Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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That was YOU?!?!?! :monkey4

Good morning all, wow what a deep sleep I went into. Time to enjoy my coffee and shake this dazed feeling.

Yes IM that was me, you actually yelled at me when I did it. I got twelve of them for a little over $200. w/free shipping. I was trying to find the three buttons Chreecher was referring to at the bottom of each post for multi qouting, still can't find it, and decided to jump to a page instead and I chose page 98, funning thing is, I'm talking about the great deal then. :lol King Darkness is offering us a Happy Thanksgiving and our armies were just beginning to get stronger. Ohh the good ol days. As it stands, I think I remember my last count of gorillas soldiers is near 20-25 strong. :horror
Yesterday I got word back from Marc at AlterEgo:

"Hi Adam,

If the figures ship within a few weeks of each other, then we can ship all
of them out together. Any longer than that and we don't have the facilities
to hold customer orders. Regardless, we will do our best to accommodate

Please let me know if you have any other questions."

This is great. PZ sure saved me some serious $ by going through them. PZ, I also got word on EX Dr. Z shipping within the next 3 days. Honestly I think he'll be the last thing I order directly from SS. Their pricing and s/h costs are getting out of hand. It's a shame they don't bundle orders together for their loyal customers, even if it is for a short amount of time. 3-4 weeks tops. I've seen their warehouse, they have the room. I guess they just want to fill it with SS collectibles. :rolleyes:
Good morning all, wow what a deep sleep I went into. Time to enjoy my coffee and shake this dazed feeling.

Yes IM that was me, you actually yelled at me when I did it. I got twelve of them for a little over $200. w/free shipping. I was trying to find the three buttons Chreecher was referring to at the bottom of each post for multi qouting, still can't find it, and decided to jump to a page instead and I chose page 98, funning thing is, I'm talking about the great deal then. :lol King Darkness is offering us a Happy Thanksgiving and our armies were just beginning to get stronger. Ohh the good ol days. As it stands, I think I remember my last count of gorillas soldiers is near 20-25 strong. :horror

And I'm yelling again!! :monkey5

This is the icon you need to use to use multi quotes:
I went to bed at 2 AM last night. That sucked. I'm a walking zombie. I didn't have coffee and I better get used to it because I can't have that at the Forbidden Zone. Guess I'll have to get used to tea. Not quite the same kind of punch I need in the morning.
Thanks a million Jessica. I saw what you wrote, very sweet. Unfortunately the SS stamped photos are SS' and not taken by me. :(

Were you able to conclude my reasoning for collecting like a damn? As that was the Theme this year, and I don't think anyone hit the mark as well as I did. But hey, that was up for them to decide. It just boggles me that it didn't even go up for fan favorite??

Oh well, I'm moving on, luckily that piece can never be taken away from me. :) I just wish SS would have given me some feedback on it and I wish that I could post the video here so others could see it. I've gotten a great response from viewers. Lat year's winner was supposed to be able to make an SS commercial and that never came to light, I wonder why? Some have rumored that it was an inside job, and we all know SS never misleads its fan base. :rolleyes::lol

After I film the GI JOE Film Fest Opener, I plan to work with BGT and make a commercial for Auggie (KFOG knows him,) and then make another Apes film, this time using the HT gorillas and Angel's awesome slave wagon. I'm really looking forward to that.
Adam that is soooo funny that you got that deal. I never have that kind of chimpchange when deals like that pop up.
Sticks--you never announced the commercial or I never got wind of it until after the fact. You know that we apes stand behind you and would have gotten you to at least the fan faves vote!!

I loved the ending most of all. I almost loved the way the camera panned. Very much like a real historical film.
The last deep sleep I had was two nights ago, after I had one glass too many of some very delicious sangria. My God...that was such a sweet slumber I had. I probably fell asleep wth a smile on my face.
Sticks, if you need scripting help, LMK. until I find work I seem to have nothing but time.

I'll let you know right now, YES!

If you could take some time, and try to come up with a cool, short story. Remember to focus on action, and not too much dialogue, as getting voice talent, music, sound efx - foley take time.

It would be cool to do another hunt and capture scene, maybe as the first installment?

AS far as credible savage humans I have the following:
2 bridgeKeepers from the Monty Python series (1 was from Angel),
a few dirtied BBi Perfect body chicks which can act as fill,
Nova, Brent, and Taylor of course.
Maybe we could scrounge up a few more savage looking humans.

All the Apes we'll need.

It would be cool to rebuild Ape City, and include some of Jessica's ideas of the Market, Target Range, Human cage?

We'll have to keep the sets at a minimum because everything is filmed inside and space is limited. Also, these sets will have to be destroyed after each completion due to lack of space. I remebered Snick once offered to let me use his old Icurus, but I haven't heard word from him in a very long time. I hope you are well Chris. :wave It would be great to hear from you again and see the updates of your new Icurus, that is if you still visit these parts.

As your ideas come to you I will scout out supplies, such as tall grass, brush, branches and anything else we could use to intertwine with the set. Maybe Jess can donate some more ape colored fabric if we need it for a market scene.

So put that massive cranium to work and lets start with five pages and see what we can come up with. At my level action must speak louder than words so keep it action oriented and we'll see what we can come up with.
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Sticks--you never announced the commercial or I never got wind of it until after the fact. You know that we apes stand behind you and would have gotten you to at least the fan faves vote!!

I loved the ending most of all. I almost loved the way the camera panned. Very much like a real historical film.

Thank you very much Jessica. That is very kind of you to say.
Well, when I saw that it wasn't in the Fan favorite mix, I had high hopes that it was going to go for 2nd or 3rd place as SS announced that 1st place was already decided and confirmed. So that's all I knew untill the day the winners were announced. :huh

It was nice that once again the POTA line rained supreme I felt the main theme Was still lacking. Why do you collect like you give a damn? I guess blowing up the Earth and killing billions of people is the SS way. :lol And like last years winner it all revolved around an empty box.
This is great. PZ sure saved me some serious $ by going through them. PZ, I also got word on EX Dr. Z shipping within the next 3 days. Honestly I think he'll be the last thing I order directly from SS. Their pricing and s/h costs are getting out of hand. It's a shame they don't bundle orders together for their loyal customers, even if it is for a short amount of time. 3-4 weeks tops. I've seen their warehouse, they have the room. I guess they just want to fill it with SS collectibles. :rolleyes:

Glad that I could be of some help, Sticks. I haven't asked Alter Ego to bundle my Apes quite yet like I did with the Hellboy figures. I might just eat the extra shipping to get a Hot Toys Ape... ANY Ape as soon as I can. :monkey5:monkey5:monkey5

Well, Dr. Zaius has just left LA early this morning and will be on my doorstep on Monday. Unfortunately, I will have to be housebound that day since a signature is required for delivery of my monkey. :banghead:banghead:banghead

And the Zaius PF would have been my last order through Sideshow... however I ordered the Clone Wars Anakin Exclusive version at SDCC this year. I couldn't resist. :rolleyes:
Well... as many of you know (if not ALL) I went to SDCC this year. I did flag down Mat Falls at the Freak party to discuss the current state of Ape collectibles at Sideshow.

I first complemented him on his Zaius sculpt for the PF... and I echoed the disappoint collectors had concerning the fact that he isn't wearing his signature robes. He told me that they still haven't figured out a cost effective way to reproduce his glyphs... even in that scale. He said he wasn't overly happy with they way they were represented on the 12"er either. But he thought that fashioning Zaius with his traveling costume and staging him in the film's most pivotal scene, it would be a fair compromise. I told him that I couldn't agree with him more. That scene is still my favorite of the film and I'm glad that I will have a great statue to represent it. Sorry Jess, I couldn't ask him about the length of the strip in the back of the costume... I figured it wasn't his department. :eek:

I also asked him about his thoughts about the Hot Toys Apes. He is not a fan of the real hair... and he said he was glad that they didn't persue that route for the PF. He also stated that he didn't have any inside information concerning if there will be any more Apes from them... but he sort of assumed that there was a possibility.

Finally, when I asked about the future of the PF line... his answers became a little guarded. Turns out there is.. or was another figure in the line. He wouldn't tell me directly who it was he sculpted. However, this figure is completely done... ready for production but is now tied up in a legal red tape in regards to getting the likeness approval. He doesn't know when or even if he ever will see the light of day. He said it is sort of out of his hands right now.

Well, I had to ask him one question to possibly get a clue as to who it might be. I didn't want to badger him with any more than a single question. I asked him "could the reason that the likeness is not approved be because that actor is recently deceased and his estate is perhaps trying to protect him." Mat simply smiled and said "... that... could be possible."

So... there appears to be a good possibility that there is a Taylor PF gathering dust in the Sideshow Archives somewhere. :angelsmil

I asked him, besides this tied up piece, is there anything else planned. He said that they are looking at the sales of Zaius very carefully. The initial orders didn't exactly light any fires. But they are going to watch how Zaius performs in the marketplace once it is released to make any decisions as to the line's future. I told him that if there was only going to be one PF I'm glad that is was Zaius.:D
Finally, when I asked about the future of the PF line... his answers became a little guarded. Turns out there is.. or was another figure in the line. He wouldn't tell me directly who it was he sculpted. However, this figure is completely done... ready for production but is now tied up in a legal red tape in regards to getting the likeness approval. He doesn't know when or even if he ever will see the light of day. He said it is sort of out of his hands right now.

When I got to this part I had a flashback to the release of Brent. :horror
Good going PZ!!! Glad you got to talk to Matt. Yea..the wardrobe malfunction is not in his jurisdiction. A Zaius PF is still fantastic, no matter what.

If they come out with a Taylor PF with a dead-on Heston accuracy, I still wouldn't buy it just because I'm only into apes. It was hard enough to purchase that SS Taylor for me. So right now he's technically the only human I have since everyone else is being churned into apes.
I wonder if they chose to go with Zaius because Hot Toys was already making Ursus? Gorillas sell you know!!

I'm still not a fan of the hair thing either. I almost took my gorilla to bed with me but then I remembered I hadn't really glued his face back on--it's just barely hanging on there since I want to re-do his hair before I glue it back on.