Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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jungle jom said:
Oh... I forgot...


A female mannequin??

You are just nuts, but in a good way! Your wife must be a saint!


My entire family was with me at the antique store as I was digging through all the boxes of mannequin parts. The antique store had a couple dozen mannequins for sale. Human limbs were all over the place. My sister looks at me like I've lost my mind…buying a mannequin for a silly hobby. My wife just laughs at my antics. She understands how much I enjoy being creative.

In my mind, I can picture the end result, (If I do proceed with this) and this seems like a really cool project to me! The very idea of doing this seems to be challenging me. Man am I tempted. It's calling me... I have to make my decision within the next 24 hours. What if my Statue of Liberty turns out looking more like Angelina Jolie wearing a crown, robe and torch? Would that be a bad thing or an improvement??? :rotfl ~Angel~ :angelsmil
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jungle jom said:


How would I go about making a Decal??

The last I heard of decals was with my plastic models from my childhood and they were made to be put on plastic.

Could you use them on wood? Any details would be helpful.

Fabric? Gathering? Sewn? Batting? YOUR words, not mine.
Angel, are you joining the sewing circle with me and Kfog?

One of my co-workers makes decals somehow. He's a model builder. I showed him pictures of my Alpha-Omega Doomsday Bomb and the Greek letters on the fins. (Alpha & Omega) He suggested I make my own decals. Unfortunately, I had already painted the symbols on the fin and I thought they came out fine. I'll talk to him and get back to you later in the week about this. I think it can be done.

I don't really sew JJ. My wife has that gift. She has sewn the basic uniform for Frank the gorilla and a few of my red jumpsuits for my Conquest apes.
Your sister is probably right about you loosing your mind...

I know I lost my mind long ago.

Your wife has the right attitude though, "Just let him enjoy himself, even if I don't understand the compulsion."

Thats how my girlfriend of 15 plus years handles it.

I can hear her now...
"Yeah.. I know he's nuts, but I love him"
One last thing Jungle,

Try this as an experiment... Take a scrap piece of leftover wood from your coffin. Mix together some Elmers glue, and water and then "paint" a very thin layer of this mixture all over the scrap wood. When it dries thoroughly, you can paint the scrap wood with your paint. I've been told with eliminates the wood grain look after painting and this may actually be a better look for your coffin.
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Attached are some pictures of a mannequin that MAY soon become Lady Liberty for my ape diorama.:monkey5

These are NOT the ones I was looking at in the Antique mall for $95. The one I saw looks very similar to these. The one I may buy has no hair and no clothes.
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Well… I went and bought the mannequin. Here are some pictures. There’s a lot to do in order to make the transformation. I don’t plan on working on Lady Liberty until I finish the ape wagon first, so it may be a while until she starts looking as she should. Hope everyone had a great 4th! I sure did! ~Angel~ :angelsmil
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I was away all weekend.

Very cool idea for Lady Liberty Angel! You sure are creative.

JJ- gosh, I don't know the answer to your question regarding using red in Black and white. I know that during the fifties while filming westerns the studios had to use mud to represent blood. I always thought that red would be a dark shade of gray, but this would explain why they used mud instead of using anything red. If I find my B/W photography book I will look this up for you.

I like the idea of lining Drac's new resting place with a red liner. I think it will really help to pop his features.

I'm currently reading a book titled "Bury my Heart at Wounded Knee," and it has inspired me to dilly dally with some of my Native American Indian Figures (by Dog Soldiers) and break out my Brotherhood of Arms figures by SideShow. Does anyone here have SS' Crazy horse figure? I read negative reviews about this figure long ago and never got him, now I really regret it.

I agree with you and Angel. A red lining really would make the coffin pop. The thing is that I'm trying to make it film accurate to the one used in "A&C Meet F". So, I'm leaning a little more to white at the moment. Still... There has to be a reason red isn't used for blood in Black and White movies. Alfred Hitchc0ck used chocolate syrup for blood in the shower scene in Psycho. I just don't know.

Anyway the wooden structure is almost complete. I just need to finish it off with some trim. I will not be installing the bottom of the box until the lining is done. I may need to have access to the interior to put in the lining. I'll post pictures when the wooden structure is done and phase one is complete!

After the box is built I'm taking a brief break from this project before I start on the lining. Making caskets is kind of morbid and depressing. I should be doing something fun and uplifting...

Like building the symbol of the end of civilization and the downfall of mankind.

Oh that right, Angel is already planning to do that project!!!
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So you took the plunge, you mad little monkey you!

Of course the scale will be wrong but I don't think it will matter, the shear massiveness of that dummy with her arm raised will make your apes seem Lilliputian in comparison. You are going to have to butch her face up a lot, Lady Liberty has more of a male rather than female countanance.

I showed my girlfriend your plans for Lady Liberty. She asked me if you were married and I assured her you were.

All she could say after that was:

"I feel sorry for her." I just started laughing as she left the room!

I'm relieved to hear the wagon is not going on hold because of this new obcession of yours. I can't wait to see more pictures of it!
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There I was in a large New York plaza, with four other nutty males carrying a naked female model across a large populated parking lot and making jokes the entire time. Believe me, it was a good time. We all had oodles of laughs! It’s one of those things that we’ll all remember well into the future. How often do you think something like this happens?

I felt like Dr. Frankenstein as I carried her baldhead and naked torso across the busy parking lot. I knew I was going to chop and transform this mannequin into another “thing.” (Sounds creepy, huh?) My son, and my nephew, each carried an arm of the mannequin. Each of them had tucked the fake plastic arms into the sleeves of their wrestling shirts. The boys were pretending the artificial arms were real, ripping them out on occasion and screaming sporadically as if in pain. Kids. Will they ever grow up?

My father, and my brother-in-law, carried out the long legs of the naked female mannequin while making jokes the entire time about various fetishes. They were constantly egging each other on into laughter. I also seem to recall some jokes about inflatable dolls being in the trunk of the car and a few other things that I won’t mention. Adults. Will they ever grow up?

So ask your girlfriend who’s crazy now? On second thought, I don’t want to know…

Let me wrap it up by saying, I only wanted to buy the right arm, the head and the torso for this project. The antique store simply wouldn’t sell it to me in pieces. I had to buy the entire mannequin, or just pass on the Lady Liberty project.

You know the rest of the story… I bought the entire mannequin.

So what happened to the legs? I thought you might want to know. I intentionally left the mannequin legs up in New York… in my father’s trunk!

I had no use for these plastic gams. (Unless I wanted to build a couple of leg lamps like the one seen in “A Christmas Story.”)

I considered the legs garbage, but my Dad says, “No, no, no…they’re not garbage. They’ll make my living room complete. It’ll be just wonderful to watch my new TV and I’ll have a really nice pair of legs to rest my head on.” Believe me, he’s the one that’s crazy, I don’t even come close to him. So Jingle Jom, ask your girlfriend who’s crazy now? Again, I don’t want to know. ~Angel~
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Here are the most recent pictures of the ape wagon... there's still soooooo much to do. Wood braces, beams, bench supports, platform supports, applying hinges, sanding, etc.
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That was one great story! If only I was there to observe it all!!!

Three generations of the Angelofmusic2112 family draging a totally nude dummy across a parking lot. I can hear "The Stripper" by David Rose, as I picture the scene. It really does remind me of "A Christmas Story". Maybe your son will grow up and write a tale about his childhood remembrances like the late great Jean Shepherd did. He was the author of "A Christmas Story"

The wagon...

What can... I say.... JUST ASTOUNDING!!

I was ready to make some minor corections on it but, before I did, I went to the DVD...


Tomorrow I will post some Pics of the casket with the wood construction complete.

Interior and stain to be completed at a later date!
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That was one great story! If only I was there to observe it all!!!

Three generations of the Angelofmusic2112 family draging a totally nude dummy across a parking lot. I can hear "The Stripper" by David Rose, as I picture the scene. It really does remind me of "A Christmas Story". Maybe your son will grow up and write a tale about his childhood remembrances like the late great Jean Shepherd did. He was the author of "A Christmas Story"

The wagon...

What can... I say.... JUST ASTOUNDING-!!

I was ready to make some minor corrections on it but, before I did, I went to the DVD...


Tomorrow I will post some Pics of the casket with the wood construction complete.

Interior and stain to be completed at a later date!

You guys crack me up!

Again Angel - you're doing an amazing job.

JJ - I have A&C meet the movie monsters, Meet the Mummy and meet Dr. J & Mr. Hyde all on 16mm film. You're right about the lining, it appears white.
I also have all of the Castle films on 16mm:
The Mummy
and Creature from the Black Lagoon.

I show these films outside throughout the summer and especially on Halloween.
Hey Angel! I bet that mannequin cost you an arm and a leg! What a version of the Damer family going to New York. remember the serial killer that kept body parts in his home in Wisconsin. You can make a million jokes on that mannequin trip. By the way, the wagon looks to scale and needs kits made(hint, hint). Catcha later body snatcher!:cool:
Too bad a 1/1 head would not be big enough.

I saw a 1/6 statue in Las Vegas. I'm pretty sure the scale is correct. It is away from the casinos so most people don't even notice it.

Strange to think about it since it is so big. Thousands of people drive by it every day and most don't seem to look at it.