Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!!!
I'll get some pics up here asap. I just completed a General Urko custom and have been working on a concept of a female gorilla bounty hunter.
I remember Ape Joe being advertised for a long time and then....nothing. It's hard to even track down pictures of his work.
For Stickman's Video #15...does this mean that any and all votes received before 11:59 PST on July 26 counts...anything beyond that does not count for the contest? At midnight, Stickman's video was up by five it is down by more than 22, ten minutes beyond midnight...???
Not be a conspiracy theorist or anything, but..... does anyone think it odd that in such a short time there was a 110 vote swing? Were folks able to vote more than once? :confused:
For Stickman's Video #15...does this mean that any and all votes received before 11:59 PST on July 26 counts...anything beyond that does not count for the contest? At midnight, Stickman's video was up by five it is down by more than 22, ten minutes beyond midnight...???

I just saw the results. I can't say how sad I am. I didn't watch last night. I wanted to be far away from the computer, but low and behold, a new video arised to the top with three hundred votes in two days. This really hurts. :monkey4
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!!!
I'll get some pics up here asap. I just completed a General Urko custom and have been working on a concept of a female gorilla bounty hunter.
I remember Ape Joe being advertised for a long time and then....nothing. It's hard to even track down pictures of his work.

A female gorilla bounty hunter? Sounds interesting Mastermind. I'd like to see her. :)
Not be a conspiracy theorist or anything, but..... does anyone think it odd that in such a short time there was a 110 vote swing? Were folks able to vote more than once? :confused:

I am so disgusted with the total abuse of this whole voting thing! Why doesn't SideShow check the ISP address and cancel out all the repeated addresses? I feel so let down and cheated by this shallow and greedy little person. I'm sorry guys, I love you all, and thank you emmensly for trying to help me. I wish that I knew that this contest was really going to be about who can spam the most emails, I would have never of wasted my time and heart. This really hurts!
It sure does look GREAT! Enaud is doing a wonderful job building it. :banana

Hey Angel, would you mind PMing me your number when you got a chance. I'd love to be able to call you and talk to you in person again. All info I have is on my computer in Seattle.
I know it doesn't compensate for the loss, but you're always #1 here in Central City Sticks!!
The sudden surge of votes out of nowhere for a less than lackluster entry shows the inadequacies of the sideshow run contest. You should redub the dialog and put the video on youtube.
I know it doesn't compensate for the loss, but you're always #1 here in Central City Sticks!!
The sudden surge of votes out of nowhere for a less than lackluster entry shows the inadequacies of the sideshow run contest. You should redub the dialog and put the video on youtube.

Thanks a million Steve!
My ranting is done, I feel much better now thanks. I will accept all that happens, with a smile and a friendly appluad! I really did enjoy the Dracula peice, the Clue segment, Princess Leia, and the Indy piece. Great job all around on those.

Have a great day everyone!
Sticks... You was robbed.

I really think you should e-mail sideshow. That video was horrible and it was obvious that someone or some people stuffed the ballot box at the last moment.

It's not how voting works in America...

Or is it?
enaud - I'm not aware of the Sideshow feet coming off as easily as the hands. I really don't think they do buddy, but I never tried that.

Yesterday, I made a casting of Prisoner Taylor’s big 'ol feet. Once the new mold had hardened, I removed the Prisoner Taylors figures feet fromthe mold. Now that I had a mold, I filled it with resin and very quickly inserted my Bridgekeepers little feet into the liquid resin.

After the resin had completely hardened, I pulled on the Bridgekeepers legs to remove his feet from the mold. As the feet came out of the mold, his “new resin feet” had completely engulfed his old feet.

I'll borrow my daughter’s camera today and snap off a couple pictures.

Ah,gotcha.....Very clever idea.
I can understand, I can't stomach it, but I can understand the fan vote as the ballots were obviously stuffed, but how did Sideshow overlook the video completely? Is their POTA snubbing that complete?
Sticks... You was robbed.

I really think you should e-mail sideshow. That video was horrible and it was obvious that someone or some people stuffed the ballot box at the last moment.

It's not how voting works in America...

Or is it?

Thanks a bunch Jim