Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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Thanks Proto... Thanks Ironman...

I can try a step by step

The frame is made from balsa wood 6"x4" and balsa trim for the edges. I used wood putty on the trim to give the melted effect. It is painted in shades of black, white and gray.

I used my son's poster not Angels (both can be found earlier in this thread) because my son included a dirty look incorporated in the image.

Now this is where the work is. The plastic is animation cell plastic available in artist supply stores. Both sides of the plastic are sanded to make it opaque. I cut the plastic into three 6"x4" sheets. I melted the plastic into the proper shape with a straight pin heated in a candle flame. The first sheet of plastic is closest to the poster and is the largest. The next layer of plastic is smaller so when you place it on top of the first sheet you can see the edges of the first sheet. The third layer is smaller yet letting you see the edges of the first two when it is placed on top.

I used watered down black paint smeared lightly on the plastic to give it a burnt and aged look.

I hope I didn't leave anything out. If I did just ask and I will try to clarify.

Thanks again for your compliments.
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What a masterpiece! I love it! That’s a quality poster JUNGLE, and was very well done!

It’s exciting to see something new and creative! Now you’re commited JUNGLE, don't stop! You’ll have to build the entire SUBWAY STATION at QUEENSBORO PLAZA … Show us more!!!!
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I was inspired by JUNGLEs poster of the New York Festival and decided to work on one of my broken horses. Then I had to make another battle flag to recreate one of my favorite scenes from Beneath the POTA.

This is (for some reason) one of my favorite shots in the movie. I just love the 3 gorillas on horseback going ape over the bloody vision of the Lawgiver!
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Thanks Sticks... Thanks Angel

Hey Angel love the shots of the three Gorillas on horseback. I can almost hear that Ape military march music.

Speaking of flags and signs... Have you ever thought of making the chimpanzee protest signs? It seems like that would be fairly simple. Yeah... Thats what I thought when I started my poster project.

And yes I would love to try to make the "Queensboro Plaza" set. I just can't due to lack of room for such a large piece.
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C'mon JUNGLE, just build it! All the stuff you make is really incredible! If you're low on space, turn this diorama into a coffee table or a TV stand! If it's still to BIG, use it as a kitchen table or something!

Regarding the "NO MORE WAR" banners, those would look great made up on thin leather! Are they made up of leather in the movie, or a brown paper? Either way, you could probably even use a car chamois. The thin leather, colored right, with just the right rips and tears, would be a great project for someone out there. Not me, I've got way too much going on right now… and you’re going to be way to busy working on that subway diorama!

I'll only get one chance to do this. But tonight, when it gets dark… really dark, I’m thinking about tying up a few of my gorillas on inverted crosses. I'll start them on fire in my backyard and snap off some really cool photos. Hope I get some good outdoor pictures of that before they melt! (Just kidding)

Your projects are always smokin’ hot JUNGLE… and you’ve just raised the bar... again! Talk to you later!
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More Flags!
Have you guys seen the new horses being brought to us by DiD? I've seen them as low as $85, but they retail regularly around $95. The horses are covered in real fur, they have three poses. The latest two poses look like they may be great for the Ape line. I don't know why SS didn't cash in on the Anti-War scene, especially with todays current events.

Angel are you going to burn all your gorillas?:monkey5 :monkey5 :monkey5

You're Crazy Angel!!! LOL
Yeah Sticks... He is crazy.

Crazy if he thinks I'm going to build that "Queensboro Plaza" diorama!

I did some quick caculations.

Standard Subway tile 6"x6" in 1/6 that's 1"x1"

Number of tiles in subway entrance lengthwise in "Beneath" is 40 in 1/6 that's 40 inches across. Game over for me. That dosen't take into account the alcove with the "Queensboro Plaza" tile work. On top of that it has to be two stories in height not counting the distance from the platform to the tracks.

I'm not saying I'm not up to the challenge but... Where would I put the massive thing? I'll maybe attempt it if I ever move from Manhattan. Angel, do you know what little space we city dwellers have to live in?

By the way I think those chimpanzee protest signs were made of canvas.

Yeah Sticks I have seen those horses. They look a little too "My Little Pony" to me. I'm still looking for one of the ones first released for a good price. I should have picked one up when "Forbidden Planet" here in NYC had them in stock.
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jungle jom said:
Well guys, "New York is a Summer Festival" poster is finally ready to be revealed!

This project just took way way too long to complete. A lot of experimentation with materials. Finding the right plastic was next to impossible. I got very frustrated over the past few weeks, but I think the final product was well worth the time and effort.

What I'll attempt next... I haven't a clue.

Fantastic, Awsome, and incredible! I would like to take a paint class in college and learn how to make customs of my own. Can everyone imagine a custom collectibles school for us fanatics. A conglomeration of talents put to good use. Very well done Jungle Jom. :cool:
Thanks Kfog...

Don't wait for college to teach you, but by all means take any classes you wish.

There are many things you will get out of college but painting may not be one of them.

I found the best teacher to be trial and error. The more you try the less errors you will make.(Boy sounds like Yoda) Anyway just jump right in and make something. Your first attempt may not be good but you'll get better the more you do.

Let experience teach you.
jungle jom said:
Thanks Kfog...

Don't wait for college to teach you, but by all means take any classes you wish.

There are many things you will get out of college but painting may not be one of them.

I found the best teacher to be trial and error. The more you try the less errors you will make.(Boy sounds like Yoda) Anyway just jump right in and make something. Your first attempt may not be good but you'll get better the more you do.

Let experience teach you.

Thanks for the words of encouragement. I actually have made uniforms for 1/6th historical figures. I have made mego style clothing when I collected Mego figures years ago. Including custom Apes items! Time to get into more trial and error! Thanks again!:D
Good for you Kfog.

I've noticed not too many people on these boards do much with scratch sewn clothing. Nice to know that someone other than me is not intimidated by a needle and thread.
jungle jom said:
Good for you Kfog.

I've noticed not too many people on these boards do much with scratch sewn clothing. Nice to know that someone other than me is not intimidated by a needle and thread.

Kfog/Jungle, Listen to you guys! The two of you talking about needles and thread. Before long, both of you will be apart a womans quilting group. :rotfl
Ahhh... The Guy who keeps egging me on with the Subway Dio chimes in!

How ya doin Angel, Happy Sunday!

Whats in the works?
I'm doing great Jungle, hope I didn't make you cry over that last crack. :rotfl

Here’s a thought…rather than doing the entire diorama, perhaps you can just do a small piece of it. Perhaps just the Queensboro wall about 18" in length? I'm thinking Brent would look awesome with that poster of yours. I wouldn't even worry about the drop off section were the subway tracks are. That wouldn’t take up any room. I figure you've probably already have Brent and Nova on display anyways... just make a small section of the wall.

I've been working on everything (ape related) it seems... except for the ape wagon. Today was a full Sunday of rest and relaxation. I flattened a good section of copper electrical wire using a hammer and bent the copper strips into metal stirrups. Now the gorillas have someplace to stick their feet when they’re on horseback. I mounted the stirrups to the saddles using some thin leather strips and hot glue. I also made two leather cases for the ape rifles, and mounted those on my remaining horses. I then took some of my wife’s hemp, because it looks so much like primitive rope and I soaked it in Elmer’s glue for a brief moment. After it was soaked in the glue I ran it repeatedly around 3 of my fingers so it looked like a bundle of rope. When it dries, it'll stick together and look great hanging over the ape rifles that are mounted on all my horses now. I also rolled up some small brown blanket rolls, secured them with thin leather strips and mounted them on the back of the horse saddles.

What else? Ooooh, I found one small bayonet, so I super glued that onto an ape rifle. That's cool.... and easy.

I probably, shouldn’t tell you this, because of that crack I made earlier... but here goes. I admit it. I also threaded a needle today. I sewed my flag to the flagpole... rather than just hot gluing it. (Can I join the womans-quilting group with you and KFOG???)
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Wow is that your idea of rest and relaxation. This stuff is fun to do but not my idea of rest.

I am shocked to hear that the saddles that come with those horses don't come with stirrups! Your Gorilla War Machine seem to be ready to march on their mutant city, To put their feet upon it, and Invade... Invade... Invade!!!

And NO... NO... A Thousand Times NOOO!!!
No Subway Dio until I am able to do the ENTIRE Thing!
But thanks for your interest.

And if it's alright with Kfog it's alright with me. You can join. Just don't go calling it a quilting group. It's a sewing circle!
It's a sewing circle! That's hysterical to me!

By the way, are you going to be moving soon JUNGLE? I want to get an idea, when I can expect to see the ENTIRE subway scene. Here's hoping you are packing up your last box of stuff and heading off to your new place! :)
Yeah Angel ride me out of town on a rail.

No plans of packing up in the near future... Be patient good things come to those that wait! Hell maybe I'll make an entire 1/6th NY transit system!
Angel is such a funny guy! I remember getting my first sewing kit back in February of 1984. It was standard issue to every United States Marine. Yes, we had to be self sufficient and sew our own chevrons and buttons on our Uniforms and amonst other things if need be! We did not call ourselves a sewing unit though! Only Marines! Hooorah!:emperor
By the way! Happy 45th birthday to me! Is that old to anyone? I feel great!:lol