SHIN GODZILLA - Toho Studios To Return to Godzilla in 2016!

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It'll be about $20.

Just came back from the theater. This is a good to great movie. 8/10

English subtitle
The hot Japanese woman who supposedly will be future U.S. President got bad English. Understandable since it is a Japanese movie.
The middle men of middle men, lol, of bureaucracy or hierarchy is crazy. Meeting after meeting.
Godzilla being alone but we already know he is not going to fight any other monster.
Ending is just weird. Do future Godzilla just start over? Or do he just wake out of petrified state?

Pacing is good.
Origin story and morphing.
CGI is good.

Mr. Green prefer the previous movie. It got the action and immortality to it. But didn't like the overly buff build. This got the looks but lacks the godhood to it. If we can put the two together, that would be swell.
Review time.

Subtitles were perfect, easy to read, not cut off.

Yeah it suffered from the over use of Japanese fonts for character title labeling but it didn't distract me from what needed to be read.

So, I loved the movie.

There's entertainment and humor to be had from seeing a super stiff serious culture reacting to a crisis.

I loved it because it tried something different from all the other G movies and while it didn't succeed all the time it succeeded enough to keep me engaged.

I respect their approach with this new form of a narrative structure for this series.

Cgi was way better than I was expecting with it being shown on a big screen.

Sure it needed more Godzilla but what was there was serviceable enough to keep me entertained.

The ending certainly delivered the goods as it also presented a new form of assualt on him that was never seen before.

If anything I absolutely loved that instead of him traditionally destroying a train the train actually ended up being used as a weapon against him!

They literally had trains climbing up on him vs him spitting out trains from previous movies. It was almost like his famous train eating scene was shown in reverse if that makes any sense.

They tried to make us care about a few of the main characters but unfortunately that fell a little short, but it also doesn't mean it wasn't entertaining.

Great Godzilla scenes, the spoilers didn't ruin those scenes for me but it still would've been more exciting seeing those critical scenes fresh.

I thought that the geopolitical stuff was well handled and actually made sense with what was going on with the motivations of the different nations.

I loved how the wealth area of Japan was considered a higher priority to defend first if I understood that correctly.

Spoiler Spoiler:

Hands down the most grounded and realistic TOHO Godzilla movie to date.
Just got back. I really really enjoyed it. Yes there were parts if the dialogue scenes that had me a little antsy and restless, but not often. Most the dialogue was actually pretty engaging for me especially the science of Godzilla. The political stuff had me pretty interested because of it's down to earth and realistic approach the characters were taking. Normally you'd expect quick cuts and highly expressive characters spouting one liners and simplified mumbo jumbo but this felt pretty intellectual and I rather enjoyed it. I thoight it added a nice bit of integrity to what most would expect from a monster movie

As for Godzilla himself...incredible. Every shot was gorgeous the only time I really got pulled out of the movie with the CG was with his first form. Some of the shots there looked a little weak. Other than that he looked jaw dropping. There were some really nice shots of his tromping through tokyo (one in particular that shook the tiling of a roof really had me joyful :lol)

I think this movie may suffer upon repeat viewings, but only with the dialogue bits, but as I did as a kid I can just fast forward to the Goji parts :lol

Spoiler Spoiler:
Think it's some kind of metaphor; like how this is all humanity's fault. But also it seem not petrified, still reddish, thus still alive.
Think it's some kind of metaphor; like how this is all humanity's fault. But also it seem not petrified, still reddish, thus still alive.

This is how I interpreted it. The story established that he's composed of several lifeforms, amphibious, and able to mutate, but ultimately was the result of what humanity did.

And then the movie just stopped. :rotfl
Saw it last night. This is all I have to say. There is only one G movie that I don't own on dvd or blu-ray, the Emmerich disaster. This will be the second.
Spoiler Spoiler:

Spoiler Spoiler:
This is how I interpreted it. The story established that he's composed of several lifeforms, amphibious, and able to mutate, but ultimately was the result of what humanity did.

And then the movie just stopped. :rotfl

:lol :lol

Saw it last night. This is all I have to say. There is only one G movie that I don't own on dvd or blu-ray, the Emmerich disaster. This will be the second.

While I loved it I am also concerned about repeat viewings due to the narrative structure so I totally understand when people say they hated the movie.

But I also liked that they went with a documentary reality show style with the quick cuts of talking heads as a presentation of their government bureaucracy.

There was a point where they filmed really close to their faces with a fish bowl lense to capture the increase in tension which I thought was well done and palpable.

But look I get it, repeat viewings might not be kind to their narrative.

I was also struggling trying to connect with characters that were being presented in such a cold strict manner.

Part of the problem was that some of the male leads all looked alike in their business suits so I was trying to keep track of who was who so that I could care about them lol.

I did like that there was some really good humor in this movie eminating from their stiff seriousness.
Saw it last night. This is all I have to say. There is only one G movie that I don't own on dvd or blu-ray, the Emmerich disaster. This will be the second.

Hahaha! Ouch! :lol

Yeah, I can see how this can turn people off. Like I said in my own review of the movie, there are a few things I don't like about the script and the G design itself.
Part of the problem was that some of the male leads all looked alike in their business suits so I was trying to keep track of who was who so that I could care about them lol.


:lecture Do you remember this guy, standing in front of the desk wearing the glasses?

I couldn't believe that they casted an actor with a lisp. Hahahaha! :lol
Hahaha! Ouch! :lol

Yeah, I can see how this can turn people off. Like I said in my own review of the movie, there are a few things I don't like about the script and the G design itself.
I think I could eventually warm up to the design, although right now I'm dubbing it Gamzillenstein.....Gamera's head, Godzilla-ish body and Frankenstein movements. A second viewing would put me to sleep in 10 seconds. If a much improved sequel came out, I might go back and pick this up just to have it in the collection.
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Spoiler Spoiler:

:lol :lol

While I loved it I am also concerned about repeat viewings due to the narrative structure so I totally understand when people say they hated the movie.

But I also liked that they went with a documentary reality show style with the quick cuts of talking heads as a presentation of their government bureaucracy.

There was a point where they filmed really close to their faces with a fish bowl lense to capture the increase in tension which I thought was well done and palpable.

But look I get it, repeat viewings might not be kind to their narrative.

I was also struggling trying to connect with characters that were being presented in such a cold strict manner.

Part of the problem was that some of the male leads all looked alike in their business suits so I was trying to keep track of who was who so that I could care about them lol.

I did like that there was some really good humor in this movie eminating from their stiff seriousness.

I like how everyone had a title :lol but damn was i feeling like " this gonna be on the test?" So at some point i just clocked out and just went by who was on screen more. :lol

I really liked the second Prime Minister though. He was good.
Super disappointed that this isn't very good!

I don't fault Toho, but they created a movie that isn't easily related to by the world, it very much speaks to Japanese citizens. It's not so Japan-centric that you can't enjoy it outside of the country, but it's hard to enjoy the non-Godzilla parts. Had this been a typical 90 minute run time and Godzilla had the same screen time, it might be more appealing to other countries. It gets so caught up in making a statement about Japanese government that it doesn't develop the characters, it develops the statement, and for people who aren't impacted by that statement, you feel the lack of character.

I personally enjoy the overall content of the movie enough to not be bothered by it but I can complete see where others will be very offput by it.

I like how everyone had a title :lol but damn was i feeling like " this gonna be on the test?" So at some point i just clocked out and just went by who was on screen more. :lol

I really liked the second Prime Minister though. He was good.

I'd say for the first 3rd of the movie where dialogue seemed heaviest and fastest, I did more reading than less noticing who or what was on screen. I don't mind subtitles, but when you lose focus on the movie, you might as well be reading a book, the point of film is seeing.
Saw the movie last night and...

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So a good addition to the franchise IMO but it's not one I'd want to ever see again. It just didn't grab me and leave me feeling excited or awed like some other Godzilla films have been for me.