Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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See that's exactly the kind of thing I'm talking about. Fans that want old school POTA...not rehashed sortasequels and remakes. Just plain old POTA classic. Sideshow understands this selling the figures so why can't 20th get with the plan and just do a reto style direct sequel.

Check this out for example: [ame=""]YouTube - Planet of the Apes: ANSA Public Service Announcement[/ame]

This could be the opening for the next ape film....if they cared what ape fans really want.
Just saw the trailer for Rise of the Planet of the Apes. I think it looks fairly promising. I'm going to try and stay open minded about this... I don't want to get all hyped up about it nor do I want to bash it needlessly.
I just hope to God the film does not disappoint me like the giant turd of Burton's....

On the customizing side of things, got Burke sculpt from Alex. Phenomenal!! Indescribably beautiful to look at, even without paint.


And here's my embossed leather. I actually had to make a positive and negative of the hieroglyph using Apoxie, and c-clamped this overnight to wet leather.
Just saw the trailer for Rise of the Planet of the Apes. I think it looks fairly promising. I'm going to try and stay open minded about this... I don't want to get all hyped up about it nor do I want to bash it needlessly.

I have to agree with everything you've said, Proto...

But I'll say it again I really like the character design, CGI apes may just work...
Well I'm going to hold my verdict on ROTPOTA until I see the entire film. No bashing it. Just disappointed its still not what I was hoping for in the way of a true direct sequel/prequel. I'm sure it'll find a new audience even if I'm not in that crowd. One of these years if we're lucky Fox will cut us some slack and do a retro version. Heck i'd settle for a 15 min featurette in the extras.

In the meantime...this will do:


And BTW, cool Burke sculpt. That was a fun TV show.
Hello everyone! I have received my painted "Burke" sculpt from Alex and must say that I am very pleased by the sheer likeness and attention to detail of it! The paint job compliments the sculpt fantastically and I am very happy with it! I just need to decide to use the Sideshow or DML dragon body to mount it on (Decisions, decisions)! Any help anyone?:yess:
I was going to bake some foam latex today but by the time I got everything ready, the humidity levels were too high. Tomorrow I will try again. I got some headway though on my Ursus helmet. I am wondering if I should have used Sculpey that I could cure and sand down...instead of this Monster Clay. It's fun to sculpt, but getting everything to be symetrical and smooth is tough. My blowdryer helps a lot. I keep craving chocolate mousse because this clay is that exact color. Hate that, because we have no chocolate mousse in the house.

Still a lot of work to do...but it's rewarding to see it slowly take shape. I can't help but see the similarities between the Ursus helmet and Queen Nefertiti's hat.
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Jessica, have you tried use WED clay (water based clay)? It's MUCH easier to use than any oil based clays, easier to shape large sculpts, etc. It does air dry though, so you need to cover it with damp rags when left sitting. But you can take a mold of it like any other clay.

Here is the new Burke that I just received posed next to my temporary Virdon which Alex plans to also make! I noticed that I may have to find a more color coordinated body for the Burke head, but the sculpt and the outfit are now together thanks to Alex and Jess!:hi5:
Jessica, have you tried use WED clay (water based clay)? It's MUCH easier to use than any oil based clays, easier to shape large sculpts, etc. It does air dry though, so you need to cover it with damp rags when left sitting. But you can take a mold of it like any other clay.


Haven't tried that. :gah: Although I have heard of it. I'm still chugging on slowly with the Ursus helmet. I think I just need to find my stride, and I can make it work. After all, I've already invested mongo time already on this sculpt. If it doesn't work out and I have to start from scratch, you may hear my scream from the other side of the world. :monkey4

Kfog, your Burke looks really really fabulous!!!! That's so amazing! :panic: Thank God for Alex.

Sean--if I can't accomplish the smoothness I want, then I may have to make a mold and pour resin...fill dents and whatnot with Apoxie, and sand the hell out of that.
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Ugh. Couldn't get my gram scale to function--couldn't find a 9 volt battery in-house that I could trust to power up the sucker, so tomorrow I'm going to buy a battery. Hopefully that's all I need to get the scale to work...or I'm going to have to order another one or get this one fixed (got a 10-year warranty, but again, this will take TIME!) Hate that. No foam baking possible. If it's not one thing, it's another.

On the Ursus helmet front, I've got this much accomplished, and I'm still working on getting everything symmetrical which is really tough! No wonder nobody's working on something like this! Yeah...I know...the middle thingy needs to move by a smidge to the right of the photo...I'm still finessing with the main shape. I wonder if a cheese grater would work? Hmmm!


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Interesting;don't envy you the amount of plaster you're gonna need for this one. On a slightly different subject, once again I'm looking to find a new home for my modified SST Ursus.I will be happy to post pix, should anyone express the SLIGHTEST interest in him.I also have 2 SST soldiers, one with a re-sculpted face. Any interest?...PS
Interesting;don't envy you the amount of plaster you're gonna need for this one. On a slightly different subject, once again I'm looking to find a new home for my modified SST Ursus.I will be happy to post pix, should anyone express the SLIGHTEST interest in him.I also have 2 SST soldiers, one with a re-sculpted face. Any interest?...PS

lets see.. I might have interest..
Ugh. Couldn't get my gram scale to function--couldn't find a 9 volt battery in-house that I could trust to power up the sucker, so tomorrow I'm going to buy a battery. Hopefully that's all I need to get the scale to work...or I'm going to have to order another one or get this one fixed (got a 10-year warranty, but again, this will take TIME!) Hate that. No foam baking possible. If it's not one thing, it's another.

On the Ursus helmet front, I've got this much accomplished, and I'm still working on getting everything symmetrical which is really tough! No wonder nobody's working on something like this! Yeah...I know...the middle thingy needs to move by a smidge to the right of the photo...I'm still finessing with the main shape. I wonder if a cheese grater would work? Hmmm!



Jess... I think it is helpful to look at your sculpt in a mirror. It will show you if you are off on the symmetry.
Thanks, Jungle. I will do just that. I'm still trying to get the left and right half to look the same proportionally--and then the back as well. It's a really hard one to keep in balance. Plus Brian's Apemania had helpful suggestions on how to get the wax smoothed out, and luckily I had some turpenoid on hand.

Got a new 9volt battery, and tried to power up the gram scale. It's dead. I have to call the manufacturer tomorrow and get an RMA number so I can send it in for a replacement. I just purchased it last June, and it's got a 10 year warranty.
The original film and all of the sequels (not the remake) were on HBO the other day. First time I saw any of the originals (I did see the remake when it was released).

POTA rules!!!!!! I wish I picked up all the Hot Toys when they were released. I hope they make some more, especially the humans and lead apes!