Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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The powers of ESP work!!! Cornelius, my neighbor, heard my calls. He called me today. He would like to start up on my appliances in NOVEMBER! I told him I didn't need a fire on it...that it could wait until January, but he says end of October/early November would work best. I AM SO THERE!! :banana

I'm am so working on my shoes this weekend!! I am going to use a pair of beach shoes and build them up.

That's so exciting Jess... I can't wait to see your transformation. :horror

I'm SOOOOO envious! :monkey2 :monkey2 :monkey2
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My neighbor says he has a cast of Roddy McDowall's Cornelius ears, and that's what he uses for his Cornelius costume. A friend sent me a pair of latex ears, so it's slowly coming together.
Ever since you told me of those Zaius gloves at Apemania, I've been slowing putting away money for a pair. :naughty
My computer has been on "the fritz" for awhile now... I forgot to mention, Jess that I thought you did stunning job on that Cornelius suit. And seeing TV fugitives all together was simply amazing... I never thought I'd see them rendered that well. Angel is a lucky guy. :D
Hi Everyone! I finally joined the Yahoo site and lo and behold, all kinds of Planet of the Apes pictures from Angel, Go Ape Billy, Jess, and so on. Eye candy would be the term! Angel! I plan on altering a Chimp suit to make for the Lucius you made for me. I noticed that the front leather piece is different than the Cornelius because it does not have the Heiroglyph. I will have to study that today. Also, have you tracked down any GI Joe billy clubs for your Conquest Police? I will PM you the site. Later, Kent.:D
Hi all! Love all the custom work you guys are doing as usual, I lurk daily even though I don't post! Yes I realize this is spamming the thread a bit but it is appropriate :monkey3 Unemployment got me in its ugly grasp last week but the good news is I can use the time to purge the collection on ebay :) Anyway selling a complete set of The Burton Apes figures, Not sure if anyone is interested at all in the remake as all the talk here is classic (which is a good thing!) but it is an instant complete collection if you are interested :monkey1

Thanks for reading
Hi Jess! I just sent you a PM for something you may be interested in. Later, Kent.:rolleyes:
Hi guys!! I am back from my girlfriend's house. Whatever we made didn't work out. Time to crack out the Apoxie to rehair her astronaut so I could turn it into Rick Springfield!!

I found my beach waders, but they are too tight with socks, so I purchased something else at Walgreen's today, for only $2.50, so that I could build up my chimp shoes. I also purchased a small and extra large pair of scrubs that comes in that yummy ape purple so that I could make a pair of pajamas for me. (It was only $15.00 for the two pairs of pants). The pants are too long, so I will cut to fit...the extra large pair of pant scrubs I will use for sleeves...I'm just going to make a vest and voila!! Instant gorilla!!

I am all alone now...just bouncing off the walls with excitement...not knowing what project to start first. I think I will sculpt some toes on my shoes because they need to dry for 24 hours...

and then I will finish up the Rick Springfield re-hairing...

and maybe I will finish painting up Cornelius.

So much to do, so little time!! I'm sooooo excited!! :banana

Kfog--thanks for the PM. I am "looking" into it...

Oh...I also was a bad girl. I bought a pullover Zira mask just in case my neighbor disappeared into the Forbidden Zone. Lucky for me, though, that is not the case. At least I have a simple mask to use "whenever" without having to get into the goo...
Rentu, good luck on your sales.

I may start on Snick's C outfit...don't know. Too many ape projects dancing in my head!!
Here's a little something that I've been working on.The project is still WIP but has taken shape enough to snap a few pics to share.Any input & suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Very cool project!
Here are my $2.50 shoes. They were on sale for 75% off. What a bargain!!


Here are the sculpted toes:

After this dries for 24 hours, I'm going to cover it with dark brown fabric. I also need to swing by the fabric store so that I could purchase two zippers for the chimp shoes. They need to go up midcalf, like a demi-boot. I am saving myself $950!!

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Thank Jessica! I love the costumes you have been making. Hope to have a set of the tv guys as nice as the ones you have made some day!!! $160 a week thats all I ask lol (then I am even w/ unemployment!):monkey3
PZ, Westbatman has written a how-to for recreating hieroglyphs...Dr. Zaius gloves have a VERY SIMPLE hieroglyph that you could easily recreate. Check out this thread and save yourself $175:

Thanks for the link, Jess... interesting info.

Those Ape shoes you've fashioned are insane! They are going to look GREAT! :D
Here are my $2.50 shoes. They were on sale for 75% off. What a bargain!!


Here are the sculpted toes:

After this dries for 24 hours, I'm going to cover it with dark brown fabric. I also need to swing by the fabric store so that I could purchase two zippers for the chimp shoes. They need to go up midcalf, like a demi-boot. I am saving myself $950!!


Oh, we all know you're not crazy Jess, everyone else is!

Those shoes look fantastic. I showed my father your suit pictures and he just saw these. He is very impressed with your work and thinks it's great that you enjoy all this. When I first saw those shoes I thought that they were 1:6 scale, and that Caesar was wearing them. LOL, they're your feet. Wow, Great job indeed. I applaud you. :D
Hey gang

Still waiting for my apes to show up, on the slow boat from China I guess.

I notice a lot of you customize your apes, I was hoping you could help me out with my situation. I have a fabric jumpsuit, what kind of fabric it is I don't know, but it's stretchy. Spandex type stuff I would imagine. Anyways I snipped one of the threads in the seam to slide a hand post through and I want to make sure the seam doesn't run. I'm not sure how superglue would interact with the fabric, I'm thinking maybe Fabritac unless you have a better suggestion? I need something to permeate the material and lock the threads together. (pic below)

@Jess: Love the shoes, can't wait to see how they turn out!

The transfomration of those pink shoes is amazing and crazy Jess! I'm only concerned about comfort for you. Will they afford that to you? You're doing a great job, I really like your project! :angelsmil

The shoes are so very comfortable! I was going to use my beach comber shoes, which are also comfortable, but not with socks. I need to be able to stay in them all day without going nuts, so these shoes are perfect. They are wide and chunky, and my feet can relax as much as they want to and not be bothered! :banana

The white stuff is crayola magic sculpt. It dries kind of spongy, and they are very lightweight. They will be covered with brown fabric anyway, so they don't have to look so purty. The shape of the shoes are excellent for chimp shoes. They are very wide in where the toes are, and are very narrow for the heel...makes a perfect spot for the opposable thumb that wouldn't really be in the way or stand out from the shoes too much. If the shoe were a different shape, the opposable thumb would probably be something I would have to make a conscious effort not to trip on.