piece yes. Is that light on a rotating swivel? Because if it is I'd be worried about someone turning that light by mistake.
That would be pretty sweet but wouldn't Sauron the Fair have been a lot smaller?
It swivels on the wall but also has a wingnut to tighten it in one spot if wanted. No worries. No one is down in this room but me anyway. It's safe.
You know good point but didn't Peter Jackson have Aragorn fight him in true form with the fair face of Sauron. I never saw that deleted scene but I hear it's on YouTube I think
Thanks Josh. That was interesting and quite good. Is that from the extended edition of LOTR DVD extras? Sauron in fair form and armour were very tall too
It's cool clip and I'm glad we can see it but I'm glad they left it out. It just totally doesn't fit within the movie.
Could have used it at the being when the elves became aware of him when he put on the one ring. Would have been awesome.