Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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jedibear said:
I know I'm late to the game here, but I just wanted to throw in my support and enthusiasm for the POTA line...

I'm fairly new to SS....seen the various figures in specialty or comics shops over the years, but it took them getting the SW brand to lure me in...

Now as much as I love SW, it was POTA that had me has a kid...loved all the movies, had the entire mego collection (boy, do I regret giving THOSE away when I got a little older) and have always enjoyed the movies and tv shows over the years...

Was on a road trip recently where I visited a comic shop that was having a "clearence" sale on SS figures and among them were three of the POTA figures: Cornelius, Dr. Zauis and Gorilla Soldier. For just over the regular price of one new figure online I got all three and let me say...what a bargain!

And what great figures! My favorite of the the three is the Cornelius. The sculpt is so perfect, its almost haunting how Mr.Falls has captured Roddy McDowell's expression as the great ape perfectly, especially around the eyes. The paint app is perfect, the accessories are cool. Zauis is good also (although I ended up making a tissue-"pot-belly" for him to fill him out a bit) and the Gorilla soldier reminds me of the Mego figures (in a good way).

I wasn't aware this line needed "saving" as this thread title implies, but hey...count me as an ardent supporter...

Now I want to pick up Zira and General Ursus (and probably Ceaser)...

Apes rule!

Welcome the the Ape garrison... we need all of the gorillas we can get.

You're off to good start... one of each ape species.

I would also add the Lawgiver statue to your "want list". It REALLY adds alot to any Sideshow Ape display.

Again, I'm a bit biased.. I have three. :monkey3 :monkey3 :monkey3

Speaking of biases, I would pick up the Zaius exclusive as well as the figures you have listed. Athough the regular has the classic robe costume, I love the whole new clothing of the exclusive, especially the gloves. I have him holding the human doll (which comes with Cornelius) from the final cave scene.

Just a thought....:D
Welcome aboard Jedibear.

You're absolutely right about Mat Falls’ ability to capture the ape likeness in great detail; Zira, Cornelius, and Dr. Zauis are three great examples. Although all are commendable works of art, I think Cornelius is the best one in the bunch. How far are you willing to build your collection? The ape line is a lot of fun. Like ProtoZauis stated; the exclusive Forbidden Zone Zauis, and Lawgiver are both great additions, as are the mutants. :monkey5 Do you plan on collecting the human slaves, Taylor, Nova, and/or Brent? The slave outfits look very simple but are very cool and help recreate the Planet of the Apes experience. I will admit, once I started collecting the gorillas, I found it very difficult to stop. If you would like to see some of my figures in my collection go here:
Wow, stickman....your pics are fantastic. I especially like the B&W ones. One of the things I'm really appreciating about this board is the great, creative photography folks put together here.

I'll just throw a few comments/questions out there for you ape-o-philes...

I'd love to get the Lawgiver at some point, but I notice it's sold out.

A question about General the helmet part of the head sculpt?

I'm not sure if I'm going to get any of the human characters...I'll wait til I see 'em in person to judge. Sideshow has some great artists, but sometimes the "human" or realistic sculpts look a little "off" for my taste (see some of the SW figures for what I mean). Of course, as I've found with the SW line, pics do NOT do these figures justice...they always end up looking way better "in the flesh" ;)

The only thing I'm not liking about SS packaging here of the POTA line are the wires strapping in the figures. It took a bit of careful ironing to fix Dr. Zaius' jacket from the creases it caused. If they want to continue using these, it would be cool if they took a page from Hasbro's old approach with this...using rubber tubing over the wire as an insulator against creases. I know if my apes figures ever end up back in the box (a highly unlikely fate the more I stare at 'em....I can't get enough!) I'll use this approach.

Alot of good suggestions for future releases have been bandied about here...while alot of 'em are quite creative, I'll stick with a couple of real possibilites I'd like to see...

General Aldo, Virgil, Ape-o-naut (any of 'em), Caeser (in "BPOTA" garb), Galen (as long as it's the incomparable Matt Falls who gets the sculpting job).

I'll part with an outdoor shot of the superb Matt Falls work of "Cornelius"...
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Yeah, the Lawgiver sold out a few months ago... but Ebay is a solid option to snag one, and maybe for a few dollars less. :D

Speaking of Ebay, Jedibear, I have scored a few loose Apes there over the past year or so to,like Stickman build my gorilla garrison and to do some custom work on some Apes Sideshow didn't do.

The simplest one was my Battle Caesar... just got an extra Caesar and Cornelius, swapped heads (Cornelius's hands are better painted) and removed the glyph. I'm working on some accessories for him but at the moment it's just the figure. :monkey3 :monkey3 :monkey3

As for Mat Falls... I met him at SDCC for the past two years (this last year I had him sign my Dr. Zaius) and it was his driving passion for the film series that convinced Sideshow to back it. It was a labor of love... those Ape sculpts and it shows. I think it is arguably his best work for Sideshow. But I'm just a tad biased. He has been a hellava nice human to me...putting up with my relentless Ape queries. And he is just as sad as we are that the line has stalled.

Also, there is a great picture (albeit small) of Mat sculpting that peerless Corneilus head in Sideshow Catalogs 7 & 8 with a photo of Roddy in makeup for reference in the background.
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Here are some more pics Jedibear. I have included repainted head sculpts of the Taylor figures. I think you would like the humans as much as the Ape figures. My favorite is Prisoner Taylor.
Thanks for the comments Jedibear.
To answer your question:
Jedibear said:
A question about General the helmet part of the head sculpt?
Yes it is. :banghead :huh

Jedibear said:
as I've found with the SW line, pics do NOT do these figures justice...they always end up looking way better "in the flesh"

I agree 100 %
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Unfortunately, there are far less stores that stock Sideshow products (so you can actually see the figures before you buy them :rolleyes: ) than there were two years ago... at least in my area. :monkey2 :monkey2 :monkey2
IM, how many of those do you have left? I still want another one,:monkey5 but will need more time. :monkey2

Oh, what is it? You say it's "post our URKO head pictures time!" :fireworks Come on all! :chew

*only picture of Urko Head I currently have available
Sorry, but a lot of detail is washed out in this photo, and the head was foolishly repainted by myself. I wish I could post more recent photos. :monkey2 Hopefully in another couple of weeks. :monkey3
Stickman, I'd have to look to be certain but I should have at least one or two painted versions left. And they say I can always get more.
So, Ironman... is there going to be another poll?

Or were you burned by the Urko experience? :confused:
Protozaius said:
So, Ironman... is there going to be another poll?

Or were you burned by the Urko experience? :confused:

Let's just say I might have a better understanding of Sideshow's viewpoint now. A lot of folks who said they were in never came through. Of course if I had the capability to offer a slew of full, accessorized figures it may have gone better.
Did DZ ever get one? I was looking at the sculpt again the other day and really like it.