Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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I think a repaint of the head would really make her look like Nova. Angel weren't you going to get into painting people, too?
I'm going to give it my best Jess! Painting humans is just something that can be scrutinized easily. We all know what looks real, and what doesn’t, when it come to human paint jobs. That's going to be a real challenge.

Again, I just LOVE the way Galen came out. He has given me much self-assurance. STICKS, did you see Galen?
Did any of you think this as a kid when you watched Planet of the Apes?

The first 100 times that I watched the POTA (as a kid of course), I misunderstood the ending. As Taylor falls to his knees screaming, “you blew it up… you maniacs! God damn you all to hell!” I always thought Dr. Zaius (and the other apes) blew up Lady Liberty to hide the truth! I guess I thought that because Zaius blew up the cave minutes beforehand for the same reason!

Am I the only dopey kid who thought that?
Did any of you think this as a kid when you watched Planet of the Apes?

The first 100 times that I watched the POTA (as a kid of course), I misunderstood the ending. As Taylor falls to his knees screaming, “you blew it up… you maniacs! God damn you all to hell!” I always thought Dr. Zaius (and the other apes) blew up Lady Liberty to hide the truth! I guess I thought that because Zaius blew up the cave minutes beforehand for the same reason!

Am I the only dopey kid who thought that?

Well I don't remember how old I was, luckily my mother was always pushing Sci-Fi on us. I took it the way it was intended. She used to have us stay up late when Star Trek was on telling us that these type of shows were good for us. I still have the hardcover books she would have us read. 2nd edition of LOTR with 3' maps inside each book.
Your mom read the Lord of the Rings to you? :ring

She should have picked a shorter book. I know that you're 37. Has she finished reading it to you yet?

... "and then Galadriel said"...
:frodo:gandalf:gimli:legolas:orc:arwen:saruman :aragorn
Your mom read the Lord of the Rings to you? :ring

She should have picked a shorter book. I know that you're 37. Has she finished reading it to you yet?

... "and then Galadriel said"...

Read to us? Ha! We had to read for ourselves. My very first big book was Mario Puzo's "The Godfather." If there was a movie we wanted to watch she would see if there was a book for it and if there was, we had to read the book first, then she would allow us to watch the film. That's half the reason why I don't watch T.V.

I need to go make my Linguine and clams and feed my cat, who is in his 90's in human years. :stick

He was a community cat that has lived here his whole life. When his owner moved he refused to leave with her and kept coming back. Being concerned for his safety she left him here to live the rest of his days. He's an indoor cat now, and my sole companion. He's made my split from my ex a whole lot easier. Although her and I are still "friends."

Those claw marks in those books were done by my old cats back in CT over twenty five years ago. Oh, the memories.

I'll be back after I make my dinner.
The dividers in the trail scene are striking. They are really going to really add to the courtroom scene! They are out of the ordinary pieces of artwork!

The funeral scene had large rocks stacked up, as if a pole were driven straight threw them. Remember the cool looking ape casket that looked Egyptian? I don’t recall the dividers in that scene.

Yes, those artwork pieces in the back...that's what I meant...and for the church scene, it's the curved linear dividers that looked like stacked rocks, but they divided the church room from the hallway...

Hey, do you guys ever visit this site?

I am anxiously awaiting scene #9, but it's got a ton of screenshots that you could get ideas from. Gotta run. Gotta check dinner...
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Well I don't remember how old I was, luckily my mother was always pushing Sci-Fi on us. I took it the way it was intended. She used to have us stay up late when Star Trek was on telling us that these type of shows were good for us. I still have the hardcover books she would have us read. 2nd edition of LOTR with 3' maps inside each book.

Sticks, your mom is awesome. I am trying to instill reading in my kids. I just finished reading to my 9yo a cheapie kid's version of the Count of Monte Cristo that I picked up at Michael's. It's a fun read because it's kind of like a picture book but those French names are hard to read out loud. They love it when I read it with my pretend French accent. We are now halfway reading through the Man in the Iron Mask. It's a bit too old for my kindergartener and toddler though, but at least it's mommy time.
Angel, I just spotted your Galen. I love the photos where he is holding the backpack. I can just see him scampering up the hillsides and making those cute little chimp noises that Roddy used to make. I now see why you have such love for that Galen...He looks like he could just scamper away!

I'm glad you brought up your Galen figure again and said what page it was on. I went back and took another look. I just really love him. I think you really captured his essence. That figure you made of him is not just another random chimp he really IS Galen.

I should know, since I played him in my own Ape film back in high school. I sure wish I could find the black and white 8x10 "Publicity" shot we took, recreating a photo from a TV guide Preview issue back in 1975.

Wow, I really am OLD! Ha Ha!
Sticks, your mom is awesome. I am trying to instill reading in my kids. I just finished reading to my 9yo a cheapie kid's version of the Count of Monte Cristo that I picked up at Michael's. It's a fun read because it's kind of like a picture book but those French names are hard to read out loud. They love it when I read it with my pretend French accent. We are now halfway reading through the Man in the Iron Mask. It's a bit too old for my kindergartener and toddler though, but at least it's mommy time.

Thanks a bunch Jessica. Those cheapies are great. Classics like this for only .99 cents = Priceless.

I'm glad you brought up your Galen figure again and said what page it was on. I went back and took another look. I just really love him. I think you really captured his essence. That figure you made of him is not just another random chimp he really IS Galen.

I should know, since I played him in my own Ape film back in high school. I sure wish I could find the black and white 8x10 "Publicity" shot we took, recreating a photo from a TV guide Preview issue back in 1975.

Wow, I really am OLD! Ha Ha!

Yes Angel great job on the Galen sculpt, looks great.

Jom I wish we could see that old photo. Long time ago I bought this off of ebay, not really knowing what it was. I thought I bought something else. Jom can you maybe enlighten me on it? It was for the TV guide preview issue. Was this yours? That would be funny if it was.

Also Jom, I know you are a camera man, heres a photo of my camera. This is what I film my photos on, so hopefully you can understand what a hassle it is getting stills from this. I may look to sell this soon and get a Digital SLR still camera for my stop motion. The docs say my ENG days are over, so if you know anyone looking for a great camcorder let me know. I have a great package deal including hard and soft case, Rain cover, filters, batteries, chargers, etc. :monkey4

P.S. Angel I got your PM, I guess going to bed early is out of the question for me. I don't even have time for this cold.
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This site is really messed up. I just wrote you a reply and it got lost in the ethernet.

The shot I was trying to emulate was in the Fall Preview issue of TV Guide 1975. I will try to find both my Black and White shot and the TV Guide picture in the next few days.

The stuff you bought looks to me to be unfinished cut and paste work. It is most certainly from TV Guide Circa 1975.

As far as your ENG package... I'm not sure I can be of help. You have got a really nice lens there and a nice pro-sumer package but the people I work with use the equipment supplied by "The Company". We are also moving to hi-def within the next few months. It is so hard to be an owner/operator these days... You just can't keep up with technology.

As a Camera Op, I will have to get used to a new aspect ratio... Oh the Joy.......
This site is whacked today. It's taking forever to load...

Angel, I rewatched portions of the first movie, and there is a room divider in the church scene in addition to the circular rocks on poles. It's not as eye catching as the ones in the trial scene.

You should also make Dr. Zaius' table. I think it's the same table that they used for the TV series for the prefects. I can't remember if that is on your list--I am afraid to search for it because it's taking forever for this site to load up.

Those forms that the gorillas were practicing on were wired up hay bales or reeds I think.

Just wondering, if you decided to make the poles that hold up the dead humans, would you make that out of real wood---or would you go with apoxie sculpt around a wire form? Haven't ordered the stuff yet but I will in a few days just so I can play around with it.

I just banged out a bridle last night for my traditional sized Breyer. Nothing new on the ape front.
What up with this website today? It is sooooooooooo slow.

Jess - I am planning on making that desk belonging to Zaius someday. I really like that shelf near his desk that’s holding all those scrolls! It’s very primitive and ape like. You’re right about that desk being in the TV series. I’ve seen Prefect Barlow sitting at it in a couple episodes.

I’m not sure what those poles look like which are holding the dead humans after the hunt. I’d have to watch the movie again. I would think you could find some real tree branches (or some sticks) of the right scale and mimic whatever is seen in the movie. I really don’t think I’d use apoxie for that. That costs too much to waste on something like making poles. I’d have to look at the movie before I really decided on the choice of material. Perhaps, some dowel rods that are roughed up to resemble logs?

You’re going to love that Apoxie Sculpt! Order some and you’ll be hooked. It’s a GREAT product.

Geez---it's frustrating today with this slowness.

Angel, what are you going to do when you're done with all of the ape goodness on your list?

You will have to see the movie again, but I think they had two different room dividers during the courtroom scene. That artwork would look absolutely fabulous in your trial scene.

I also liked that primitive-looking bench with the green leather in Cornelius and Zira's living room from Beneath. That might be a fun project to do...and it will give Zira and Cornelius something to sit on, right? Maybe I will make one someday. I already have ideas on how to sew up the leather padding.

When you make the desk for Dr. Zaius, are you also going to make the wall with windows in his office? I think that would look awesome...
Wow, this site is getting really bad. Please voice your concerns to the administrator in the Forums question area. I seem to be the only one and don't want to make it seem that way. We all know how little the outside world checks in here. Right Dave? Right SideShow? :confused:

I was on the SS site yesterday and was reading their production blog Q&A. It was back on June 28th that SideShow answered this Ape question:

"Mike V. - Great work on the Planet of the Apes collectibles. Are there more coming out ever?

Sideshow Collectibles: Our design and creative teams really enjoyed working on Planet of the Apes. There's a good chance that you'll see more Apes in the future."

When SideShow, when :rolleyes:

For the love of your fans we hope this is soon. We are devoted to you and keeping this line alive.

Hear that Dusty? :naughty

Angel, I think a few thick branches would suffice in making a human drying rack, or whatever that thing would be called.

I stopped in two DVD stores today, NO APE films.:monkey4

Also stopped in a second hand DVD store, nope, nadda, nothing. It seems that Ape fans aren't willing to part with their beloved simians.
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Thanks for the link... I'm gonna place my order when I get paid next week. :monkey5 :monkey5 :monkey5

Well, I've just handed off two of my Sideshow Zaiuses and the Angel's Lawgiver head to be professionally painted. However, it's gonna be awhile before I get them back. Perhaps a few months. He charges me a lower fee if I don't rush him. :monkey3 :monkey3 :monkey3

I will post the pics as soon as I have them in hand. :D