Exactly my point. What some people fail to understand is that BOTH Comic Con and it's attendee have changed. Do you really think if this convention was just about comics, writers, authors, publishers, etc etc. we would be having this discussion? No.
And with that comes a broader demographic and a bigger audience and that's why SDCC is having the problems it's having now. I don't care where you move it to there simply isn't an indoor venue big enough to hold all the people that want to get into some these panels to see their favorite celebrity. People that could give a snot about comics I might add.
Even Marvel, one of the biggest comics publishers in the U.S has relegated it's comic book artists and writers to ONE side table as an after thought in their massive booth to hawk their movies!
Comic Con has become a Pop Culture Con hiding under the guise of a Comic Con, plain and simple. That's why it's the biggest show of it's kind. Other Cons are starting the see the light (read: $$$$$) especially the ones run by Gareb Shamus and his goons and are inviting more and more Celebs to their special guest roster. Go to their website https://www.wizardworld.com/ and what do you find? it's not about comics anymore, it's a Convention page! and this from a magazine that COVERS COMICS!
I love SDCC and have attended EVERY year since 1993 and I would be greatly saddened to see it go but somethings gotta give. Maybe Darklord Dave is right and they should start charging like 500$ a ticket![]()

Comic con has been more of a Pop Culture Con than a Comic Con for the past 10 to 15 years.