I think we're missing the real reason Battle Droids are what they are. Child-friendly marketability.
Money talks and bull____ walks.
Money talks and bull____ walks.
Battle Droids??!!
I want at least a pair.
I think we're missing the real reason Battle Droids are what they are. Child-friendly marketability.
Money talks and bull____ walks.
I really find the battle droids entertaining in the CW show. They seem to have a lot of fun with how ridiculous they are.
Crap, didn't consider that...keep in mind, Palpatine didn't want them to win...
I've been surprised by how much I like the commando Droids in the CW series. Great show overall. Always a pleasure to escape into SW for a half hour each week.
Complete and total restraint, just like Hasbro.
what may float one's boat may sink another. to me, it is about options... i would rather have the opportunity to choose than not have something be made available.
I think we're missing the real reason Battle Droids are what they are. Child-friendly marketability.
Money talks and bull____ walks.
And when SSC finally gets that R2 and C3PO of theirs released, there won't be many complaints when we begin to see every color variant of astromech and protocol droid under the sun... even "dirty" and "clean" variations of the hero droids themselves.
It will be interesting to see if they offer a "folded up" version - that was a creepy and effective moment in TPM when the racks of BD's come out.
when you're talking Hasbro, that's 12", not 1/6!
But taking a page from the Hasbro Appreciation thread, Hasbro released THREE different attempts at 12" Chewie in only six years (two s_cked a__ and one was pretty decent) while also putting out every major character, every Imperial military figure, plus such offbeats as R5D4, ATST driver, Death Star Droid, ewoks and Garindan. Not to mention nailing Bossk, IG-88, Zuckuss, 4-LOM and Dengar for $25 a pop and a 12" tauntaun, dewback and speederbike to boot!
Sideshow announced the Star Wars license almost exactly six years ago - and they only just last year did Vader and this year did Yoda, and still (as of today) haven't released such absolute BASICS as Luke X-Wing, Chewy, Fett, bounty hunters, C3PO/R2, Sandpeople, Jawas, Snowtrooper, Biker Scout, any Hoth outfit hero. Which is... strange... six years out. SSC is a totally different company/scale to Hasbro, but still - these are the big money makers, right?
As much as I LOVE what SSC have done this past year (a huge improvement in variety and quality - really exciting) - and what they have ahead, both known and assumed - I had no idea when they announced the license that this would be the situation six years down the track.
Sideshow announced the Star Wars license almost exactly six years ago - and they only just last year did Vader and this year did Yoda, and still (as of today) haven't released such absolute BASICS as Luke X-Wing, Chewy, Fett, bounty hunters, C3PO/R2, Sandpeople, Jawas, Snowtrooper, Biker Scout, any Hoth outfit hero. Which is... strange... six years out. SSC is a totally different company/scale to Hasbro, but still - these are the big money makers, right?