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Angel... I'd love to see the to do list! What you've crossed off and what you are planning, so we have a little preview of what we will see in the future.

Sort of like coming attractions!
Jedibear, I REALLY LOVE those photos, especially the soldier one. What happened to Stickman?

Jungle, maybe the person who posted those pictures took them off? Maybe they didn't want to share their "secrets?"

What exactly are you working on Ironman? I can't remember seeing anything you've been working on with the exception of your Omega Man. And that was a very long time ago. It seems as though many people say they have a list, but never seem to move forward with the items on the list. Others say they wish they had this figure or that figure, yet they do nothing about it.

It seems to me that anyone can wish for something and anyone [and everyone] can have a list. But if you don't act on those, you really have nothing.

I'm very curious. I would like to know what items are on your "to do" list. We all know that the ape cards are on your list now. We also now about the Icarrus you're planning to build, and your ape wagon, and your doomsday bomb. Are you making any headway on any of these projects or are they just on the wish list?

I have an actual list on my computer of around 50 ape related items. I try to cross off at least one per week. If I didn't do that, nothing would ever get done with me. If anyone is interested in seeing my "to do" list, just ask.

What's on your list?

I know Jessica has a list, I’ve seen it.
Dribs and drabs, moving from here to there amidst all the 1:1 make for very little completion but several started projects. Hopefully this year will be better than last and afford me more time to actually complete several
of these long overdue pleasures.
Hey Jess...

I got the envelope with the sleeve material today, I am thrilled! It is exactly what I've been looking for. It is a bit monochromatic so I may have to dry brush various shades of brown on it. I have got to go back to the film to see some shots of the material. The weave is perfect.

Thanks a million! I'll post some shots when I have completed the re do on the inner sleeves.
Angel... I'd love to see the to do list! What you've crossed off and what you are planning, so we have a little preview of what we will see in the future.

Sort of like coming attractions!

Okay Jungle - I'll post my list tonight so you and the others can see it. I'm at work right now enjoying my meal.
Hey KFog - What ever happened to your ape wagon? You were going to build one as well. Anything happening with it or is it still on that old wish list? I seem to recall you wanting to buy parts on eBay of a nearly completed wagon.
Hey Jess...

I got the envelope with the sleeve material today, I am thrilled! It is exactly what I've been looking for. It is a bit monochromatic so I may have to dry brush various shades of brown on it. I have got to go back to the film to see some shots of the material. The weave is perfect.

Thanks a million! I'll post some shots when I have completed the re do on the inner sleeves.

Jungle, I'm so glad that somebody is as thrilled about it as me!! My heart skipped a beat when I first saw it at the fabric store. I can't wait to see the dry brushing done on it. I saw the movie again recently, and there are highlights on Zira's sleeves that the fabric does not have. Can't wait to see what you do so that I can do the same on mine.
I am thinking about my to do list again. As soon as I am done with all of the Mego outfits I have my eyes on, I'm going to start on the Sideshow figures. The first on my list of is the underneath outfit of Dr. Zira, because I don't like the color of the fabric they used. This will include changing out the inner sleeve fabric.

And then I want to make a rifle for my soldier ape. I have seen fantastic work of rifles on this forum. I just hope I can do my soldier justice.
And then I want to make a rifle for my soldier ape. I have seen fantastic work of rifles on this forum. I just hope I can do my soldier justice.

Jess - Are you making a rifle for your Mego or Sideshow figures? I'm guessing Mego huh? Those Mego rifles aren't even close to the ones actually used. You can use the Mego rifles when you make the outfits from Conquest though.
"Drib and Drabs" Ironman? That doesn't sound good at all. :(

It hasn't been a good year to get things done.
To do list?
In no particular order:
- finish Skipper
- finish Jonesy
- finish Dr. Hasslein
- get Lucius head
- get Galen head
- find packed up horses
- refit said horses with new stirrups
- print out flags from Angel
- finish Stewart
- finish mutants robes
- get Fat Man
- get Mendez busts
- get President of the Assembly
- make wagon(s)
- piece togther Icarus
- finish POTA movie upside down gorillas
- get Nova a new outfit
- make mutant organ
- make mutant doomsday controls
- make Alpha Omega bomb
- make Beneath New York poster
- make Urko's wall
- make Zaius' office
- find additional gorilla scults
- learn how to get the SS apes mouths to stay open w/out melting lips
- learn how to make torches/fire that is believable
- find Prefect Barlow head
- build gorilla garrison/jail
- build mutant jail
then, there's all the Star Trek, Lost in Space, Firefly, Farscape, Stargate, Predator, Aliens and Treminator items that have been waiting......
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You'll never get your list done at the rate you're going Ironman. You really need to step on the gas and just stick with the apes. I believe I'll be done in about 1-2 years with all my projects. (Except for the Icarrus.) You'll probably scratch 4-6 off your list within the year buddy. Stick with the apes... or you'll never ever get done.

I noticed you put "finish the mutant robes". I'd love to see them!
You'll never get your list done at the rate you're going Ironman. You really need to step on the gas and just stick with the apes. I believe I'll be done in about 1-2 years with all my projects. (Except for the Icarrus.) You'll probably scratch 4 off your list within the year buddy. Stick with the apes...

I've had to prioritize for sure, and its been family that has taken precedence. Once all is settled down, I should be able to coast thru many of the projects.
Hey KFog - What ever happened to your ape wagon? You were going to build one as well. Anything happening with it or is it still on that old wish list? I seem to recall you wanting to buy parts on eBay of a nearly completed wagon.

Hi Mark. I will know by the end of this month if I will keep my job or not. I am in survivor mode for now. I need to know that I have job security before I can really enjoy my hobby. I will also need to get back into a house. This hobby needs some room and I like to lay my collectibles out and then get going on them.:cool:
I-man and Angel which Stewart are you guys making? Pre or Post Air leak?

The one thing on both those lists that stand out and are of the most interest of all to me is the Icarus. I know it will be a long wait but I really want to see one built in 1/6th scale. Are either one of you planning to include the interior of the ship?

Angel... I didn't know you finished the Caspy mask. How about a preview pic?

That trial scene is truly going to look great once all the little pieces come together along with the council member figures you are working on.

I forgot all about that fountain, a key scene in "Beneath", where mind control is first revealed to be the mutants weapon of choice.

I'm glad to see the mutant jail cell and the Queensboro Plaza Subway set are on your list, Angel. These two projects are ones I've always wanted to make. Here comes the broken record:

"I just woulden't have the space for them once they were completed!"

It seems soon everyone will have the "Summer Festival" poster. Now I don't feel so special... It is definately a great starter project to begin on, especially since you can obtain two versions of the Artwork earlier in this thread. All anyone has to do is build a frame and melt some plastic. Both Angel and I however will say it is a bit more time consuming than it initially appears.

I wish you both all the luck in the world that you complete your lists. I'm anxious to see the work as it progresses.
Thanks for the kind words everyone...and yeah...where is Stick? Thse shots were always fun...

Here's one last one (til I get Zira that is :))


Glad to hear you're just getting Zira. It's never too late to begin an Ape collection. I've read some of your posts on other threads. Your photos are great, lighting superb. You're lighting is what reminded me of what Sticks has done.

I'm glad you decided to join us here. When you are inspired by your apes...

Please show us your work
Jungle, my Stewart is pre-airleak, although I won't rule out a post version down the road. My Icarus plans do include making the "top" half at least semi removeable to show the cockpit area. However, I haven't been able to decide whather I want the film or TV version. Both have certain areas of appeal for me.