Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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I tried to download, but it was taking too long. Is that what you meant by not working? I'll try to download it tonight when I get home.
I don't post very often but I'm selling some of the figures I have. I wanted to give this board a chance before I put them on ebay.

I also have an Urko head from someone on this board, I believe it was Ironman. Also a few Gorilla head from "frontline" of the first gorilla seen on film in the first movie and a Dragon 1/6 WWII saddle that would work great for a Gorilla saddle. The figures do not have the original boxes. Please email me if interested at [email protected]

You can check my feedback on ebay to show that I am trustworthy and won't rip you off as I'm not one of the regular posters her.

Thanks and sorry for the intrusion, Andy
Angel, I wanted to say how ingenious you are with how you have fixed the Barney Rubble feet!!! Bravo!!!

I was going to try to fix the Barney Rubble feet of my only human, but I was going to add and sculpt it with Apoxy...

Jessica - So you're going to make a barefooted human then? Who are you going to make?
At first glance, the photos of the new blue ray took my breath away...but looking at them now and realizing that they are not the actors I grew up's taken away the wind from my sails...:monkey2:monkey2:monkey2

I hear that... that shouldn't have apemania guys on the discs. That's screwed up.
I don't know what barefoot human I'm going to make. I only have one human right now (Robert Patrick), and I really hate his Barney Rubble feet. He's always naked and barefooted...
I want the film to be the film J Lee Thompson showed at a preview in Phoenix back in 1972... the one without the cumbersome editing of the "happy" ending, with blown up close up shots of Caesar's eyes with dubbed dialogue and Lisa's whimpering "No" line. I want it to present, fully, the film's true violent thrust.

I agree wholeheartedly with you Proto. However, J. Lee Thompson himself said CONQUEST had to be edited and that a great deal of the violence & gore was removed in order to get the PG-13 rating. They wouldn't “pass” it the way he originally wanted it. I'd really like to see the R-rated (or un-rated version).
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I've never heard of this. I LOVE the NATO presentation reel from the original film with all of the deleted and alternate footage it contains. It would be cool to see the one prepared for Beneath.

Was there a NATO reel made for all of the Apes films?

Huh? NATO reel made for all of the Apes films? What are you talking about?
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I don't know what barefoot human I'm going to make. I only have one human right now (Robert Patrick), and I really hate his Barney Rubble feet. He's always naked and barefooted...

Aside from a mute human, who else would you possibly want with better looking feet? Everyone else has shoes.
I have dial up and I think it took 4 hours to download and save the NATO film. But as I said, its well worth it. If the link isn't working, maybe try the group mirror site. The link worked for me.
Fellow Ape freaks,

Just bought a prisoner taylor on Ebay for $45. I guess you can get deals on EBAY if you looked. The last beared Taylor I bought cost me $200 so I guess it just all even out.

I am thinking of taking these out and displaying these figures but they are just too damn nice. What do you think ? Cheers YMBA
I'm all about taking them out of the package YMBA. I enjoy my collection more that way! I don't plan on selling them, so they're not a "future investment" for me. I just want to enjoy them now.
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There's something very special about waking up early... being alone in a house that's so peaceful. I love working on projects at this time of day. No distractions, total serenity.

While everyone was sound asleep this morning, I sculpted more on the statue of Caesar.

I'm very pleased with the way he's coming along. I’m looking forward to having him in the midst of the other apes!