Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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PZ, I found some apes photos and posted them at the Apes Yahoo website in an album that Jeff B. created. Wow. I can't believe that you didn't encounter any apes while over there!!
And I wore a POTA T-shirt practically every day I was there... hoping to talk with other Ape fans. No bananas. :rolleyes

But with an attendance of around 125,000 people, it's easy to miss a few apes. :D
I guess we are lacking a common group goal. Everyone is working on their own ape customs and not working towards the same figure, as they are on the Ghostbusters thread.

ANG - We are in the process of getting Burke's head fixed. That's a common goal for a handful of us.

I've been busy with painting the wagon. The first set of wheels are finished and the first group of bars. Last night I started the rear wheels.

Jess - If you want to make another Cornelius suit I'll go in on that.
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I truly like the enthusiasm and the eagerness currently happening over at the GhostBusters thread. They all seem to be pulling together for some common goals. They all seem to be talking about current (and future) projects.

I wish we were more like that over here as a whole. It feels like we're all lacking “group goals” over here lately. Am I the only one who feels like this? This thread feels a little bit stale latley to me. Maybe I just need a break. It's probably just me.

As stated, there seems to be more of "each to his own project" vibe here. Hey! Its not like we haven't tried. I put together the Urko head project. It got less buyers than votes. You, yourself were frustrated by different dealings with certain headsculpts.
The GB guys are doing, God I hate to use a Sideshow line, the core group of 'busters. We have our own Virdon's and those interested are getting Burke fixed. That leaves Galen, which you have I believe, and TV version Zaius from the series. From film there are definitely many more characters but getting our small group, (what's there like 10 constant members?) to agree on anything and getting enough funds for a sculpt to be financially worth the investment.....
I don't know about you, but I took a bath on Urko. Yes, it was a sculpt I really wanted to add to my collection, but the cost of getting him made in ratio to what got sold? Not even close to evening out.
Maybe I'll talk to WST and see how he's been able to get thru 7 sculpts and still be going strong.
Your wagon was a work of art, but for me and the year I've been having, extremely cost prohibitive. I'm not saying its not worth the $ and that you shouldn't get compensated for your hard work, just that big projects take big money and not everyone has big money all the time. It would have been fantastic had all of us been able to get at least one of them. Of course you may have been left pulling your hair out. LOL
Anyway, should we all try to put together a simian oriented group project? If so, what shall it be? I'll be in and out today and tomorrow morning, then off for the annual fishing trip with my F-i-L and B-i-L and this year is my son's first go at it. I'll be back late Sunday/early Monday and see where we've gotten.
Sound ok?
I can't wait for the reveal of Caesar! :monkey5:monkey5:monkey5

Angel how far along are those other two wagons you are doing?
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The Ada-bashing was not for naught! The outcome is that she will rescale the Milla head...and per Shat's Toupee, if there is anything off-scale, Ada will correct the problem as soon as possible. :peace I doubt she will fix the Burke at this point, as that is a sore point with her, but that is a pet project here for Snick and I. :monkey4
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I watched Battle last night with my kids. My son noticed that there are a lot of orangutans in that movie. If you have a chance, you should check out the orangutan faces of that movie. They are all very very different!!
The Ada-bashing was not for naught! The outcome is that she will rescale the Milla head...and per Shat's Toupee, if there is anything off-scale, Ada will correct the problem as soon as possible. :peace I doubt she will fix the Burke at this point, as that is a sore point with her, but that is a pet project here for Snick and I. :monkey4

We weren't, I didn't think, bashing Ada but trying to show a seller that her product was not as she claimed and get it fixed to the proper specs.
You're right, Ironman. Artists are a finicky lot, and most suggestions to their work are interpreted by them as personnal attacks.
Also, forgot to mention that Ada is going to replace wrong-scaled Sawyer heads with a correctly scaled it's all good. I'm still pissy though that she made Angel pay extra out of his own pocket to rescale the Armando sculpt when it was her fault. That's so wrong.

Snick - Is there any chance that you might have a extra chimp glyph laying around for the Caesar statue? Denise moved all of my projects when I went to Baltimore and one glyph was lost. :(

Abso-tively. Can I trade you a wheel rivet for one? One of the rivets fell off the wagon wheel when I was moving it around and I'm not sure what happened to it. It's those little nail head things that are on the tire part of the wheel.
Angel, can you post photos of Galen? I know you said you've posted it before, but I can't find it in this mega-thread!! Is your Galen the Rebel Chimp without the beret?
Blu-Ray set looks fantastic.

