SHIN GODZILLA - Toho Studios To Return to Godzilla in 2016!

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That is so awesome. He'll never forget that day. Good job JAWS. :hi5:

Going to try and keep hi focused on talking to me and se if I can get him in the theater without seeing any posters or titles and see if I can get him in the theater and not know what is coming until that Toho logo appears.
Going to try and keep hi focused on talking to me and se if I can get him in the theater without seeing any posters or titles and see if I can get him in the theater and not know what is coming until that Toho logo appears.

It'll be easy.... have your cellphone out on a webpage showing different halloween masks. Ask him to pick a few he thinks are cool.
As soon as he begins to lift his head up, point to some random mask and ask him, "What do you think about this one?" :lol
It'll be easy.... have your cellphone out on a webpage showing different halloween masks. Ask him to pick a few he thinks are cool.
As soon as he begins to lift his head up, point to some random mask and ask him, "What do you think about this one?" :lol

Good plan! One I will use for sure!! Thanks!!
Well, I finally watched The Return of Godzilla/Godzilla Returns/84/85..whatever it goes by. :lol

Overall I enjoyed it but with some issues.

Even though his design is not in my overall top 3 he was still very menacing with his snarl and eyes.

He was dwarfed by those high rises though.

Not much really happened, he came, was turned around, he was gone, the end!

The movie felt like a mix of Showa and Heisei which I enjoyed, it was Showa with better effects (but not all the times, see below).

The music was interesting due to Akira's refusal to score the movie, not bad but his music was sorely missed. When I expected his music to come on it wouldn't. :lol

Everytime the Super X was shown it would go into that uplifting military type rhythm.

I did like the tension at the end if he was going to blow up the big radio dish or continue to be mesmerized by it. Would he walk into the volcano or not!

The following screen grabs made me lol and some of these must be seen to be appreciated!

The Japan/Soviet/US meeting was an absolute lol worthy scene!

When the American guy shouted out this line I burst out in laughter, I just kept rewinding to see him do it again, so awesome!


The russian guy stare, oh man! He looked like a Leprechaun lol.


This dude on the train with his creepy smile while looking at Godzilla about to kill everyone on the train including him!


This dude on the train making believe he was being thrown, just classic!


The Russian dude being blown up on the boat looked like he was really set on fire in an explosion without any protection, it was pretty graphic, must see in movement to appreciate it even more lol! Very well done!


Effects were really bad in some spots, but expected and that's ok with me. High rises set nice, matte lines and miniatures bad, atomic breath effects ok but not Heisei quality either.


Oh man this dude's line translations were awesome..."You out of towner!" = LOL


This couple was Anakin and Padme way before the PT! "I won't let you die!" Wut!


Again, not much happens in the movie but i'm still happy to have it in my collection.

I didn't think it was slow or boring, ok maybe just a little.

Definately watch it for the lolz though, especially for that meeting with the Prime Minister!

There are other funny elements that i'm not showing here so there's more to enjoy.

For a movie that was supposed to be a return to serious nuclear horror monster it certainly had humor some unintentional obviously.

But yeah, Godzilla was a meany but he really didn't kill as many humans as I was expecting.

$10.00, buy it.
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Got my tix for the 11th....interestingly I think godzilla 85 might be one of the more interesting movies to watch before Shin. Compare and contrast the reimaginings.

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Got my tix for the 11th....interestingly I think godzilla 85 might be one of the more interesting movies to watch before Shin. Compare and contrast the reimaginings.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

It's certainly the most comparable in plot, world superpowers debating and working to eliminate Godzilla. Gojira was more like government vs science, government wanting to defend Japan and kill him, science wanting to understand him and figure out how to prevent another.
Sounds like a good plan. I think I'll do that as well.
Speaking of which, isn't 85 suppose to be 'finally' released on blu here in the US? Suppose to be soon if I recall correctly.
Sounds like a good plan. I think I'll do that as well.
Speaking of which, isn't 85 suppose to be 'finally' released on blu here in the US? Suppose to be soon if I recall correctly.

It's the original Japanese cut from '84, the '85 US cut used music from another film's score which complicates getting rights and costs, and where the '84 BR is like $10, likely no one will ever feel '85 is worth the cost.
Second form attack. Despite the video title, those who have seen the movie said his first form is something under water with a brief tail shot only, this is the first to make landfall.

American Review:

Fantastic Fest: SHIN GODZILLA Is A Monster-Sized Disappointment

The big guy looks cool. And that’s about it.

When Gareth Edwards’ Godzilla came out in 2014, many complained that Godzilla was hardly in it. I recommend anyone who shares that opinion stay far, far away from Shin Godzilla or Godzilla Resurgence or God Godzilla or whatever it’s actually called.

There’s a real precedent for keeping Godzilla offscreen more often than not in these movies. A great many of them use this tactic not to raise tension but simply to save money. And also because it gets boring just watching the guy walk around for two hours.

I can’t tell you the reasoning behind Godzilla’s limited screen time in Shin Godzilla. Given that this return to the series comes with its own sense of celebration and anticipation, you would think a focus on Godzilla would be something of a priority. Instead, we get a lot of board room meetings. No one ever went to a Godzilla moving hoping for lots of talky office scenes, but they always have some. This one likely has the most.

The plot is simple. A googly-eyed quadruped monster starts bugging Japan. He mutates into our main man Godzilla later. Godzilla steps on buildings, so the army shoots back at him. That doesn’t work so they try to figure out a different approach.

Thankfully, there aren’t a lot of examples to prove this, but Godzilla movies where he doesn’t fight another monster tend to be awful. The original should be an obvious exception. Godzilla: 1984 is super boring, and no one likes the first American remake. The fighting stuff is cool, but the better argument for their necessity involves plot. An opponent gives the movie something to be about. The humans are there to discuss Godzilla and help us figure out the other monster. And then, yes, the monsters fight and it’s cool.

When the focus is on Godzilla there is less room for dynamics. He can only stomp so many buildings before we get bored. After that, filmmakers only have two moves: show us some atomic breath and then take Godzilla out. It’s very difficult to add any more than that to the formula when he’s alone.

What Shin Godzilla wants to add is bureaucracy machinations spliced with a little anti-US satire. None of it satisfies, however. The satire alone should make this automatically one of the best Godzilla movies ever, but it never lands quite like it should to be effective on that level, which is frustrating.

Also frustrating, this has one of the greatest looking Godzilla’s ever. Not just his look but the care and detail of his destruction. Perhaps the film suffers by offering a Godzilla we want to see too much. His big atomic breath moment may anger some purists (it starts out as fire, but basically turns into a lightsaber beam that shoots out of his mouth - and his back and tail as an aimed defense mechanism), but I loved it. The film teases all these wonderful new approaches to filming Godzilla, but it’s hard to accept how little of this we get.

In the end, it is a unique experience to see a non-American Godzilla film on the big screen, and I still recommend you go for it if given the opportunity. But the decision to celebrate Toho’s triumphant return to the Godzilla game with a movie like this baffles me. If nothing else, I have hope that the film’s success in Japan leads to a series of great Godzilla fight movies because I want to see this iteration of the character in a movie that deserves him.
Well if that review is true and Godzilla is not in this film much.... Well that will be a big disappointment.

Btw.... I HATE that his Jaw dislocates and opens wide at the bottom... It's the one thing that I really dislike about the design... Everything about the design has a Godzilla feel but man I hate the Jaw... Very un-Godzilla.

Don't know why I felt the need to bring that up... Been thinking about that for a while just too lazy to post it. :lol