Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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I just blindly hit some old posts, and I came across JJ's coffin, and his NY poster, Those are cool props. This wagon is going to be the largest prop I have, outside of the horrid guillotine.

Angel, I just got home from work and got the heads and subs. Thanks!! They ROCK!!
It's been a long couple of days. Went back to work Thursday after caring for my wife for over a month and haven't gotten back nto full swing yet.
Sticks, that Ape City is so cool. Wanna come build one at my house? :monkey5

Jess, If they're not all snatched up, put me in for a Virdon set too? Thanks!!
I just blindly hit some old posts, and I came across JJ's coffin, and his NY poster, Those are cool props. This wagon is going to be the largest prop I have, outside of the horrid guillotine.


Damn, forgot aboutthat, I still have to try my hand on the poster. And still gotta get all those glyphs. Crap!! I'm further behind than I thought! :monkey2
Damn, forgot aboutthat, I still have to try my hand on the poster. And still gotta get all those glyphs. Crap!! I'm further behind than I thought! :monkey2

You do have a lot of work to do there General.

Well I'm off to start my day. Take care all!:gun
On a different note, sort of, I see this guy I know today and he's got this early 70's porn cassette. He puts it in the VCR and says you gotta see this, its porn with a plot! It starts off with a guy and a girl standing , clothed, on a boat. The image shifts to something off in the distance, a blowgun as it turns out, and the guy is shot in the head with the dart. Now you're thinking, "Why the hell is he posting this?" Because the music in the scene was the chase scene music from POTA!!!!
On a different note, sort of, I see this guy I know today and he's got this early 70's porn cassette. He puts it in the VCR and says you gotta see this, its porn with a plot! It starts off with a guy and a girl standing , clothed, on a boat. The image shifts to something off in the distance, a blowgun as it turns out, and the guy is shot in the head with the dart. Now you're thinking, "Why the hell is he posting this?" Because the music in the scene was the chase scene music from POTA!!!!
OMFG!....too funny!:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl
I wonder if they paid for it, or stole it (the music). It must be a cheap licence, because Warner Bros left the Goldsmith music in the Blade Runner workprint dvd release..
I didn't get to my mom's house today and I never made it to that party. My friend never gave me the name of the place for the rock climbing party, so after about driving forever and not finding it, I gave up. My mom was sick, so she said not to stop by. I ended up paying an arm and a leg to watch Kung Fu Panda on IMAX. It set me back $45 to take me and the kids to see another $25 for popcorn and a hotdog. Plus $12 for parking. Plus $39 for dinner. Plus $4 to cross the damn bridge. An expensive but fun day. Even though I did not get any sewing done today, I actually was thinking through how I was going to make the vest for Virdon, so we'll see how that pans out tomorrow.
I actually checked out a dremel tool today, and was tempted to get one, but I talked myself out of it. I need to bite the bullet and just get it soon so I could get back to sculpting again.
Tomorrow I wish I could sleep in but the kids won't let I will be up by 8 probably. There is so much I want to do...
I meant to log off about 1-1/2 hours ago but I'm still up. Just brusged my teeth and I'm about to watch BATTLE POTA. I want to know if that trench coat is brown or black. Maybe I'll fall asleep as well...

G-nite 2 you :rip

Hi Angel! I'm pretty sure that Mendez is wearing a black Navy p coat. I will try to find mine and put a pic on.
As listed on the Cotswold site: Wool (real wool) double breasted coat worn by US Navy personnel. Six buttons, front pocket flaps. U.S., Navy, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Modern GIEU-71A $8.99
Yea, I've still been looking for them. Cotswold lied to me about having them and I have to look on ebay to find them.:monkey2
Angel, I need your opinion. I just got home from another [fill in the blank] day. Decided I'd cheer myself up by putting the apes Angel gave expression to back onto their bodies.
Zaius - perfect
1st gorilla - perfect
Caesar - the inside of the head ripped in
Cornelius - perfect
2nd gorilla - won't go on
Do you know if there's a way to get the head on the one gorilla? Seems like there's no "give" in the head. And have you ever successfully gotten a ripped head back on?
Welcome spekerol.

Guys, I am working on Virdon's outfit, and check out the funky pocket photograph I found on Kassidy's site:
