Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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Hey Angel....

No Drac's coffin is at the same point as it was when I last posted a photo.

I asked for help from Kevin Ellis who works for the "Cut and Sew Department" at Sideshow. He posts here under "ISewDollyClothes". He was nice enough to find a sample of similar material as to what I was looking for but not in white. He sent me a sample and have been going to fabric stores in NYC. Thus far I've had no luck. Hopefully this week in my travels I will stumble upon something.

I did find the correct material in burgandy wich I will use if I fail to find it in white.

Here is a shot of the sample Kevin was kind enough to send me. If anyone sees somethin like it in white let me know!


I've been looking out in my area for your white coffin material. I've had absolutely no luck. I would suggest that you take a closer look at the roll of burgundy you located. Maybe you can get the company name that actually made that material off the end of the roll. Perhaps you can also find type out what type of material it is and try a search in that way...

I’m just curious; can that vendor who sells the burgundy material just special order some in white for you? If not, how well can the burgundy be dyed/bleached white?
Hey Angel, funny you brought that coffin material up today, and thanks for looking!

My older son had a job interview in the city today and I met him for lunch in mid-town. I knew he had his interview near the fashon district so I brought that swatch of cloth with me.

After lunch and I got him back on a train to Jersey I hit at least twenty fabric stores... most if not all that sold retail and wholesale. My head was swimming from all the colors and textures. I literally felt drunk and disorientated. Not one place had anything near what I was looking for!

After hours of searching... nada! So... I went back to the little store on Canal St. only four blocks from my place and I got the burgandy. It won't be screen accurate but in some ways it may look better. The price was right too. $4.00 for half a yard. I'll have a lot left over so anyone else lining a coffin can come to me for a free bee.

So the moral of the story is: You don't always find things in the last place you look, sometimes it is in the first place you look and you just don't realize it.

I will begin lining the box starting soon, pictures to follow!
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I think what makes those ebay customs so special is not necessarily the sculpt but the paint application... it's simply stunning, especially the eyes. However, the sculpt itself is a bit caricature-ish... especially Tom Hanks. :eek:

Just my two cents. :monkey3:monkey3
Hey Angel, funny you brought that coffin material up today, and thanks for looking!

My older son had a job interview in the city today and I met him for lunch in mid-town. I knew he had his interview near the fashon district so I brought that swatch of cloth with me.

After lunch and I got him back on a train to Jersey I hit at least twenty fabric stores... most if not all that sold retail and wholesale. My head was swimming from all the colors and textures. I literally felt drunk and disorientated. Not one place had anything near what I was looking for!

After hours of searching... nada! So... I went back to the little store on Canal St. only four blocks from my place and I got the burgandy. It won't be screen accurate but in some ways it may look better. The price was right too. $4.00 for half a yard. I'll have a lot left over so anyone else lining a coffin can come to me for a free bee.

So the moral of the story is: You don't always find things in the last place you look, sometimes it is in the first place you look and you just don't realize it.

I will begin lining the box starting soon, pictures to follow!

It's not a paint job PZ, it's the way this guy mixed his "resin-like" material. Some toy company (like Sideshow) should contact this guy and buy the formula/recipe from him.

I agree the texture of the skin is amazing as well. The material used really picked up the detail. :D

However, I still don't think that the likenesses are all that great. Not for the money paid for these sculpts.:rolleyes:

But that is just me. :monkey3:monkey3:monkey3
I've seen pics of this sculpt before, I can't believe that its going for over $400 USD now. Someone jacked that auction, it can't be real.:monkey4

Hey guys!

I just began lining Dracula's coffin. Things are going very well thus far.

For some reason while working my mind drifted to the next project, as this one is begining to near completion.

What do you think about the control panel for the Alpha Omega Bomb from "Beneath" ?

It sure would be a nice companion piece to Angel's wonderful Alpha Omega!
Hey guys!

I just began lining Dracula's coffin. Things are going very well thus far.
That's great news JJ, but you still haven't told me; "How much?" :monkey3

What do you think about the control panel for the Alpha Omega Bomb from "Beneath" ?

It sure would be a nice companion piece to Angel's wonderful Alpha Omega!

That would be an awesome project for Angel. We all know for sure that he could do it. :clap:clap

Between him and Dr. Zaius (Where's he been?,) they almost have the whole underground scene. Angel still needs to make the fountain and the staircase.

Hey guys!

I just began lining Dracula's coffin. Things are going very well thus far.

For some reason while working my mind drifted to the next project, as this one is begining to near completion.

What do you think about the control panel for the Alpha Omega Bomb from "Beneath" ?

It sure would be a nice companion piece to Angel's wonderful Alpha Omega!

JJ - you're just killing me here! The last time you made such a suggestion/prediction/guess, I told you I was already planning to do the Mendez bust.

You aren’t going to believe this, but I just recently started buying the parts that are needed to construct the control panel for the Alpha Omega Bomb!

When I build the control panel, I want to build the entire staircase - along with the fancy stone handrails on either side. I was thinking about a few church pews and the organ pipes that are behind the Doomsday bomb.

P.S. It's really good to see some activity back here once again. Where's Dr. Zaius been???
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Yeah Angel that's what I was saying. Mine will be not be quite ambitious as yours, no stairs or railing. I wish I has the room for it!

The control panel is small enough to be manageable in the small space I call home.
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I wanted to share some pictures of my recent trip to the Science Fiction Museum in Seattle.





Left: Close up of 29th Scroll Prop replica / Right: Replica shown upside down for detail
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Here are some more photos from the trip:




The plaque for the contents of the case


On the right: Promo Newspaper for first film.


Me next to the exhibit. :monkey3:monkey3:monkey3
Proto, those are very nice pictures. I really have to get down there.:banghead

JJ- The "how much?" remark was me trying to be humorous by asking how much for the coffin.:naughty

Angel, I used wound wax on Brent and used some SFX blood, that you could get at any make-up or halloween store. Tis the season.

Also, melting Light Bright pegs is a great idea!
Thank you, Thank you, thank you... Proto

I've always been curious about what was on display there honoring the Apes! It is really quite an impressive display. Was it prepared by the folks at Apemania? It looks like their work.

I really like the Heston likeness although I think they got his hair wrong. An interesting choice dressing him in a tattered ANSA suit. I kind of like it!

Thanks for the tight shot of the leash. I may try to make one in the future.

You really did a great job of photographing the display seeing that it was all behind glass. You managed to eliminate most of the reflections.

Can you tell us what else is on display? Star Trek, Terminator, Forbidden Planet, or whatever other film or television items?

Thanks again for the great shots, Proto!!!!!!
Angel, It is the Sci-Fi museum here in Seattle Washington, about a four-five minute drive from my place. Less than a mile away. I need to get there soon.