Viking Spawn
Super Freak
Welcome to the boards, Bobo. Have you thought about trying your hand in customizing?

Welcome to the boards, Bobo. Have you thought about trying your hand in customizing?
The best part of the entire Return to the Planet of the Apes cartoon was this hillbilly farmer ape from E4, with the "I'm Going Humanoid Over You" song playing on his truck radio. Therefore, he must be made in 1/6. But, first things first... Is he a gorilla or a chimp? Leaning toward gorilla based on completion.
The best part of the entire Return to the Planet of the Apes cartoon was this hillbilly farmer ape from E4, with the "I'm Going Humanoid Over You" song playing on his truck radio. Therefore, he must be made in 1/6. But, first things first... Is he a gorilla or a chimp? Leaning toward gorilla based on completion.
Hmm thanks for the tips. I'll look into them for sure!
I somehow managed to crack the corner of his mouth, but here's fluffy elongated bearded Marcus.
Next I need to make Jaffe and Sata and paint up the dining room.
Hay Bales at Michaels!
Thank you sir! So glad you like it. I just need to repair that little crack with appoxie.THIS....APE....IS.....AWESOME!
Based on the structure of his ears and nose, I'd say your farmer is a chimp(albeit, a very dark complected one).My 2cents...PS
Welcome to the boards, Bobo. Have you thought about trying your hand in customizing?
So I finished sculpting Jaffe tonight, and I'm SO happy with how he came out. I can't wait to paint it up. It might be my favorite sculpt yet! I never tried sculpting a true expression before....with teeth....and closed eyes. But I think (fingers crossed) I nailed it! I'm working on the body now. I'm using one of the custom teen sized bodies I got from kfog. Sculpting the arms properly is time consuming, so I did one arm tonight, and I'll finish him up totally by tomorrow night. I decided on giving him shorts opposed to pants or keeping him nude. The drawing from the book doesn't really show below the belt/indicate that he's wearing anything, so I used my imagination. I think the shorts look is going to be AWESOME. I have just what I need. I can't wait to put whats in my brain onto my ape! I'm confident with this one. I'm very pleased with how this project is turning out.
P.S. Does anyone know how to make images smaller? I take mine from photobucket and they're always so damn big. I hate to clutter up the thread.