SHIN GODZILLA - Toho Studios To Return to Godzilla in 2016!

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I'd say for the first 3rd of the movie where dialogue seemed heaviest and fastest, I did more reading than less noticing who or what was on screen. I don't mind subtitles, but when you lose focus on the movie, you might as well be reading a book, the point of film is seeing.

It wasn't so much the dialogue but the fact that everyone was a chairman this. Minister that. Secretery of this. I just hoped i wouldn't have to remember all that :lol luckily it didn't affect my enjoyment at all it was just a funny moment to me. I think that was part of the ongoing politics statement they kept making IE red tape and a committee for the committee to commit. So in the end it technically had a point :lol

I liked how initially they could have probably killed Godzilla when he was in his second (or was it third?) upright form, but all the beauracracy and political and social morality of those two citizens kept it from happening. If those helicopters fired it might have been over real quick.
At the movies now to see this. I'll let you know my thoughts afterwards. My theatre has got a lot of people so that's good.

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Post viewing the movie is sitting pretty good with me.

I love me some Japanese bureaucracy.

When they cut to all those dudes leaning over paying respect to the PM the whole theater lol
One thing this movie deserves credit for is mostly quality dialogue to sell its message. One thing that annoyed me through a lot of the millenium films was the lackluster dialogue and story when they were trying to push the whole "woman power" idea, and my objection is not to the promotion of that idea, but what I consider a poor delivery.

Also, I appreciate the more grounded approach to the look of Godzilla's destruction and even the minimal use of his ray. The Heisei era post-Biollante seemed to overuse of explosions and beam effects and the Millennium era seemed to feature odd slow mow destruction sometimes which just felt fake.
While I loved it I am also concerned about repeat viewings due to the narrative structure so I totally understand when people say they hated the movie.

But look I get it, repeat viewings might not be kind to their narrative.

Going this weekend so I don't have an opinion yet... But I can say this about all Godzilla films... Basically I watch the film all the way through once... Then it's all fast forward to the good parts. I mean I have seen some of them more then once... Old enough to have cable TV be the only way to see these when I was younger so I had to sit though KK vs G and DOM etc... but as an adult I have watched them all one more time all the way through.. But now... Nope... Just give me Godzilla please.

So as long as the non Godzilla stuff is not awful and the Godzilla stuff is great... I will enjoy the film... and repeat viewing will be no problem :)
I saw this on Tuesday and I immediately want to watch it again. I enjoyed it. It felt refreshing and not a total rehash. I was way more into these characters than I was into these forced melodramatic relationships like all the characters in the later Hesei and Millennium films (pterodactyl guy, we're looking at you). Kudos to treating Godzilla to adults again..

I thought he generally looked great, though his size looked inconsistent to me at times. But great looking head and he looked impressive on screen.

Loved the music. New and old. But nothing beats the I***ube classics and the credit scores were awesome to sit through at the end.

I do think the movie dragged a bit at times. And it was missing one more big destruction scene or encounter with the military as the final Shin form. If nothing more but just for the sake of money shots or to show his carnage to the people more.

I took the ending as confirmation that Japan's problems are just beginning. They confirmed that Godzilla wasn't finished bit they think they can now control him. But that's never the case with Godzilla. I don't know if they were offspring but they are definitely going to be a consequence that the Japanese are unprepared for. Godzilla himself I expect to stay have and to evolve further into a more invulnerable monster physically. I literally expected to see a purple light begin to glow from inside the Godzilla statue than fade to credits.

I also can't help but wonder how they would have shown Godzilla take on the nuke since 2014 did it and it seems Toho wanted to trump that Godzilla. I'm slightly surprised they didn't have him hit with it on his head and he turned into a bigger, scarier monster.

I'd give it a 8 out of 10. The giant monster genre typically doesn't stray too far from the usual so I appreciate this standing out.

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The end was classic Godzilla military assault from the 60s. Both military attacks really, I love how they had levels of attack in case one didn't work, and naturally they all failed. One of my favorite shots was of Godzilla just after walking away from the first military attack.
Just got back from seeing the film. Overall I say I enjoyed it. Definitely an interesting take on a Godzilla film. It's not your typical Kaiju Zilla film but I feel the movie was made to open up the new world we saw and make a sequel. Seems like we will get another film at some point to continue on. The ending wasn't too thrilling but I did love the approach with all the humans and the point of view of them. Favorite scene has to be in his final form at night when he blasts everything to nothing and you just see the glow from his body.
My favorite assault on him were with the
Spoiler Spoiler:

The one thing Maulfan didn't find spoiler footage of :lol
Those cranes looked like they were scraping off the plaque from Godzilla's teeth. I will say, he was a very good patient by keeping still during the process.
Spoiler below but here is a good shot of the tail at the end



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That's not really something I want to do when I sit down to watch a 'Godzilla' movie. Way too much thinking to derive at that explanation and I'm not even so sure most people got that.

Whatever. It's done. The foundation is established now move on to a more traditional sequel that has G tearing things up, bring back the next gen Maser Tank, and throw in another daikaiju or two.

This is why we all enjoyed watching Godzilla when we were younger. Be creative but keep it simple. We're talking about a giant monster here folks. LOL!
We have that in every other kaiju film pretty much. We will have an endless amount of future Godzilla films with those very same traits. You'll get the sequel you want because as powerful as these solo Godzilla films can be, they are better in small doses..I love that this one at least stands out from the slew of Godzilla vs *insert monster name* that are already out.

I've always enjoyed the more serious takes on the character. Even if he's fighting another monster, Godzilla himself is best when treated as the big unstoppable threat like mothra vs godzilla.

And it's always welcome when a G-film makes me think in a unconventional way. The tail thing was something that I didn't really take away at first, but it's a neat theory if true both symbolically and in practicality (but implied since a direct sequel isn't the way to go--we get it--Godzilla will evolve again and again until he wipes out mankind). Just leave it implied like a Stephen King book.

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Just got back from a matinee showing with my friends. All I can say is...

Anno Hideaki you crazy, beautiful son of a *****! Thank you sir for making an absolute ballsy Gojira film that is nothing short of a masterpiece in kaiju eiga/cinema.

Man, oh man. Sheer ****ing heart attack, amaze o balls awesome! Anno, Shinji Higuchi and Takayuki Takeya put together something that just roars and destroys like crazy. The pacing is perfect. The film started and before we knew it, the credits were rolling with I***ube's music and we were all ready to watch it again cause we loved it that much. And there were no other showings in town today, and not until Tuesday we found out! We would have purchased tickets and walked right back into see it again! That's how much we loved it. And I suspect so did most of our audience as there was a big round of applause at the end in a theatre that was way over half full.

The two hours never dragged from the opening scene forward. It was cinema veritas in its purest form on display. Anno put you in the moment, right there as Japan took this threat on. Hell, it felt like a found footage/faux documentary as the Japanese government met and met and were virtually impotent all the while kaiju chaos was happening on the streets. This killer satire, all directed in so many directions--the Japanese government, the US, nuclear proliferation, the stupidity of humanity and the tragedy and travesty from the 3/11 tsunami and earthquake and subsequent meltdown of ***ushima Daiichi. When one character made the remark that she didn't know what was worse, Godzilla or mankind I knew that Anno had done his job. This is the REAL successor to Ishiro Honda's Gojira here and I personally think that It is one helluva exciting, disturbing and eye opening successor at that. And Godzilla's multiple forms as he evolves is extraordinary with the final form a ****ing revelation as it moves on screen wrecking everything in its path. And those atomic breath/spine laser/tail laser destruction sequences made me lose my ****ing mind! GOD GODZILLA INDEED!

This film rocked my world. This film made me proud to be a Godzilla fan. This film made me go SKREEONK!!!!
Just got back... First off... Operation "keep this a secret birthday present from my son until the Toho logo appears on screen" was a success. He was surprised and very happy to find out he was sitting in a theater about to show Shin Godzilla. So that was a great moment.

Now on to the film...

The Good:
1. I loved the first 45 min... It flew by. Perfectly paced and well acted.
2. Godzilla's first form.. I loved that ugly SOB. He was also responsible for what was IMO the most gut wrenching destruction scenes... You saw the people in his path and the aftermath of his destruction... Great stuff.
3. The CGI I thought was very good overall. Only a few moments looked bad IMO. The city destruction looked great.
4. The beautiful shots of Godzilla from the ground up... You really felt small watching this film.

The Bad:
1. After Godzilla went to sleep.... My Goodness the next hour was sooooooooooooooo long. Not only that ultimately nothing happened to change the story. I mean they wanted to freeze him to avoid a Nuclear attack... Great but then they freeze him only to tell us he will come back out of it?? Did I miss something there?? I mean the film IMO wasted time about coming up with another method of stopping G so the Nuclear weapon would not have to be used... Only now it may have to be used anyways because... You know he is basically sleeping again just like he was before.

2. This goes with #1. That hour was basically just time chewed up so they could add to the running time and save on budget. No Godzilla means saving money. It was so boring and worthless. Shave off about 20 min of that stuff and the film would have flowed much better.

3. The characters were... Meh... Again the hour between Godzilla attacks really suffered because of the also

4. Not enough Godzilla. My own fault for watching trailers but they showed most everything Godzilla final form related. Plus if you are going to make me sit for an hour waiting for the final battle with Godzilla give us a great epic ending... Budget I think caused this. Again shave off 20 or 30 min in that final part until the end and the payoff would have been better.

5. While I liked the overall look of Godzilla... Bottom mouth splitting and Laser tail shooting is not Godzilla. He was too slow and really the action with Final form Godzilla was kind of boring. Not really a true Godzilla film that way.

Anyways I still enjoyed it. I did not like it better then 2014 and not even close to my Showa favs but still a good Godzilla film.

6.5 out of 10