SDCC 2011 Star Wars Predictions

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It does look like it could be a battle droid:


Yes, it looks.

Looks like a Battle Droid (maybe) could be an environment piece and Gree (1:6th I'm 99.99% sure ) tomorrow. Should be fun.
I painted the prototypes for the Battle Droids immediately after SDCC last year, but I think what you are going to see this year is the actual production paint jobs since the prototypes weren't fully engineered yet and my paint was way too detailed (100% screen accurate) for production purposes. I tend to overdo things. The production pieces look great though and leave plenty of room for custom weathering.
Battle droids??? Really??

Seems like an odd choice, with a small customer base wanting these
I've just never understood them.

We have Sith, Jedi, thousands of incredibly advanced technology and these tiny, flimsy, wimpy little robots who run around saying "uh oh", or "roger roger!"

They look cool though. The design is unique. I just don't see how they could be considered a threat.. I mean, I could just walk up behind one and flick it's head off...
They are a really massive thread cause their power grounds on their high number, they always come in huge groups. It's the pure mass of laser shooting enemys that sometimes could win a battle.

To make it clear: I hate those droids, too!
I've just never understood them.

We have Sith, Jedi, thousands of incredibly advanced technology and these tiny, flimsy, wimpy little robots who run around saying "uh oh", or "roger roger!"

They look cool though. The design is unique. I just don't see how they could be considered a threat.. I mean, I could just walk up behind one and flick it's head off...

keep in mind, Palpatine didn't want them to win...
Okay, here's the thing with battle-droids: visually cool, they look like they could be very lethal...then they talk, and it ruins everything. Their dialogue is abysmal (much like Jar-Jar Binks) and, when it comes to talking, Lucas should have remembered that sometimes LESS is MORE (much like Jar-Jar Binks). Yes, Lucas wanted them to be dumb to point out why clones are superior as warriors. Yes, Palpatine wanted the losing side to be armed/plagued with them (even Grievous b*tches about them in the Clone Wars series), but the point could have been made more effectively with pantomime foppishness (as in the CW micro-series).

Having said that, clones are nothing without an enemy to fight and these will help make for cool displays. I will buy at least one for my collection (possibly more, if they make a justifiable variant like a Commander droid), but I hope Sideshow will show some restraint when dipping into the redeco well. I could see a white deco, a red Geonosis deco, hell, maybe even a Kashyyyk deco down the road - but it should end there.

From a sheer aesthetic perspective, though, all the droids rock. I'm still hoping to see a Grievous, a super battle droid, a magnaguard (now THOSE are some menacing looking droids!), maybe even a cool CW commando droid - bring 'em on!