Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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Good luck with your live action film, I hope the script they handed to you is great...

I know you can make, whatever they gave you, visually exciting!

You have a great eye...
Sorry I've been away, awfully busy working on a real live action movie script that has been handed to me. I'm hoping that this year will be a great year for me. I wanted to check in and say hello to friends, and say that I hope SS announces the day for the HT's Ape figures this Thursday in their Newsletter. With this new project, my stop motion is getting pushed to the back burner for a while. Hopefully I can make something of this big chance. Have a good night Ape Freaks, stay united!

I wish you all the luck with this new project, Sticks!!! :banana:banana:banana
Angel, where are you? I'm getting worried now. Did you schedule a checkup yet with the doctor to discuss your scary incident a few weeks back?
I have to go back under the goop this Sunday at 9 AM. The first mold did not come out so well--too lumpy...(maybe the alginate was too old)...but anyway, I have to go under the goop again. This time I have to stick it out and wait for the cast to cure before I can go in case I have to go under the goop again. I am also wondering if I will have to stay in a bald cap the whole time while I wait for the cast to cure, so they don't have to reglue it on. Maybe. What price, beauty?

And...bad news...Cornelius may be too busy to attend Wondercon, so he can't promise he will be there in costume. I may have to go it alone. SCARY!!! I was hoping he would be around so I could have a handler but maybe he wouldn't have been a good handler either because he would also be in costume.

Any volunteers for a handler for Zira, Wondercon February 2009 in San Francisco?
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I added hair to the other gorilla #3 but I still need to cure it. I think he looks loads better.

Here's my latest project.
Before makeup, and after, with most of the hair in place. What a creepy looking human. \

I will comb the hair into place for another half hour before retiring for the evening, and then finish it up tomorrow and probably fire it. His muzzle looks so much wider in the photo than it does in real life. I think I've got the fishbowl effect going on with the camera. I remembered to make the lines of the lower muzzle go in the correct direction. I will also probably add more fluff to the top sides, too, of his hair.




I added hair to the other gorilla #3 but I still need to cure it. I think he looks loads better.

Here's my latest project.
Before makeup, and after, with most of the hair in place. What a creepy looking human. \

I will comb the hair into place for another half hour before retiring for the evening, and then finish it up tomorrow and probably fire it. His muzzle looks so much wider in the photo than it does in real life. I think I've got the fishbowl effect going on with the camera. I remembered to make the lines of the lower muzzle go in the correct direction. I will also probably add more fluff to the top sides, too, of his hair.





Wow Jess!!! When I said I hoped someone was going to get to all the gorillas I liked I never imagined it so quickly!! Thats Zako, from "the Trap" episode!!! Count me in on him FOR SURE!!!
Wow Jess!!! When I said I hoped someone was going to get to all the gorillas I liked I never imagined it so quickly!! Thats Zako, from "the Trap" episode!!! Count me in on him FOR SURE!!!

Ironman, this sculpting thing is REALLY addictive!! I can't believe how fun it really is. It's like drawing, but in 3D. Whatever photos you sent me, I'm going to bang them all out. Someday (maybe soon) I will be good enough to work on humans from the TV series.

I totally love the no pressure from Super Sculpey, vs. Apoxie, which gives me a working time of 2-3 hours. Also, with Apoxie, I have to wait for the medium to cure to the correct consistency before I can add fine details or it just makes a mess. When it gets to the right consistency, it's also quite firm, almost hard to work with by the time it's ready to accept super fine lines of hair. Super Sculpey is very soft and much more easy to manipulate. I heard that you get better details with a firmer clay. I will have to see. For now, Super Sculpey is the way to go for this size of sculpting. Forgot to add one more great thing about Super more Apoxie-encrusted hands (you should see how bad my camera is, with dried on Apoxie).

Angel have you tried Super Sculpey?
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Thank you all so much for the kind words. I had to go out tonight so I'm checking in late. Jess that Gorilla looks so close to the real thing. When do you plan on shrinking them? Do you plan on at least testing soon? It would be a shame to do them all together without a trial run and then have something horrid happen to all of them. Your sculpts are rocking. I think Ada's (Is that her name, the one who did the Armondo sculpt for us?) got some competition.
Thank you all so much for the kind words. I had to go out tonight so I'm checking in late. Jess that Gorilla looks so close to the real thing. When do you plan on shrinking them? Do you plan on at least testing soon? It would be a shame to do them all together without a trial run and then have something horrid happen to all of them. Your sculpts are rocking. I think Ada's (Is that her name, the one who did the Armondo sculpt for us?) got some competition.

OMG, are you serious???? :banana

I actually sent some photos of Milo and Virgil to Ada, to see what she would think. She never responded. I guess she hates me and I'm on her ignore list. I was just curious to see what she thought. Not that it mattered. I told her I wanted to be as good as her in sculpting, but no reply. No reply I guess is better than an LOL.

There are a lot of very talented sculptors on the freaks board, but nobody else is doing apes and I really don't have the spare chimpchange to commission I may as well do the sculpts myself.

I don't want to test shrinking them yet because I only bought a quart of the shrinking stuff. Once I open up the chemicals, it starts to dry out and doesn't keep so well, so I wanted to get as many going at the same time. If it doesn't work, there's another more expensive chemical to try. At least this way I would have only spent less than $50 on the shrinking chemicals, so I hope it works.

I worked on another gorilla today (because I thought the human had the perfect squint anyway for the gorilla). Here he is. I'm going to fire him up tomorrow with Zako (after I finish combing out his hair--I've got about another half hour left of combing, maybe less).

Here are some photos once the overall shape of the hair was in place, and how it looked after I combed it out. If you noticed I tried to remove his smile from the second photograph.





I'm going to bed after I finish watching General Ursus give his brilliant speech. I had Planet of the Apes in the background while I combed out the gorilla hair and I only stopped combing just to study Zira's hair when she was onscreen. I have to figure out how to do Zira's hairline now for my own costume.
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Angel's back!!! :banana
Where ya been buddy??
Jess that new gorilla looks great as well. But, if I may, I think the top of his nose extends a bit too far high from the muzzle compared to the target ape.
It is great to see all of these coming to life. What type of head/neck will you be doing on them? Will they fit Sideshow's ape bodies? Or will they be geared more towards DML(Dragon) or regular SS necks?
OMG Angel!! Really? It's soooooo good to hear from you at long last. How was your vacation and where is my postcard?

Ironman--I have a tendency to do that. I'm going to try to lower it before I fire him up. I think I can easily slice off the nostrils with a sharp exacto, move it down, and smooth around it. Hopefully. If the clay were harder, it would have been easier. If it doesn't work, no biggie. If I mess up, it just means I have to resculpt his nostrils.

I have no idea what to do for the neck. I'm going to make the casts solid and you can dremel it. Do you have a closeup of a DML neck post so I can see how it looks? You had mentioned that Ada used some kind of rubber gasket or washer, but I have never received my order from her so I don't know how that looks. Not that I really want it at this point. I already have your Burke, and I'm going to make a cast of it for me before I send him to you.
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Welcome back Angel! Hey Jess, Who needs Ada! She should be asking You for pointers! I really love all the Ape sculpts that You are doing. The detail on each is very appetising. I am droooling just checking out Your pics of them. :monkey5