Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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I also have to put in high gear our Halloween costumes, instead of just having the ideas bouncing around in my head. I really have to hunker down and get started! I'm thinking three weekends to start and finish the three costumes I have planned for me, my eldest, and my sister. She's going to make most of her costume--I'm just going to give her help if she gets stuck. I may be enlisted to help out her friend with her costume, but I will just oversee and they will bounce ideas to me and I will let them know if it would work or not...
CRAZY!! I really want to go ape...but I have a rather sad feeling that my family won't let me express myself when we visit the UK. I was thinking a 10-day trip, but my SIL says it would need to include 2 weekends...that or postpone until Christmas break (but then the Fox promotion will be way over)...
Why does nobody in my clan understand? Does it look bad for a married woman to go to London by herself in full ape regalia so she can monkey around with her simian friends???????????

What's up with them? It's not like you changed into this person overnight.

If you get a chance post the glyph pix. No rush.

You want to get rolling on the Halloween costumes. It will be here soon!
There is supposed to be an upcoming shebang over in the UK last week of November, first week of December--exact date still a moving target.

Do you have any more info on this? I will probably check this out
That sure does look neat. What's he charging you to build it? I'd like to know. Dr. Zaius put me in touch with the fella who built his Beneath Jail Cell. He quoted me 2 prices about a year ago. He wanted $5000 dollars plus!

As already mentioned, I have about 4-8 more hours of work to do on your wagon alone. My wagon and yours are still in many pieces.

Angel--you could easily recreate that Beneath Jail you have the space? That's the question!! :rolleyes:
Snick, here are the hieroglyphs. Maybe they are from Matt Sotis? But I got them from Goapebilly...They measure 2 inches by 4 and 1/8 inches.

WOW! Central City will be bustling with new activity!! I didn't know Enaud was considering that...!!
Snick - The Jail cell was about about $500-$600. Dr. Zaius told us once, but I don't recall exactly. The ship was very pricey. His estimate was for the inside (which you're doing) and the outside of the ship along with a Stewart mummy doll. Are you doing the outside of the ship also?

ANG - Call me crazy but I think $300-400 is fair price for the ship. That's a lot of work. It might even be cheaper than that we haven't discussed pricing. Right now we're only doing the cockpit, roof etc. We might add the sleep chambers once we're finished. Size is an issue. Right now it's about 26" long.

ANG/ENAUD - The jail cell sounds like a fun idea and a great way to display the figures. You could put a hole in the back of it and have a gorilla looking through.

JESS - Holy Shiznat!!!! That's Zaius' boot glyph! I'm seeing my sculptor tonight and will have him sculpt it. Mego actually had this one right. Thx for posting. Could you measure it? That way I will have an accurate size.
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Snick--that's exactly what I thought when I saw them, that they were for Zaius's boots!! They measure 2 inches by 4 and 1/8 inch.
ANG - Call me crazy but I think $300-400 is fair price for the ship. That's a lot of work. It might even be cheaper than that we haven't discussed pricing. Right now we're only doing the cockpit, roof etc. We might add the sleep chambers once we're finished. Size is an issue. Right now it's about 26" long.

SNICK - I'm not going to call you crazy. Pricing on this stuff is sometimes really hard to determine. By the time you buy all the supplies and factor in the right amount of hours I think you're getting a GREAT deal from Matt. In fact, I would call that price a steal!

You didn't say, but is he doing the inside AND THE OUTSIDE of the ship?

Just curious, what if his idea of a fair price is different than yours after he puts in X amount of hours into it?

As you can probably tell - I'm afraid to get into big projects for others now.
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Goapebilly is Les Hemstock's friend, and Les has a lot of ape memorabilia. Les owns the only known complete Dr. Zaius Minister of Science outfit, and perhaps the boots that went along with that outfit. I will have to check out my Mego boots to see if they match.

I think $400 is a steal for the Icarus...considering that it is very time consuming.
OK...I brought up the trip to my husband this morning since he had a horrible day yesterday. He said don't even think about it. I said I couldn't miss the event, that I was going to plan our trip around it. My sister is coming along, so the idea that I'm cooking up is this event will probably happen on a Friday. My sis and I will take a one-hour plane ride (about $230 RT) from Manchester to London that morning, and come back the next day. Worth it? Yes. Do I have the money? No. And I don't care. I left a voicemail for Cornelius in case he wants to plan for the trip, too.
PZ--check out this thread for a clear shot of the orangutan hieroglyph for the gloves:

Snick/Angel--check out this thread for clear shots of Dr. Zaius' Armageddon outfit!!! It's the most bloody clear shots I have ever encountered!!

Snick--check out this website for Icarus may have already been there before:

Thanks for the links, Jess. Those Armageddon Outfit shots are amazing!
SNICK - I'm not going to call you crazy. Pricing on this stuff is sometimes really hard to determine. By the time you buy all the supplies and factor in the right amount of hours I think you're getting a GREAT deal from Matt. In fact, I would call that price a steal! .

That's what I thought too.

You didn't say, but is he doing the inside AND THE OUTSIDE of the ship?

I don't think so but if things keep moving along nicely we might just do it.

Just curious, what if his idea of a fair price is different than yours after he puts in X amount of hours into it?

We're both pretty level headed. We'll work it out. If we don't we'll have a Kirk and Spock pon-far arena fight. :lol

As you can probably tell - I'm afraid to get into big projects for others now.

Oh, yeah. I understand completely. You handled it like a seasoned pro. You didn't even threaten us or have it come to violence once.

JESS - Les owns the Armeggdon suit? Les also knows the guy who owns the original wagon. I just hit him up for pix. Had I known he had the suit I would have flew to England or L.A. I think he's moving.
Snick--Les owns the Minister of Science suit, a complete one. I don't know who owns the Armageddon suit...yet!
angelofmusic2112 said:
By the time you buy all the supplies and factor in the right amount of hours I think you're getting a GREAT deal from Matt. In fact, I would call that price a steal!

Thanks Angel! You are quite right.

angelofmusic2112 said:
You didn't say, but is he doing the inside AND THE OUTSIDE of the ship?

Originally this started out as an extension to the front right dashboard his sculptor had done. As a standalone, i thought it looked great, but once i broke out the blueprints, it was obvious the proportions were all wrong.
To my surprise, Chris was willing to start from scratch. That quickly turned into the entire cockpit being built modular so i could ship it easily and add on later. I'm assuming we will eventually do the rear and the exterior. LOL. Chris?

angelofmusic2112 said:
Just curious, what if his idea of a fair price is different than yours after he puts in X amount of hours into it?

Good question, but the least of my concerns. Chris and i have always been on the same page and give each other plenty of latitude. Worse comes to worse, i reimburse him for his investment.
Snick, here are the hieroglyphs. Maybe they are from Matt Sotis? But I got them from Goapebilly...They measure 2 inches by 4 and 1/8 inches.

Hi jess, I got a set of these years ago from Billy. The Brown glyph he sent you recently for your Zira outfit he got from me. I made it from a mold i made of one of the original chimp sleeve glyphs which were actually vacuform. If you need more, i still have the mold. The Zira mask is coming along great, but Chris keeps taking up all my time (LOL). I'll post some pics soon.