Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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dr2red said:
The Zaius review is front and center again on the SS mainpage.
They are really pushing this review.
I wonder why?

I am hoping that it is because the Ape line has started selling again. I hope to see all of the figures listed as Sold Out soon. The SS news letter said the Slave Taylor was Sold Out but he hasn't been listed like that on the site yet. Only Prisoner Taylor has been listed as Sold Out. I picked up another set off of ebay for $35.00 in case they did sell out. Always good to have a back up.
Protozaius said:
Shouldn't there be a "0" in there somewhere, Doc? :D

I thought the Jailor was just a quick (and some would say "dirty":rolleyes: ) way to maximize the income from putting a Mutant giure into production... since the two figures are identical in every way except for the mask.

Double dipping, anyone? :monkey3 :monkey3 :monkey3

ooops!! My mistake. Lets call it $150.00. There is one on Ebay now at over $100.00
dr2red said:
The Zaius review is front and center again on the SS mainpage.
They are really pushing this review.
I wonder why?

It may be because they have a lot of them still left, or because he's the next to sell out! :chew

Dr2Red - Congrats on the Bride!
Dr_Zaius said:
I am hoping that it is because the Ape line has started selling again. I hope to see all of the figures listed as Sold Out soon. The SS news letter said the Slave Taylor was Sold Out but he hasn't been listed like that on the site yet. Only Prisoner Taylor has been listed as Sold Out. I picked up another set off of ebay for $35.00 in case they did sell out. Always good to have a back up.

I think that the listing of Slave Taylor selling out was a misprint. I think it actually meant to read "Prisoner Taylor". I believe he was available for a short time on Second Chance but quickly sold out. But don't believe ME... I thought the Dr. Zaius exclusive was LONG sold out! :rolleyes:

Besides, I think that if they actually meant Slave Taylor they would have listed it as the Slave Taylor and Nova two pack instead.

Just a thought... :monkey3 :monkey3 :monkey3
Protozaius said:
I think that the listing of Slave Taylor selling out was a misprint. I think it actually meant to read "Prisoner Taylor". I believe he was available for a short time on Second Chance but quickly sold out. But don't believe ME... I thought the Dr. Zaius exclusive was LONG sold out! :rolleyes:

Besides, I think that if they actually meant Slave Taylor they would have listed it as the Slave Taylor and Nova two pack instead.

Just a thought... :monkey3 :monkey3 :monkey3

I agree, I too thought that it had to be Beneath Taylor, but I swear, I never saw him sellout ever. To my recollection I never saw this figure go onto the second chance status either. To add to the confusion, I know Taylor + Nova sold out previously and were on second chance status for some time. You’re probably right however, it’s sure to be a misprint. Or is it? :D

P.S. I'm sure they would have included the beautiful Nova in the title. Maybe they ment Slave Brent? :lol
stickman said:
I'm sure they would have included the beautiful Nova in the title. Maybe they ment Slave Brent? :lol

Alot of them have Sold Out and are on Second Chance grabs. I still say that the Apes sold pretty good for SS. Maybe not as quick as they hoped but then again, they released all of them in one big grab which hurt the wallet.

Speaking of Slave Brent, the last time I was on SS site they listed him still as only a 2 limit order status. All of the others, I believe, reached a limit of 10. I wonder why Slave Brent still is listed as a limit of only two. It isn't an over site by SS either. I emailed them and asked if I could order more and they said no because of giving other collectors the chance to get him.
stickman said:
I agree, I too thought that it had to be Beneath Taylor, but I swear, I never saw him sellout ever. To my recollection I never saw this figure go onto the second chance status either. To add to the confusion, I know Taylor + Nova sold out previously and were on second chance status for some time. You’re probably right however, it’s sure to be a misprint. Or is it? :D

P.S. I'm sure they would have included the beautiful Nova in the title. Maybe they ment Slave Brent? :lol

Here's a thread that posted the end of last year that tried to keep track of the status of all of the 1/6 lines. It posted (and I confirmed it) that the Beneath Taylor had, in fact, sold out.

I know Prisoner Taylor was recently made available again because when I wanted to redeem my SS Gift Card, Sideshow provided a list of items that the card could be used for. I went through the list and that's where I found both the Zaius exclusive and the Beneath Taylor offerings. Thinking (then) that these were two LONG sold out figures, I clicked on both to confirm... yes, they were BOTH available. As you all know, I chose the Zaius exclusive as my purchase. :monkey3 :monkey3 :monkey3

Maybe I should have purchased the Prisoner Taylor, flipped it on Ebay, and bought the Zaius and pocketed the profit? :rolleyes:

Anyway... possibly several Prisoner Taylors were found in the warehouse (perhaps during the recent move) and they offered them up for sale at the site. Congratulations on those who were able to score this figure while he lasted. :monkey5 :monkey5 :monkey5
Hmm? I'm really baffled over this. It seems that some of the edition sizes are off. Also On SS' website they show the Ape Marauder exclusive picture, as if it was the regular enforncer. I would buy 10 of those! :monkey5
Hey All, here is a letter that I sent to Sideshow to help nudge a possible new Ape release. If you want, feel free to copy and change the letter to fit your needs and send to Sideshow.

RE: Addition to Sideshow’s Planet of the Apes Line/Possible Inclusion addition

To Whom It May Concern:

First allow me to compliment Sideshow Collectibles on your Planet of the Apes line. I am an avid Planet of the Apes collector and have been collecting Planet of the Apes for many years. Sideshow’s Planet of the Apes line offers the most realistic and film accurate version of a Planet of the Apes figure to-date!

In October, 20th Century Fox will be re-releasing the Planet of the Apes TV series on DVD. The fans in the Planet of the Ape community who have supported Sideshow’s previous Planet of the Apes figure release are hoping that Sidehshow will take the opportunity to release some figures from the TV series to coincide with this upcoming DVD reissue. Personally, I am hoping that Sideshow will look toward the Planet of the Apes TV series for possible Inclusive releases. Many do not realize the huge cult following that the Planet of the Apes TV series has. The Planet of the Apes TV series starred Roddy McDowall (from the Apes movies fame) as renegade Ape Galen. Galen befriends two human astronauts that crashed land on the Planet of the Apes. Ron Harper played astronaut Col. Alan Verdon and James Naughton played astronaut Peter Burke. Each week Virdon, Burke, and Galen were pursude by Chief of Security Urko (who was played by Mark Lenaord and wore a combination of the Soldier Apes and the uniform wore by Ursus in Beneath the Planet of the Apes) and Counselor Zaius. (Zaius was played by actor Booth Coleman and wore the same clothes as the ones wore by Zaius in the movies) Also during the series short run Prefect Barlow often assisted the fugitives Galen, Burke, and Virdon. Barlow soon became a favorite of the fans of the show.

I am hoping that Sideshow will give these characters some serious thought as to adding them to your excellent Planet of the Apes line. The majority of the outfits Sideshow has already made in your initial Planet of the Apes release. All that would be needed is new head sculpts.

I have attached a list of possible release ideas for the Planet of the Apes TV series as well as pictures of the characters listed.

In closing, on behalf of all the Planet of the Apes fans who have support the Sideshow Planet of the Apes line, please give this idea some serious consideration on a possible Inclusive release.

Quick Dr.Zaius question. The exclusive, does it come with 2 outfits, the regular one AND the exclusive one, or just the pictured exclusive one? I want one, but the original movie outfit is manditory! Thanks!
Awesome-O said:
Quick Dr.Zaius question. The exclusive, does it come with 2 outfits, the regular one AND the exclusive one, or just the pictured exclusive one? I want one, but the original movie outfit is manditory! Thanks!

Just one outfit per Orangutan. :monkey5
Hey All
There is a group on the site that is for "your wish" figures to be released by Sideshow. I started a thread for the Apes TV series. Post a comment over there and hopefully someone at Sideshow will see the line and remember the Ape line. The thread is in the Product/Licnese Requests section on the site.
Dr_Zaius said:
Hey All
There is a group on the site that is for "your wish" figures to be released by Sideshow. I started a thread for the Apes TV series. Post a comment over there and hopefully someone at Sideshow will see the line and remember the Ape line. The thread is in the Product/Licnese Requests section on the site.

:confused: What is this that you are talking about DZ? On what site? SS?
I really want to see Sideshow announce more POTA offerings... I just don't think that it will be triggered by something as slight as the POTA TV series being released on DVD... the THIRD official release of the set. The release of that Ape Head DVD set last year (which included the series) only spurred Sideshow to run a sale on their current stock. Perhaps the same will happen on Oct 10... but I kinda doubt it.

I think that the only thing we can hope for is the day when the sequel to Burton's POTA is announced. Richard Zanuck has claimed (although not recently) that a sequel is in development and will be made with or without Burton. Considering Burton feelings on the project, it will definitely be without.

If a movie like that is mounted, interest in all things Ape might be rekindled. Sideshow could announce a line similiar to the Bond Legacy line with Casino Royale on the horizon.

Hate to be "the downer monkey".. but that's just how I see it. :monkey3 :monkey3 :monkey3
I know I'm late to the game here, but I just wanted to throw in my support and enthusiasm for the POTA line...

I'm fairly new to SS....seen the various figures in specialty or comics shops over the years, but it took them getting the SW brand to lure me in...

Now as much as I love SW, it was POTA that had me has a kid...loved all the movies, had the entire mego collection (boy, do I regret giving THOSE away when I got a little older) and have always enjoyed the movies and tv shows over the years...

Was on a road trip recently where I visited a comic shop that was having a "clearence" sale on SS figures and among them were three of the POTA figures: Cornelius, Dr. Zauis and Gorilla Soldier. For just over the regular price of one new figure online I got all three and let me say...what a bargain!

And what great figures! My favorite of the the three is the Cornelius. The sculpt is so perfect, its almost haunting how Mr.Falls has captured Roddy McDowell's expression as the great ape perfectly, especially around the eyes. The paint app is perfect, the accessories are cool. Zauis is good also (although I ended up making a tissue-"pot-belly" for him to fill him out a bit) and the Gorilla soldier reminds me of the Mego figures (in a good way).

I wasn't aware this line needed "saving" as this thread title implies, but hey...count me as an ardent supporter...

Now I want to pick up Zira and General Ursus (and probably Ceaser)...

Apes rule!
jedibear said:
I know I'm late to the game here, but I just wanted to throw in my support and enthusiasm for the POTA line...

I'm fairly new to SS....seen the various figures in specialty or comics shops over the years, but it took them getting the SW brand to lure me in...

Now as much as I love SW, it was POTA that had me has a kid...loved all the movies, had the entire mego collection (boy, do I regret giving THOSE away when I got a little older) and have always enjoyed the movies and tv shows over the years...

Was on a road trip recently where I visited a comic shop that was having a "clearence" sale on SS figures and among them were three of the POTA figures: Cornelius, Dr. Zauis and Gorilla Soldier. For just over the regular price of one new figure online I got all three and let me say...what a bargain!

And what great figures! My favorite of the the three is the Cornelius. The sculpt is so perfect, its almost haunting how Mr.Falls has captured Roddy McDowell's expression as the great ape perfectly, especially around the eyes. The paint app is perfect, the accessories are cool. Zauis is good also (although I ended up making a tissue-"pot-belly" for him to fill him out a bit) and the Gorilla soldier reminds me of the Mego figures (in a good way).

I wasn't aware this line needed "saving" as this thread title implies, but hey...count me as an ardent supporter...

Now I want to pick up Zira and General Ursus (and probably Ceaser)...

Apes rule!

Welcome to the thread Jedibear!!! The Sideshow Ape Line is the best Ape Line I have ever seen produced. I still have the Planet of the Apes megos myself. Sorry that you parted with yours.
Hope you enjoy putting your Sideshow Ape line together. Some of the guys on this thread have some excellent pictures of their Ape collection. I am sure if you ask they wouldn't mind posting some for you!!!
Speaking of Megos... does anyone know where I can track down one or a pair of Zira's boots? I bought one many years ago that has a dog-chew to the boot... and if I could replace it I think she'd look a lot better. Its a pretty cowboy looking boot... my guess reused from another line.
galactiboy said:
Speaking of Megos... does anyone know where I can track down one or a pair of Zira's boots? I bought one many years ago that has a dog-chew to the boot... and if I could replace it I think she'd look a lot better. Its a pretty cowboy looking boot... my guess reused from another line.

I would say that your best bet would be to find a Zira in poor shape but with her boots on on Ebay and take the boots and resale the Zira. You can usually get a Zira in poor condition for around 5-10 bucks.