Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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Re: Save the Planet of the Apes!!! -Forbidden Zone Taylor on CTR

Just added one of the best figures ever!


Cool toy Review SSC Photo Archive: Taylor (Forbidden Zone)
Great pics... as always!

I always thought that the exclusive version of this Taylor should have been the clean shaven one. That version of the character was in the film for what... 3 minutes. :rolleyes:

That figure is a great addition to your archive... your POTA section is almost complete. :D

Speaking of your archive, I noticed that the Lawgiver Statue is listed under the Beneath catagory. Shouldn't the exclusive "Vision" Lawgiver Statue version be listed there and the regular statue with the first film?

Just a thought. :monkey3 :monkey3 :monkey3
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Right you are. i'll have to get Dan on that some time :)

I agree about the Taylors. Beardo should have been a dime a dozen, and clean shave should have been impossible to get.

(Part 1 of 2)

I've been asked by several people how I opened the mouths of my gorillas. So I took the time to take some pictures for you guys. I'm also providing an explantion for those of you wanting to try this method I use. Let's get started!

In the first picture you'll see an xacto knife sticking out of the gorillas mouth. I cut an "H" like pattern across his mouth and then at each side of his mouth to form the "H" cut.

In the second picture you'll see the profile of the "H" cut. I thought a profile shot might help you picture this.

In the third picture you'll see a metal screwdriver placed into the gorillas mouth. I placed the screwdriver in his mouth to show you the relief cuts I already made in pictures 1 and 2. Can you see the cuts I made by the using the "H" cut???

In the fourth picture you'll see the tip of my hot glue gun inserted into the gorillas mouth as I fill his head with hot glue. As the glue dries, it will hold his mouth in a open position. While the glue is still hot/warm, stick a metal screw driver into his mouth as I did in picture number 3. This will keep his mouth open while the glue quickly hardens.

In the fifth picture you'll see a close up picture. I just want you to see the relief cut once again that was made earlier near the corner of his mouth.

~Angel! :angelsmil
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Angel... This post will make Ironman quite happy. I know he has been asking about this technique for quite a while.

Very ingenius!
(Part 2 of 2)

In the first picture, you'll see the gorilla with his mouth wide open. The hot glue has now hardened and keeps his mouth in a open position. You may have to CARFULLY clean up some of the excess glue with your xacto knife. After you've accomplished this cleanup, I use apoxy clay to smooth out the rough spots inside his mouth. After the apoxy clay hardens, I go a step further and I add teeth. I used the xacto knife which, you saw earlier, to sculpt the teeth inside of his mouth while the clay is still soft.

The remaining pictures show some of the other gorillas I did using this method. Some have pink mouths, and some have black mouths. I prefer the black inside his mouth, but it's your choice.

Good luck, let's see what you can do now! ~Angel~ :angelsmil
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Great work angel. I wish I had the guts to do mods on my figures. I still have a lot of catching up to do on this line.
Really nice toutorial Angel

I'm with shaun-o. I don't have the guts to do it. Plus I don't have that many gorillas
Well, I don't have the guts either....BUT I"M STILL GONNA DO IT!!!
My biggest drawback will be the teeth I think.
Did you fill the whole head with the hot glue? How bad do they look without adding teeth?
Hmmmm, wonder if this would work well on human heads?
Lotsa extras to practice on :monkey5
Thanks Angel!!!!
Well, I've benched this project [for now at least].
Melted two heads trying to get the glue gun in their damn tiny monkey mouths!! :monkey4
Hey Angel!

What is that in the background of the fifth picture in the second part of your tutorial?

Are you making Mutant masks for some missing Mutants? Possibly a Victor Buono???
Ironman1188 said:
Well, I've benched this project [for now at least].
Melted two heads trying to get the glue gun in their damn tiny monkey mouths!! :monkey4

What!? I've NEVER encountered anything even close to that Ironman! What's causing it to melt...the glue being to hot? The metal tip of the glue gun being to hot, and maybe you're holding against the mouth for to long? Clue me in. I have 2 different glue guns and neither one has ever caused the problem you mentioned. I wish I knew what to tell you. ~Angel~
angelofmusic2112 said:
What!? I've NEVER encountered anything even close to that Ironman! What's causing it to melt...the glue being to hot? The tip of the gun tip to hot and you're holding against the mouth to long? Clue me in. I have 2 different glue guns and enither one has ever caused the problem you mentioned. I wsih I knew what to tell you. ~Angel~

Well, I tried to avoid contact but now a gorilla looks like he just dropped a huge stogie and , well.... I don't want to tell you what it looks like Zaius was preparing to perform.
jungle jom said:
Hey Angel!

What is that in the background of the fifth picture in the second part of your tutorial?

Are you making Mutant masks for some missing Mutants? Possibly a Victor Buono???

Yes, it's going to be Victor Buono... I hope. I'll share it with you once it's done. Doing a human face seems like a tough thing to do. I don't know if I can pull it off. I'm 43 and never did anything like this before. I'll never know unless I try. ~Angel~ :angelsmil
Ironman1188 said:
Well, I tried to avoid contact but now a gorilla looks like he just dropped a huge stogie and , well.... I don't want to tell you what it looks like Zaius was preparing to perform.

Sent me a picture and let me see if I can help you out...
I tried it too... I figured it wasn't a full head and I could pull it off.

As you've seen from the pictures I DIDN'T post, I was quite unsuccessful.

By the way how is the Lawgiver Statue progressing?

Sorry about your loss Ironman maybe you should have tried it with an expendable Hasbro Ape.
jungle jom said:
I tried it too... I figured it wasn't a full head and I could pull it off.

As you've seen from the pictures I DIDN'T post, I was quite unsuccessful.

By the way how is the Lawgiver Statue progressing?

Sorry about your loss Ironman maybe you should have tried it with an expendable Hasbro Ape.

You had the same results JUNGLE?! What melted your figure? The hot glue or the metal tip of the gun? I've done, five Sideshow gorillas and one Dr. Zaius figure as described and I didn't have these melting problems on any of my apes. I don't understand what you guys are doing so different...

When you ask about the progress on the Lawgiver Statue, I guess you are refering the the John Huston Lawgiver figure. I put some bags under his eyes and put his teeth in. I'm sure I'll work on tomorrow. Thanks for your interest.

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