Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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Jessica - Did you ever make the mutant robe with the large turtleneck for Billy's six-foot mannequin?

What's up with that new wig of yours? Is it still going to be done in time for your next WonderCon?

Currently, I'm painting up another Caesar statue. I promised the customer that it would be mailed by this Saturday so I'm painting that, and some other ape projects.

Talk to you later, time to watch some NHL playoff games. :)

I didn't have to make the mutant robe. Billy got something better...he got an ORIGINAL!! :chew

The darn wig is not done!! I hope to get to it soon. I have only four more weeks left to go...and guess what? That's about how long I have as well to make my younger sister a baby blanket and outfit and booties for her first baby coming out soon...*sigh* Neverending, this knitting. I love it though...but it would make me feel better to work on the wig and sideburns. Look how much more I have to go...

Once I finish hairing up the lace, I need to trim it again and restyle it. Hopefully it will look better than the last one I wore.

Good news.... the mongo gigantinormous monstrosity of a baby blanket is FREAKING DONE!! I thought it would be 4 feet square when done, but it really measures 47" x 43". Still very huge. The one I will make my sister won't be this bloody large. I have two nights now to bang out a hat and time for Friday's babyshower. Ooops...Cancel that. I still have to bake the cupcakes and decorate only have tonight to make a simple pair of booties. I'm going to bake the cupcakes in ice cream cones. I'll photograph them when they're done. Don't know if you guys have ever done this before but I have, and no matter how ugly your cupcakes turn out, they look like ice cream cones. :D


Go sharks!! :banana If they haven't lost yet :maul...(I'm only cheering for them because they are kinda in my neighborhood).
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I'm very fortunate my wife allows me to indulge in this sweet sickness!

So jealous. I have to make my own ape purchases. Nobody ever surprises me with anything!! (Oh yeah....except for my internet buddies who give me prezzies because they know I'm a poor ape fanatic...and I am eternally grateful for those presents. You know who you are!! I am thankful for everything.)
Guess what guys? There's a new sculptor in Megoland...he says he does 1:6 but was showing us his Mego scale heads today. He has never done apes but that doesn't mean he can't. EXCITING!! This gets my heart a-beating! WE NEED MORE APES!!!! (In 1:6 and 1:9!!!)

So Duralumin...we need you to start banging out more apes, too!!! More ape head sculpts for Ape City!!! As soon as my finish my baby blanket for my little sister, and also hairing up my wig...I'm going to start back on the sculpts and painting again.


I don't know about you guys...but I just want to do the happy banana dance!! :banana:banana:banana:banana
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That is VERY cool info, Jess. It's amazing that all the costumes pieces can be tracked back to particular actors.

I hear that original chest gyphs are VERY hard to come by... so it doesn't surprise me that the chest glyph is a repro. On the other hand, originial sleeve glyphs are, though rare, much easier to obtain than the chest glyphs... heck, I have a pair. I wonder why there is such a discrepancy between the two glyph types? :confused:

I have noticed that many of the costumes that go on Feebay have the actor's name written on them.

Maybe chest glyphs are more difficult to come by because not that many chimps achieved that rank. From what I could see on this photo, it seems as if the male chimps all have the sleeve hieroglyphs. The really short chimp in the front row on the very left of the photograph looks like a midget (or little person).

The tallest male chimp in the front with his foot you guys think that's a pullover mask? If it's a pullover mask, then even he has the hieroglyphs on the sleeves.
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I was just thinking how this thread has so many fantastic photographs. I even forgot about those early photos you "gorilla photographed" at the Sci Fi Museum, PZ.
Regarding the picture...As far as I can see, there are only 8 chimps that AREN'T wearing pullover masks. These would be the 3 at the far end of the 2nd row and the 5 visible in the top row. The pullovers are fairly obvious, at least to my eye...PS
Regarding the picture...As far as I can see, there are only 8 chimps that AREN'T wearing pullover masks. These would be the 3 at the far end of the 2nd row and the 5 visible in the top row. The pullovers are fairly obvious, at least to my eye...PS

You're right, PS. I was just second guessing myself. :monkey4
I was just thinking how this thread has so many fantastic photographs. I even forgot about those early photos you "gorilla photographed" at the Sci Fi Museum, PZ.

You have provided this thread with MANY fantastic photos in the past, Jess. You always seem to surprise me with what you post.

Case in point with the last photo from Beneath you posted, I don't think I've seen that photo before... and it goes a long way to explain why there are more sleeve glyphs.

Thanks Jess!
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I love the enthusiasm in this thread. I wish I was more of a POTA fan. I adore Cornelius, he was one of my first crushes. <3 And he's one of my favorite 1:6 figures too.
I love the enthusiasm in this thread. I wish I was more of a POTA fan. I adore Cornelius, he was one of my first crushes. <3 And he's one of my favorite 1:6 figures too.

Unfortunately for the two of us, he's already taken.... :monkey2:monkey2:monkey2.

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Guys...if anybody's going into making their own 1:1 scale chimp outfit, I found the perfect inner sleeves that already look woven, from the rolls of fabric at JoAnn's. Here it is in natural light. I might re-do my inner sleeves just so it could have a finer weave.

Oh...and I have decided to make myself a male chimp outfit just because I am ape crazy.

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I scored a Forbidden Zone Dr. Zaius on eBay today and the guy just delivered him to my home!!!:banana:banana:banana

Congratulations!!! Isn't that such a great feeling? My Forbidden Zone Zaius is still in the box. I know I should let him out...but I've been so busy with other I would probably want to work on his outfit...and I've got way too much stuff to work on. Better keep him boxed up until I'm ready to work on him...:D
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I scored a Forbidden Zone Dr. Zaius on eBay today and the guy just delivered him to my home!!!:banana:banana:banana

Very cool Shaun-o :cool::cool::cool:

Just finished another statue for Fran. (I put more brown in it before after taking this photo.) Cross another project off of my list. :banana Off to the post office I go to mail it!

Also is one of the latest pictures of my wagon. It is still a work in progress. It differs from the ape wagons of the past. This one has the horse poles mounted to it, metal like trim mounted along the edges of the wagon (look closley, it's not painted as of yet), along with a whip and knife mounted to the front.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Frans ape statue"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
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