Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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Yes. I heard the same thing about the Mego Star Trek figures. I don't thing I will be in the market for them though. For the times they were just great, but with the products being produced now by Sideshow Hot toys and others I'll wait for another company to produce quality 1/6th scale...

However, I can't wait to see how they look...For nostalgia's sake
hey JJ, so what's your favorite figure in the POTA line? Who would you like to be made next?
I don't know if I'd pick up the POTA Megos if they were re-released. They were great for the time but there is SO much more out there to spend my money on now (MORE SS GORILLAS!!! :monkey5 :monkey5 :monkey5 ) that I don't think I'd be interested. But then again if I had them in my hand and had the extra cash it might go differently. Nostalgia might win the day.

But decent condition POTA Megos are still readily available. I got a dead mint Dr. Zaius a few years ago for $25. And that is for a VINTAGE one. :D

Even back then, many of Mego's choices bothered me concerning the POTA line. I actually scratched the paint off my a few of my Cornelius's eye brows since it was not screen accurate. And the funky color of some the clothing (Zaius wearing white and Ursus were purple tights and orange helmet and vest) really angered me. But I felt fortunate to have them at all.

At least they didn't look like they were wearing their pajamas like many of the World's Greatest Superheroes did. :monkey3 :monkey3 :monkey3
Protozaius said:
(MORE SS GORILLAS!!! :monkey5 :monkey5 :monkey5 )

LOL, that's my boy!

It will be interesting to see if DST keeps those colors for their figures costumes, (that is if they ever make it to the POTA line.)
stickman said:
hey JJ, so what's your favorite figure in the POTA line? Who would you like to be made next?

Hard to pick a favorite. I love them all. If I had to pick one it would be Cornelius, I always liked chimps starting with my Zippy the chimp stuffed toy.

As far as a new figure I'd love to see Lucius, Zira's nephew, Julius, or more mutants. I'm not really interested in the final three movies (the last one was abysmal) but I would be tempted to pick up some of the characters from the TV series.
great. A lot of ape fans here are behind SS delving into the television series. I wish they would.
I saw the Diamond Select Trek figures at the New York Comicon. It was like looking at Mego prototypes just sitting behind the glass. They looked just like I remembered them from my youth. Then I went home and dug out my Mego bin to see the real ones.
Yes, PZ, more Sideshow gorillas!!
Jungle Jom, I had an Urko head custom made to fit a Sideshow body when this thread first started. If you're interested, email me.
[email protected]
Stickman, over in the Whedonverse area of the forums they are now experiencing what we have been battling the last 2 years. Buffy and Angel have been placed on hold and they fear the worst. And, the way Sideshow treats non big $ licenses, they may have been lucky to get the revival they did. Nevertheless, they have quickly grabbed the bull by the horns and are already having additional heads made to fill in the gaps. Perhaps we could do this as well and, at least, fill in some of the missing humans, should we not find anyone willing to sculpt a simian head.
What do you all think?
I'd really like to see more done. I was disappointed in the way the Urko project went. Not in the sculpt, that came out great, but that not many seemed to actually follow thru with purchasing one which would have gotten the next sculpt underway. I propose that, if we proceed on this new venture, we do it for only unpainted sculpts and it all gets paid upfront. That way the sculptor doesn't get turned off to doing another and it would be up to each individual apeophile to get his or her sculpt painted. And we try and use sculptors from the board, that way we help out a fellow board member with a little cash and we'll already know his work.
I can see Virdon and Burke in the distance now, finally becoming obtainable. And there!! Not far behind, Virgil, MacDonald, Breck and Aldo!!:monkey5
Ironman1188 said:
I saw the Diamond Select Trek figures at the New York Comicon. It was like looking at Mego prototypes just sitting behind the glass. They looked just like I remembered them from my youth. Then I went home and dug out my Mego bin to see the real ones.

I was wondering; because I will get these and hopefully they do the apes too, was the phaser and communicator the original color, or did they alter the colors? Now I can have reason to get the Bridge playset, hehe.

Ironman1188 said:
Perhaps we could do this as well and, at least, fill in some of the missing humans, should we not find anyone willing to sculpt a simian head.
What do you all think?

You know I'd be behind you general,

Ironman1188 said:
I was disappointed in the way the Urko project went. Not in the sculpt, that came out great, but that not many seemed to actually follow thru with purchasing one which would have gotten the next sculpt underway. I propose that, if we proceed on this new venture, we do it for only unpainted sculpts and it all gets paid upfront. That way the sculptor doesn't get turned off to doing another and it would be up to each individual apeophile to get his or her sculpt painted. And we try and use sculptors from the board, that way we help out a fellow board member with a little cash and we'll already know his work.

I love this one, Maybe we could commission people like Custommikey, Darkartist and other freaks for paint jobs. It would be nice too to bring in MaulFan with his awesome Photoshop skills and see if he could get us some backdrops (Ape Village, Jail, courtroom, Mutant Lair, etc.) that we could bring into Kinkos and printout in large sections for displaying purposes. :monkey5

Ironman1188 said:
I can see Virdon and Burke in the distance now, finally becoming obtainable. And there!! Not far behind, Virgil, MacDonald, Breck and Aldo!!:monkey5

Astro versions or slave? We could rehash the astro uniforms and maybe get to make us some stickers with Virdon and Burke names to replace Taylor & Brent, so all uniforms are consistant.?

Jom - here is a photo of the Urko sculp, sorry about the green gel, I took this photo long ago while testing gels. I also put the head on the marauder body.
*HS painted by self*:monkey4

This is another ape sculpt : Unfortunately I painted :monkey4

As for other humans, I would want nice tailored costuming. Gotta go lay back down , Migraine is killing me due to the Milogram on Wednesday!
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Sticks... Sorry to hear about your migraine. Hope you feel better with some rest, what exactly is a milogram?

Ironman, I don't think I will be joining in with you guys on a commisioned piece. I tend to be really picky and would drive you guys nuts. Also, my disposable income isn't as disposable as it once was. Big shake-up at the job. I know I'll live to regret this when I see the great stuff you guys will be getting.
Jungle Jom, thats ok. If we can get enough folks in on the start, we can always make extra for folks who change their minds or weren't here in the beginning. If you want lmk and I'll email you better Urko pix. I don't think you'll find a better one.
Stick, the Trek accessories seemed to be the same color as the originals. As for Virdon and Burke, it would just be the headsculpts so they could be made whichever way you desired to make the clothes. Me? I'd be getting 2 Burkes [1 astro, 1 slave] and 3 Virdons [1 astro, 1 slave and one for my Garrison's Gorillas bash]!!
Thanks Guys, wife is out at an opera and I can't sleep. Well the headache has subsided a little.

jungle jom said:
Sticks... Sorry to hear about your migraine. Hope you feel better with some rest, what exactly is a milogram?

Ironman, I don't think I will be joining in with you guys on a commisioned piece. I tend to be really picky and would drive you guys nuts. Also, my disposable income isn't as disposable as it once was. Big shake-up at the job. I know I'll live to regret this when I see the great stuff you guys will be getting.

I spelled it wrong. I had a myelogram and CT scan and have had a constant migraine for three days.

A myelogram uses a special dye and an X-ray (fluoroscopy) to make pictures of the bones and the space (subarachnoid space) between the bones in your spine (spinal canal). A myelogram may be done to find a tumor, an infection, problems with the spine such as a herniated disc, or arthritis.

The spinal canal holds the spinal cord, spinal nerve roots, and a fluid-filled space called the subarachnoid space. A dye is put into the subarachnoid space with a thin needle. The dye moves through the subarachnoid space so the nerve roots and spinal cord can be seen more clearly. Pictures may be taken before and after the dye is used. A myelogram may also be done with a CT scan.

During my bed resting I've been watching the 1976 series "I Claudius" to help pass the time. What a great piece of work.

I guess IM we should see how many people are interested, and how much they will cost. I need to monitor my orders, I'm 1k in for pre-orders -

I've got 506 reward points with SS and 1386 pending, but nothing to spend the reward points on... After Jabba and throne points clear I might pick up another Boromir to partout for kitbashing.

It would be great to get a Ricardo Montalban HS so we can pose him with Caesar.
stickman said:
I guess IM we should see how many people are interested, and how much they will cost. I need to monitor my orders, I'm 1k in for pre-orders -
If we can get folks to commit we should be in the $20 - $30 range per head. I don't think thats too bad considering we probably have enough ape unis astro outfits to account for some extra characters.
I haven't posted in 50 pages or so but I am in for apes need some new friends to play with!! :monkey1 :monkey2
rentu said:
I haven't posted in 50 pages or so but I am in for apes need some new friends to play with!! :monkey1 :monkey2

Welcome back to the Jungle, Rentu!

And I concur... the $20-$30 range for a head seems reasonable. :D
Yes, welcome back Rentu!!
I'll give this idea a little time. We'll see how many folks here would actually take part and go from there. Even though this thread has been near the forefront for more than a year it seems its still just the faithful few keeping it going. We have found some newcomers of late [thanks guys!!] but we don't seem to get the likes of Les, Mikey, Josh or any non pure apefans here. And Sideshow?......Who are they again?
Besides, a little waiting time will afford us the opportunity to see how well the sculpts turn out from the Whedonville project.
It's been a long time for me too on this thread. I'd love to see more humans made. I'd think about purchasing the heads if they were reasonable.

Do you still have Urko heads, Iron Man? I think I told you I was interested back in the day, but never realized you had actually got 'em done. Did you send an e-mail?

I should obviously have checked the thread, but I just missed it. :monkey3
Leaping in to say I've been a long time fan of POTA. It was one of the first shows that got me into wanting to sculpt things and try and make copies of make-ups that I saw on the TV.

I have a few of the Sideshow Ape figures, and I'm trying to slowly collect the ones I still don't have. (and that's quite a lot sadly!). I also have a few POTA memorabilia such a comics and books and a couple of film ape make up alliances that I bought from a dealer many, many years ago. One is a generic male chimp from the TV series and the other is the top half of the make up for Julian the guard in the first movie.

As you can imagine they are extremely fragile now, and I'm amazed they've lasted as long as they have!
Hey Sueworld... If it's not too much trouble could you post a few pics of the appliances? I'd love to see how they are holding up after so many years. I too tried my hand at sculpting, making molds and laying hair many moons ago when the TV series was airing. Never got to the point of using foam latex just regular latex in a slush mold.
I'll have to see if I can dig them out. I must confess it's ages since I last looked at them. I stuck them away somewhere to keep them safe, and now I'm not totally sure where that was!

I will photograph them as soon as I do though and post the images here. :eek: