Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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Thanks, enaud. I know it's hard to tell from the angles, and none of the blueprints are 100% correct, but i questimate it's accuracy within an eighth of an inch. Also, i haven't forgotten you with regards to the Heston lifemask. Did you purchase the one on ebay? If not, i can always make you a copy of mine. Thinking back, i might have gotten it off ebay, and if it was from that very person, his copy would be one generation better.
I can only imagine the measuring,pondering,cross referencing,cursing,staring,re-measuring,etc involved....and to be 1/8" within accurate of something like that with what you have to work with is very impressive.I'm really looking forward to see future WIP pics as this project continues to take shape.

I haven't picked up the CH lifecast off ebay yet.I've had a few issues pop up that has unfortunatly dictated some financial decisions so I had to put it off for now.They don't seem to be as scarce as I originally thought they would be.I saw one the other day that was a more recent/older Heston,said to have been use for the TB ape movie.I thought that was cool(life cast...not the movie,lol)I do appreciate the offer & will keep it in mind should things not work out.'s not necessarily a "must have" thing so I wouldn't want that to be any kind distraction for you with the masterpiece in the making.:D
I like her Hasslien, I wonder if it's because of the birds? Are you going to get glasses and a labcoat too? Jessica found a website that sold all different kind of glasses. You should check that out as time permits.
Here's an experiment I did with the chimp on the left. I used a Sideshow Zira head and turned her into Lucius. I figured they were related and look similar so... I augmented it. Not sure if I like it. I could always use it as an chimp "extra" holding up a protest banner like in Beneath.

I think he looks good,Angel.Very ingenious idea to use a Zira head as the base.You have the relationship factor(as you mentioned)plus there's the youthful look & scale of the face that you wouldn't be able to get of of a Cornelious head.
Angel--you are so brave with your customizing! I would never have thought to use Zira for Lucius. Actually, I ordered a Lucius head from Mr. Enlarger so he could scale it for Megos. I have not seen real clear photos of him, but he looked pretty good. If he looks great, I will have him enlarge him again to a smaller than 1/6 scale. I've got several things I have ordered from him but you know how life gets in the way and you can never do what it is you want to do.

So...yesterday I was under the goop! It was FUN!! And, it actually felt like getting a facial, except that you had to keep your face still until the alginate set. Dan said the alginate is made out of seaweed.

We went over at 11 or maybe a little after because I had to run to the drugstore to get some nasal spray. We chatted a little bit, I ogled Dan's Cornelius costume that Bill Blake to see how the brown undergarment was made, and then he put on a bald cap over my hair. I wore my hair with a pony tail tied as far back as possible. He said it would be a tight fit but it was not. I just needed a blue arrow on my head and I could have been the Avatar. He glued down the edges near my temples with surgical glue, put vaseline over my eyebrows and then Tom started with my forehead and worked down. They saved going over my nostrils last to alleviate the freak factor, but the calming music helped and I was in Zen mode so it was totally cool for me. We didn't leave until 1PM.

I'm going to see the Blue Angels today, because I cancelled piano practice. Yay!!
I didn't pick up a labcoat, I think I'm going to try to dress her as in the final scene... I do have a labcoat somewhere, but I was using it to make the Hairdresser from Conquest.

I love the conquest arrangement in your collection. The detail on the police uniforms is great. Much better than my Hasbro police.

Jess, I'm so envious of you.
I didn't pick up a labcoat, I think I'm going to try to dress her as in the final scene... I do have a labcoat somewhere, but I was using it to make the Hairdresser from Conquest.

I love the conquest arrangement in your collection. The detail on the police uniforms is great.

I'm look forward to seeing your collection as it grows. Good idea for the female chimp. Post some pics as you get a chance!
Whoops! She doesn't wear a lab coat... I have a figure, and I have a lab coat for someone... maybe the coat was for Stevie....
Angel, here's some photos of the lifemold process. My son Dylan took photos.

I think this photograph is right after all the alginate had been put on my face, before they put down the strips of bandages. Very Halloween, huh?

After they were satisfied with the way the alginate had hardened, Dan had me lean forward and hold the weight of the mold with my hands while I made funny faces inside. The funny faces I made forced the mold off my face gently, which really surprised me.

Stickman - I'm planning on working on it tomorrow for several more hours as well. I’ll keep you updated…

Hello my happy Ape Freak Family.

I'm very ill today, and very hung over. It was a very close friend's 40th BD yesterday so I'm paying the price. I decided to stop in and say hello to everyone, and I'm so glad I did. Angel Thank you so much!!!! It's AMAZING!!!!

I just showed my father your artwork and he said, "Wow! That's cool man, that's some really nice work!" I'll make it up to you Angel, I just need a little time. I really do appreciate your effort, and hard work.

I can't stay long and will have to backtrack and catch up but some of those pictures that have been posted are fun. Those backpacks, and cattle prod are awesome.

Snick, I can't wait to see more of the mighty Icarus.
It's so silly... but yeah, I like that cattle prod! :baicon6:

LOL, I satyed a few extra minutes because I saw that you and Jess were on. Well everything you create turns gold. I'm really tired old man :monkey3 so I really have to go to bed. I'm really looking forward to filming some really cool shots with that wagon. Thanks again buddy, and good night.
Had to download more photos from the goop experience. Here are some, and bigger this time.

This is Tom working the goop downwards. It was hard to contain my excitement.

Like a trooper, he saved my nostrils for last.

More goop:

After being taped up:
Hasslein--no smile. Tom said he better stop making cracks so I would stop smiling. It was hard to keep from floating in the air though. I was definitely on cloud nine. I just needed a touch of valium to keep from bouncing off the walls like I really wanted to do.
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Jess-That's so cool!Looks as if your ape metamorphosis is underway.What is the next step?I like the fact that there's a Cornelious shirt hanging in the background.
I'm so damned brave, aren't I? It looks ickier than it felt. It was quite relaxing--just like a cold facial.

See why it was so important to remember the nasal spray so I could breathe out my nose?