Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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I couldn't do that, Angel. I play with my toys, as you guys have seen. Most of the time they are half naked and are piled up together at the moment, but I'm sure they love it. When I get a chance and can get cracking again on customizing, I've got to concentrate on just one figure and complete something and then start up photographing them again. I just have the most fun photographing them in action...and making it seem like they are 1:1 scale.

Jess, you're still here? When is your flight? I still haven't seen you on my FB page. :whip:D
I could never play with all these apes. I have too many. That would be like telling Ironman to unbox 1,000 of his 1/6 action figures and have him play with all of them! It just can't be done.

I think we all need to go to his place and ransack, err, I mean help him with all those gorillas.
I have one more loose Taylor, so maybe I can send him to you next week? I would love to have him with a beard. I know the one I sent needs work (I think that is the Prisoner Taylor sculpt) I remember I was talking on the phone with you and he fell apart in my hand. :lol So YEs, you can keep him, just a little extra something I can share with my ape brethren.

That's awesome Angel. I hope to make a non SS Ape movie again soon, starring the new HT apes and the amazing slave wagon you created. So articulation is key. Much obliged. :D

Just send Taylors head and I'll put the beard on him. No point in paying for the postage for the entire body. Use a hair dryer to soften the head up a little bit and it'll come off very easy.
Yeah, his head is already off. I had a bag of Taylor heads but I couldn't find them until yesterday, so Until my sleeping meds kicked in last night I updated some of the figures I had into Civil War gear, that's why I posted those pics yesterday. Thanks Angel, I'll send him out early next week, head only. I think this sculpt is the Slave version, as I opened up three of those Taylor/Nova 2 packs long time ago. I think I still have three of those sets in the boxes.
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Thanks Angel, I'll send him out early next week, head only. I think this sculpt is the Slave version, as I opened up three of those Taylor/Nova 2 packs long time ago. I think I still have three of those sets in the boxes.

Sticks - 3 sets? Do you plan on opening a store or something? Why so many?

Jess - Did you ever get any Sideshow humans?
3 sets? Do you plan on opening a store or something? Why so many?

I'm not really sure, I got them dirt cheap from Amoktime long time ago I think for $25. each when they had a special, it's when I bought the gorillas for $19. and I cleared them out. I figured I could use the stock bodies as replacements but forgot that the feet are in proper scale which makes them too big to wear shoes unless I get a pair in very soft rubber.
I'm not really sure, I got them dirt cheap from Amoktime long time ago I think for $25. each when they had a special, it's when I bought the gorillas for $19. and I cleared them out. I figured I could use the stock bodies as replacements but forgot that the feet are in proper scale which makes them too big to wear shoes unless I get a pair in very soft rubber.

If you'd like, I'd be very willing to trade you for 2 of those slave Taylor bodies for the normal Taylor astronaut bodies. :rolleyes: Then you'll have no problem putting shoes on them! :)
Well Angel I'd rather keep them as a complete set and not have to break open any more boxes. I have too much loose gear as it is. However, I do have one loose Slave body left unfortunately he doesn't have the neck post, but the spring, screw, and washer are still intact. I can send you a loose H2 resin gorilla sculpt I have that does have a neck post, but you'd have to un-pry it, which I believe you could. If you want I can scan a picture. Here's my loose dirty slave body. I can send this too if you want.
I figured I could use the stock bodies as replacements but forgot that the feet are in proper scale which makes them too big to wear shoes unless I get a pair in very soft rubber.

Sticks - That's okay. I thought I'd help you with your dilemma. It sounded like you were going to use these as stock bodies and that they required shoes. Should you ever change you mind please let me know.
Sticks - That's okay. I thought I'd help you with your dilemma. It sounded like you were going to use these as stock bodies and that they required shoes. Should you ever change you mind please let me know.

Oh, no dilemma, I figured maybe Jessica may want to trade for something (like that Mego Gorilla w/open mouth she has) if she didn't have any humans. My sets are boxed and stored but I know where they are and I can get to them. Luckily for me I've been able to use the bodies with large feet with BGT (battle gear toys) becuase his old shoes are very soft leather and stretch over the feet. I have been able to dress 3 of the bodies and this is the forth but as you can see he has no neck post. I figured when I eventually get a HT True type body, which comes with two neck posts I'd be able to fix this guy again. Here's a picture of the gorilla head w/neck post, sorry I didn't white balance my camera and the shot is in very low light. It's too hot to do anything.

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Angel, I have to go lay down now, my medicine is kicking in and I'm getting very sleepy. I'll check back with you later. If you change your mind before next week I'll send the body and head, which you could keep. If not, I will convert him into a Rebel soldier, as most of them had no shoes, so I will find a use for him.
It's killing me. I've got tons of yard work to do but I just bring myself to do it. And I have to go to work tonight at the theater... where the projection booth is NOT air conditioned but actually 5 degrees hotter than it is outside. :horror

And for the record, I'm from Portland, Oregon... a place where it rains so much most Oregonians have webbed feet. :D

Both Portland and Seattle are making the weather news down here in Phoenix. I guess you guys have been having hotter than normal temps also. Global warming for everyone! By the way, I am only about 400 miles from San diego. I used to drive back and forth many times back when I was in the Marines. Nice weather their everyone. I can see myself making the Comic Con next year.
:lightnin:lightnin:lightnin:lightnin :lightnin:lightnin:lightnin
Have to figure out how to multi-quote. Anyhoo...

Sticks/Angel, I DO have 2 sideshow males: Robert Patrick and Taylor.

When I get back, what can I offer you for the Taylor/Nova, Sticks? Do you need some tailoring?

Kfog--it's way too hot where you are. Where has our summer gone? It's supposed to be warm, but the hills are covered in fog and the breeze feels like there is a chill.

Congrats PZ on your PF Zaius!! That is awesome!! I know that you have been waiting forever for that bad boy.

Sticks--my journey begins Friday. I have packed and repacked and I still have to purchase some more supplies. One can never pack too many barrels of fresh water. I don't know how fast of a clip we can accomplish, with such a load to bear.

We are bringing a few carrier pigeons with us so that I can at least send word of our successful arrival when we get to the Forbidden Zone. It is a 35-hour journey, a hard ride for the poor horses. We are bringing extra beasts of burden, for every pack horse so that they can take turns hauling the supplies.

Anyway, good night fellow apes. It's time for this monkey to catch some shut eye. Tomorrow is another busy day.
Have to figure out how to multi-quote.
At the bottom of every post are three buttons. i.e. 'Quote', 'Multi Quote', and 'Quick Reply'. You click the second button, 'Multi Quote', on as many posts as you'd like to quote. Except for the last one. On the last one you hit the 'Quote' button.
I have a question for those who received their gorilla captain. I suppose you preordered Ursus too. So did you ask to your seller to ship apes separately when they are available ? I bought Ursus and a gorilla soldier on the same time to save money on shipping.
I could never play with all these apes. I have too many. That would be like telling Ironman to unbox 1,000 of his 1/6 action figures and have him play with all of them! It just can't be done.
A Challenge!! Man, i'd need a lot of room. Maybe the yard? :rolleyes:
I think we all need to go to his place and ransack, err, I mean help him with all those gorillas.
I would so love it if that coukld be pulled off!!
I'm not really sure, I got them dirt cheap from Amoktime long time ago I think for $25. each when they had a special, it's when I bought the gorillas for $19. and I cleared them out. I figured I could use the stock bodies as replacements but forgot that the feet are in proper scale which makes them too big to wear shoes unless I get a pair in very soft rubber.

:monkey4 That was YOU?!?!?! :monkey4
I have a question for those who received their gorilla captain. I suppose you preordered Ursus too. So did you ask to your seller to ship apes separately when they are available ? I bought Ursus and a gorilla soldier on the same time to save money on shipping.

I decided at the last moment to pre-order the Captain, after I already purchased Ursus and the gorilla, so I didn't save on shipping. I wrote it on my e-mail at the time of purchase to put the transactions together to save on shipping, but I had a feeling their shipping person didn't really speak English all too well. :monkey4:monkey4:monkey4