Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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Well, it turns out that Roddy McDowall owned the Caesar statue for all these years. It was displayed in his reknown rose garden. When he passed away, a portion of his rose garden and the Caesar statue was donated (at his request) to the Motion Picture & Television Fund retirement home in Los Angeles.

A few days before the San Diego Comic Con in 2004, I decided to pay the statue a visit. Originally the attendants rebuffed my requests to see and photograph the statue. For obvious reasons, the residents of the retirement home prize their privacy and the attendants didn't want them disturbed. I was respectiful but VERY persistent... stating that I'd come all the way from Portland Oregon to see the Roddy's garden. It was then that the one of the attendants noticed the shirt I was wearing and relented as long as I didn't take too long and took NO pictures. Well, my enthusiasm at seeing the whole rose garden display was such that by the time I left a half an hour later, I had taken pictures of the whole rose garden, the dedication plaques and of course, several of the statue. In fact, the attentant ended up volunteering to take a few pictures of me and the statue.

Overall, a day I will never forget.
Nice shot and story PZ. Angel your sculpt looks great, don't knock it.

Here are those pics I promissed:



I believe the estate of Roddy McDowall contacted the people of Apemania (or was it the other way around?) to do a restoration of the Caesar statue before it was to be displayed at the retirement home. If you haven't heard of Apemania, you GOT to visit them at It is a must for ALL Ape fans!!!

The first picture you see is that of their studio. It is pictured with some other restorations they were doing at the time including the only surviving Escape Ape-O-Naut space suit believed to be the one used by Sal Mineo as Dr. Milo. Both the Cornelius and Dr. Zaius costumes (the Zaius coat is one of only two known to exist) were mounted on life-like maquettes and are now on display at the Science Fiction Museum in Seattle (oh yes, I'm been there a few times... but more on that later, hopefully with pictures:D )

The second picture is from the night of the statue's dedication at the retirement site. I heard Charlton Heston was at attendance that night.

The third picture of the statue was posted at Apemania several months later (notice the growth in the surrounding plants) At the time, Apemania was involved in a charity drive for the Motion Picture and Television Fund, which was one of Roddy's pet charity ventures. The Apemania studio secured the rights to sell castings of the head of the Caesar statue as well as a replica name plate with all of the proceeds going to the Fund. There was a VERY limited number of them where the name plate was cast in bronze. It turns out that was the one I bought. :monkey3 :monkey3 :monkey3

I again re-submit the picture of me and the Caesar to show how much the surrounding folage had grown since the last picture... and to show a comparsion in size. I'm 6 foot 3inches tall. Caesar seems to be a tad bigger than me.

I wanted to include the picture of the castings Apemania used to advertise it's availability, but the file is too big... maybe later. What is interesting is that there was a coloring change in the statue. As it appeared in the film (unfortunately I don't have any screen shots of it), the statue was sort of a sand stone grey. But when I got the casting set for Christmas, I was surprised to see that the artists of Apemania colored mine brown. Originally I was very disappointed by the change, in fact I had plans to send my casting back to have it re-painted to make it look more like the one seen in the film. However, after seeing the statue in person, I noticed it matched the color of the statue as it is seen today. :confused:

Perhaps, for weathering purposes, the change in color was chosen. At any rate, I then decided to keep my casting the color brown in memory of that day when I got to play in Roddy's garden. :D
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Wow... Sticks... Really nice photos. All you need to do is get a 1/6th Lady Liberty. I love the shots of Taylor and Nova on horseback. One of these days I've got to get a Dragon horse. Post more pics when you have the time. I always love your photos. The natural ocean setting really makes these pictures.
Thanks a lot Jom, I'm glad you like them. My wife and I were able to make it to the ocean for a day last week and I was able to pop off a few shots. I'm still moving pretty slow and can't do much, but it sure was nice to get out of the house.
Protozaius said:
Both the Cornelius and Dr. Zaius costumes (the Zaius coat is one of only two known to exist) were mounted on life-like maquettes and are now on display at the Science Fiction Museum in Seattle.

Holy smokes! That is literally one mile from my place. I've wanted to go for a while now but my back has prevented my from doing anything besides school. I've heard Paul Allen has a nice Star Wars collection there, and some great ideas (A space shuttle launch pad) for Lake Union. Gotta love Sci-Fi geeky billionaires :rolleyes: I also missed the Ray Harryhausen signing that was there last year. :monkey2 I must go soon! Thanks PZ.
I don't think my girlfriend of 15 years would tolerate a trip to the shore with Apes in tow... I'm glad you have such an understanding and tolerant wife.
Lol, funny you should say that. She carried them in a backpack for me and thought it very childish that I brought them but after I set them up and started taking some pictures she told me that they looked pretty cool in the natural environment. She has always known about my 1:6 collecting hobby. I told her from day one. Sometimes she gives me grief but for the most part she supports me 100%, she just never buys them for me. :rotfl She's a great and beautiful girl and I always thank my lucky stars to have her in my life.
My girl who is also quite beautiful but is not an ape fan. However, in her defense, she did not know about my collecting from day one. I brought them in little by little starting from Hasbro "Star Wars". Even though the Apes don't travel they all reside delightfully in the bedroom.

What can I say she puts up with me.
stickman said:
Holy smokes! That is literally one mile from my place. I've wanted to go for a while now but my back has prevented my from doing anything besides school. I've heard Paul Allen has a nice Star Wars collection there, and some great ideas (A space shuttle launch pad) for Lake Union. Gotta love Sci-Fi geeky billionaires :rolleyes: I also missed the Ray Harryhausen signing that was there last year. :monkey2 I must go soon! Thanks PZ.

When you are feeling up to it, you really ought to go... the presentation of the items in his collection is simply amazing... and just plain fun. There is a big wall of ray guns and blasters from literally EVERY sci-fi movie that you can possibly name. He really doesn't have too much in the way of original Star Wars props (George tries to keep all of the goodies himself :rolleyes:). The R2 unit and Yoda on display are admitted "reproductions". However, the Museum does have on loan the original Death Star from the collection of fellow Seatte-based SW fan Gus Lopez. That piece gave me shivers.

But it was the rest of the stuff that impressed me... the entire breath of the collection. I think he purchased A LOT from Forrest J. Ackerman when he liquidated his collection. I found props on display from everything from Silent Running, Lost in Space, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Buck Rogers, Aliens, and of course, Planet of the Apes. Not only does he have the two apes I've stated before, he also has an original leather neck collar and leash from the film and an ANSA spacesuit in VERY bad condition. It's missing it's sleeves and the patches have been removed... yet what looks like a reproduction patch of the ANSA logo has been re-stitched on. It looks like the costume was stripped for another film project and was only slightly restored. Still it was great to see it in person. Those ANSA suits are rare. This particular one is mounted on a maquette that looks quite a bit like Charlton Heston... and he is holding a repro Ape rifle.

I highly recommend the place to anyone in driving distance. And for me, that's about a four hour drive. :monkey3 :monkey3 :monkey3
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Dr_Zaius said:
I haven't been able to keep caught up like I would like to be. We just found out that my mom's throat cancer has returned. She is looking at a very major surgery. I ask all of my fellow Ape freinds for their prayers for her. She goes tomorrow for a test to see if she has cancer any place else.

You know or thoughts are with you and your mother DZ. What's it been two years already from the time of her first surgery? I hope she gets better. Most of all though, you gotta remain strong. Talk to you soon.
Hey Angel!

Glad to hear the teeth seem to be working for you. I can't wait to see the photos. You are right, the more details the better.

I came across a shot that may be helpful to you in your attempt to create the labotomy Landon.
I don't think it is possible. Nova's costume had to be form fitting so I had to sew the outfit on to the figure so there are no snaps and it is not removable.

Taylors loin cloth is removable and there are snaps so I could do that for you.

And as far as the poncho you caneasily do that on your own. It's just a square piece of cloth weathered and distressed with some brown and black paint watered down for stains.

If you're interested I could talk you through the Nova costume.

There is no reason for me to create these things for you with your talents.
Could you create them for the lack of my talent? :D
Seriously, any patterns for the Nova outfit? I'd really like to tighten mine up and have her look right for my story. After seeing yours, the $$C version just won't cut it. And the open mouth tutorial would be great. Then I want to experiment on using that method for other figures too.
Ironman1188 said:
Could you create them for the lack of my talent? :D
Seriously, any patterns for the Nova outfit? I'd really like to tighten mine up and have her look right for my story. After seeing yours, the $$C version just won't cut it. And the open mouth tutorial would be great. Then I want to experiment on using that method for other figures too.

Sorry Ironman and Angel I have no patterns for the Nova outfit. I woulden't bother trying to do anything with that sideshow outfit. Get to a fabric store and buy some brown leather scraps. Use the unfinished leather side as the side you want to be seen. Weather and distress the leather. It also helps to wet the leather as it will stretch and as it dries it will shrink giving a nice tight fit. Wetting the leather down also makes the needle go through it easier. Glad to help with any other questions. Good luck. Its not really that hard. If a monkey like me can do it any ape can. The results are worth the time and effort. I'd love to see pictures when you get done.
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OH MAN ANGEL!!!!! Do those teeth work. Now you are a dentist.It really makes the open mouth pose. The pink mouth is more realistic but I think The black mouth is more film accurate.I vote for the black mouth. Your Apes Rule. I don't know what more to say I'm really impressed.It just works sooooo well.