Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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No no no. Look closley at post 1746 by sueworld. Look at the 3rd picture from the top. You can ALMOST see that the middle statue is of an ape, with the pillar like objects on each side...
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Silly Ironman. You don't really have an answer to the question I asked of you huh? Did you look closley at post 1746 by sueworld? Did you look at the 3rd picture from the top? You can ALMOST see that the middle statue is that of an ape, with the pillar like objects on each side... I guess you were so focused on being funny that you forgot to answer the question. Have you ever seen this statue? If so were might I locate a picture of it? C'mon buddy, focus. ~Angel~

Here's a picture of the poster we've been talking about.

I'm using this black and white picture to get an idea what the bottom half of the poster looks like. You never really see the bottom half in the movie. I had to get creative and make up the bottom part based on this black and white picture. I wish your son luck, he’ll need to see this photo to help him along. It really helped me to recreate this poster. Mine is almost done. ~Angel~ :angelsmil
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Ironman1188 said:


Topps blew it twice with these cards. The first card is not a picture of Honorius but of a generic orangutan in a promo shoot. In fact, he is wearing a garment that was never used in the film. I've included another shot from that photo shoot. Note that his hands were not made up. I've used this shot as my avatar since it represents a prototype of Zaius or Protozaius". And the second card actually IS of Dr, Honorius but they label him as Dr. Zaius. Obviously those humans at Topps didn't take their monkeys seriously at the time. :rolleyes:

Angel... as for the sculptures in front of the President of the Assembly (gee, I wished the writers gave that guy a name... they named the leader of the hunt "Marcus", for pete's sake!) ... anyway, I have always thought that they were stamps of some kind to document official papers of the proceedings. I have no real facts to back this up, it's just an assumption that I've held for 40 years. :monkey3 :monkey3 :monkey3

I've NEVER seen pictures of those sculptures taken from the front. Would be cool to see them though. :D

A bit of trivia for you all. Paul Lambert played the orangutan minister in the first film. In the second, the role went to an actor by the name of Thomas Gomez. Apparently, Gomez was so freaked out by the claustrphobic feeling he had wearing the makeup that he practically tore off the make up himself after the director yelled "cut". Watch those scenes of him blessing Ursus's invasion again, and you can actually sense his discomfort on camera.

Thanks for all of the orangutan pictures guys... keep 'em comin'!!!:monkey5 :monkey5 :monkey5
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Here are a few more photos of my short. A little Star Trek / Planet of the Apes action, hehe.




"Who is this guy?"


Angel, That's your bone whistle and man catcher in there.
angelofmusic2112 said:

Here's a picture of the poster we've been talking about.

I'm using this black and white picture to get an idea what the bottom half of the poster looks like. You never really see the bottom half in the movie. I had to get creative and make up the bottom part based on this black and white picture. I wish your son luck, he’ll need to see this photo to help him along. It really helped me to recreate this poster. Mine is almost done. ~Angel~ :angelsmil

Thanks tons Angel that shot will help my son a lot with the bottom half of the "Festival" poster.

Where did you ever find that picture... Very resourceful. I have never seen that particular shot.
Sticks... Great shots of "Trek to the Planet of the Apes" is this the DVD you were speaking to Angel about?

I can't wait til we see more of this project. I always wondered what would happen if Kirk rather than Taylor ended up in this alternate timeline.

Thanks for sharing your talent with us.

And to answer your question...Judging from the color of his shirt I'm guessing he is the guy who will end up with a lobotomy for stuffed and mounted in the great hall of the Zaius Museum.
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POTA & Trek!!! Where did you get the Trek unis?? I've been looking for decent ones for years. Thought I finally had a connection to some a year or so ago but the guy just stopped answering me.
Anyway, I started a crossover of my own a few years back, LMK what you think. I didn't get as far as I'd wanted with it. :monkey2


"Captain, we are picking up a distress signal. It's outdated, but definitely a distress signal."
First Officer Spock hastened to the Communications Officer's area and listened to the signal. He raised one eyebrow as if amazed by what he heard, then said, " It is a distress signal, Captain. Circa late 20th century."
"Late...20th...century...? Spock, how can that be?"
"Unknown, Captain"
"Where is it coming from? Anything on scanners?"
"All sectors appear vacant, yet we are receiving the signal"
"Uhura, can you boost the signal source? Triangulate its origin?"
"I'm trying to boost the signal now sir"
"It appears to be eminating from this sector", Spock observed, " a heading of 282.4 should bring us closer."
"Sulu, set a course for that heading. Warp factor 5."
Captain James T. Kirk turned towards communications.
"Uhura, notify Starfleet of what we've found and that we are heading in for further investigation."
Lt. Spock interjected. "Captain, That heading also brings us dangerously close to the Klingon border."
"I'm aware of that Mr. Spock. The Klingons could be the reason that ship is in trouble.'
"Or, sir, they could be using the signal in hopes of luring us in with a false call for help."
"Duly noted Spock. Head into that sector nice and easy, Mr. Sulu. No need to alarm anyone if we don't have to."
"Aye, sir."
Almost immediately a strange "wave" appeared off the port bow.
"Spock, what is that?"
"Unknown Captain. Our sensors did not pick up any indication until it was already visible. They are not able to discern its properties."
"Raise shields!"
The command came too late as the ship was slammed and jolted by the unusual wave in space.
"Shields unresponsive Captain. I cannot raise them."
"Scotty. We need all power to shields!"
This command came as another tremendous "wave" rocked the starship.
Explosions erupted throughout the ship.
"Its goona be a nasty refit after this." thought Chief Engineer Montomery Scott as he worked feverishly to divert power from wherever he could to the shields.
Too late.
Another "wave" struck and suddenly it was as if the U.S.S. Enterprise were the center spindle on a tilt-a-whirl.
Kirk clung to the arm of his command chair.
"Scotty!! We need those shields NOW!!"
"Sir" , Sulu began, "we've lost all power to our warp engines. impulse power is draining rapidly."
There was no answer.
Explosions continued to batter the badly damaged ship.
Uhura broke in." Captain, hull breaches on decks 3 thru 12, 17 thru 21."
Kirk paused, " Seal off the affected areas."
"But Captain, there are still crew.."
He cut her off.
"I know! Do It!!"
Another tumultuous "wave" struck and suddenly everything went blank...


Below it was a sunny day. The three fugitives from Central City all looked up in unison as a strange anomaly opened in the far, distant sky.
It closed almost immediately, but they had all seen it.
"What was that?" inquired Galen, "I've never seen anything like that before."
Virdon looked at Burke.
"Go ahead Alan, tell him." Burke said, knowing full well that he, himself, had no clue whatsoever.
Commander Alan Virdon, ever the extreme optimist, looked up at the sky, over at Galen and then back to Burke.
"Pete, what if that was a rescue ship?"
"Right, Alan. "Cause I know I mailed that "Here we are. Please come get us" letter before we left Ape City."
"You have a better explanation?"
"On this Planet?..God only knows what's next..."
Galen finally spoke up.
"A rescue ship? Is that even possible?"
"Anything's possible, Galen, no matter how unlikely."
Virdon continued to search the skies as they ventured forward.
"There was something up there", Burke observed, " but whatever it was, its over. Done with."
"What's that?", The chimpanzee Galen's voice interrupted both humans. "Over there?"
In the distance were a few small dunes, but there was something obviously darker near the center of them, even from this distance. They headed in the dunes direction and trekked onward, temporarily putting the image from the sky aside.
Several hours later they were close enough to make out a few details.
"Pete, thats a door!"
"What would a door be doing out here?"
"Who knows exactly what here used to be?"
They tred on with very few words till darkness set in.
"Alan. Peter. Listen."
Ever so faintly could be heard a low humming sound.
"Do you hear that?"
The astronauts' hearing was not as attuned as their simian companion, but they could hear something.
"Pete, that sound. It can only be one thing. That's some type of machine engine. There's a power source down there."
As Burke and Virdon discussed what they should do next, and how, Galen was looking upward in awe.
"Alan", he bagan," Alan, whats that?"
"There, in the sky."
He pointed up as his two astronaut companions followed his finger skyward.
"My God, Pete. It IS a rescue ship."
"Easy partner. I don't remember having any ships like that when we left."
"But", Virdon was quick to point out,"we've been gone awhile."
"Just the same, lets lay low until it lands, ok?"
Reluctantly, Alan agreed.
The ship grew closer and closer and finally landed about a half mile from their position. It just sat there for what seemed like an eternity to Virdon. Before long it was daybreak.
"Maybe its unmanned. A probe of some sort."
"Oh, I don't think so", Galen began, "apes can't build such machines."
"He means unoccupied Galen"
"Then how did it get here?"
"Remote control, maybe. Who knows what year it was launched. Or what their technology was at the time?"
"Alan, can you make out what it says near the front?"
"Not really. What I wouldn't give for a decent pair of binoculars."
"It says Galilleo 7", Galen stated matter of factly, "Does that mean anything?"
Alan explained, "Galen, on our Earth we always named our ships and crafts."
The trio crept slowly closer to a better vantage point.
The chimp made a nonchalant sound and was quickly interrupted...
"Its opening!"
The doors of the Galilleo 7 slid open and from within came a human male. He had light brown hair and was wearing a gold shirt with black pants and boots.
"He's human Pete, let's go!"
"Wait Alan. Do you recognize that uniform?"
Before he could answer a second crewmember exited the craft. This one taller with black hair. He was dressed similarly but wore a blue shirt. And his ears. None of the three fugitives had ever seen ears like his.
From the ship came four more crewmembers. One more wearing a blue shirt and three wearing red. Two of the six carried some type of handheld machine, and the all were armed with some type of handgun.
They decided to stay put just a bit longer.


"Anything yet Mr. Spock?"
"There is something interfering with my scans Captain", he looked up from his tricorder, "but I am reading three lifeforms in that direction." He pointed in the direction where Virdon, Burke and Galen were watching from. "Two human".
"And the third, Spock?"
The first officer again raised his eyebrow, then looked at his Captain.
"And one simian."
"What??", Dr. Leonard McCoy exclaimed, " Are you saying we came down here to look for an energy source on a planet of apes?"
"I am simply stating, Doctor McCoy, that of the three life signs, one is simian."
McCoy was ready to rebutt but Kirk started first.
"Ok, gentlemen, save the debate for later." He pulled his communicator from his belt. "Kirk to Enterprise."
"Kirk to Enterprise. Scotty, come in."
"Set phasers on stun. The area's too open to sneak around behind them, but let's see if they're friend or foe"


Pete and Alan watched as the men approached. Galen was unsure what to do. The first two men to have exited the craft had gone back inside and the other four were coming closer by the second.
"How did they know we were here?" inquired Galen.
"What now?" Burke added.
"We back our way out of here slowly and wait for nightfall again."
As the three began a quiet retreat, one of the red shirted men crested the small hill and ordered them to halt as he raised his weapon.
As they rose to run in the opposite direction a bright beam of light appeared and when it vanished, the first two men were standing in its place.
"Steady if you will Mr. Hodgkins. Let's see what they have to say."


The door burst open as General Urko strode in.
"Did you see it Zaius? The hole that opened in the sky?"
"Yes, Urko, I saw it. And the object the came from it too."
"It could be more ass-tro-nauts! We must investigate immediately. Virdon, he would want to investigate. The fugitives would head there too"
"Head where, Urko? Whatever it was, it was far beyond even the borders of the Forbidden Zone."
"My garrisons are ready to ride. We must not let the human infection grow!"
"Urko!" Zaius said firmly, "I will not sanction what amounts to an invasion force going into the Forbidden Zone just to satisfy your militaristic whims!"


Unfortunately, {or fortunately depending on whether you liked it or not} I can't find the page that ties the next two parts together, so that will have to wait until I either can find it or rewrite it.
angelofmusic2112 said:
By the way, when Dodge gets killed during the hunt, what is he wearing? Is that the rubber raft? :rotfl

~Angel~ :angelsmil [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
I asked the same question to a friend of mine (Mathew Sotis) who was an authority on Apes history in the Planet of the Apes Sauseville book and here is his response to that question to me.

Hi Kent, Dodge was wearing a vinyl tent/rainwater cather shown briefly in one of
the backpacks.
It was also shown in a later scene that was cut (there is a black and white
still of it) where
the astronauts are shown laying under it in the desert while drinking from their
water bottles.
We assume it was torn to shreds by the humans after destroying their backpacks.
Ironman... You can't leave us hanging.

I hope you intend to finish your story. I'll wait patiently for the rest in installments if you promise to complete it. It is a great end to the first act none the less.

We no doubt have the most talented people contributing to this thread.

With you Angel and Sticks. We have You - a screenwriter, Angel - set designer/art director and prop master, and Sticks - a director of photography.

Everyone keep up the good work. Even though the Sideshow Apes line may be dead this thread continues to live on due to everyones creativity.

IRONMAN also those figures that Sticks used are Playmates 12 Star Trek figures. Limited articulation. I see you live in Jersey. If you are ever in the City I believe the last time I was in St Marks Comics they still had a few of the figures at reasonable cost.
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Thanks Jungle. I have many more pages already written. Its the damn "next" page that ties them together that I misplaced. :monkey4
I thought Stick's figures were Playmates, but hoped I was wrong. The pix were a little dark and I couldn't be sure. They need soem serious tailoring to be useful on real 1:6 figures.
And, I haven't forgotten about Armando. I guess I'm holding out against the inevitable. I'll finalize everything and get it all updated next week. My weekend is already booked [damned 1:1 life!!]
Wow! What a great story Ironman. I’ve never been a big Star Trek fan, but I loved the story you wrote. It’s both very creative and well written. I get a real sense of the characters as they were portrayed on TV. I like the twist of these worlds intertwining; I want to read more also! Share your writing creativity with all of us as time permits you to. I hope you find the lost page buddy. I look forward reading more! Good job! ~Angel~ :angelsmil
kfog41 said:
I asked the same question to a friend of mine (Mathew Sotis) who was an authority on Apes history in the Planet of the Apes Sauseville book and here is his response to that question to me.

Hi Kent, Dodge was wearing a vinyl tent/rainwater cather shown briefly in one of
the backpacks.
It was also shown in a later scene that was cut (there is a black and white
still of it) where
the astronauts are shown laying under it in the desert while drinking from their
water bottles.
We assume it was torn to shreds by the humans after destroying their backpacks.

Very interesting. Do you have any pics regarding this? 2008 is the POTA 40th anniversary. It would be cool if they came out with some unreleased, never before seen apes footage. Yeah baby! ~Angel~ :angelsmil
angelofmusic2112 said:
Very interesting. Do you have any pics regarding this? 2008 is the POTA 40th anniversary. It would be cool if they came out with some unreleased, never before seen apes footage. Yeah baby! ~Angel~ :angelsmil
Or a never before seen POTA figure [or set of figures] :monkey3