SHIN GODZILLA - Toho Studios To Return to Godzilla in 2016!

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Sorry to add to the sorrow, his stay in American theaters has been extended through the rest of October in select theaters.

In the plus, the movie's done over a million in sales with limited showings at only 400 or so theaters, that's impressive, they said comparitively it has been the most successful Toho Godzilla movie in a long time, besting Godzilla 2000.
In the plus, the movie's done over a million in sales with limited showings at only 400 or so theaters, that's impressive, they said comparitively it has been the most successful Toho Godzilla movie in a long time, besting Godzilla 2000.
That's very impressive indeed! :clap

I just wish TOHO knew about the Russian fan base. It's not as big as US one but we'd ready to travel across the country in order to see this movie. Alas... :monkey2
I finally got to see this last night. SPOILERS!!!

It was exactly what I was expecting after reading the reviews, which is ok but it left me wanting so much more. They could have done some tightening up on the political drama side of things and still gotten the point across, maybe even more so because it wouldn't have become so monotonous as it did in the movie. How many scenes with meetings do you need to have to get the point across that their government is too caught up in procedure and red tape and that it is costing lives? How about some back and forth with these scenes actually showing the destruction first hand while this stuff is going on? They did that for small snippets when Godzilla first appears on land but then it just grinds down into meeting fest. And him just freezing when he powers down is horrible. After his first time when he uses his atomic breath and he powers down, why in the hell didn't they hit him with more bunker busters? They worked!! It was killing him and after he went into "sleep mode" you could have hit him with more and destroyed him before he could even reanimate and attack. There was no need to use nuclear weapons except to give a reason for the Japanese government to tell the US to shove it, which is fine, they should be able to run their own country at this point, but it was a lame plot device. Godzilla himself was cool but horribly underused. I love the design now and the evolution but out of a two hour movie we see him for maybe ten minutes? What the serious F? The computer effects were very Sci Fi channel in certain spots (first transformation, when he "freezes). It's weird how slow he moves most of the time, which actually makes sense but then when he gets pissed and starts moving faster his movements look too jerky and fake. His atomic breath rules though, it's the best thing about this new version. I do think the back rays are taking it a little too far though, they could have done without that. And that final scene at the end... well that could go either way. They could just jump off the deep end and make the next movie all about those things coming off of his tail and do something totally new and different but I don't think many of the fans would like that. Although, what if each one evolved differently and kept getting getting larger and larger? Well, anyway, that's my two cents. Long live Godzilla!
I finally got to see this last night. SPOILERS!!!

It was exactly what I was expecting after reading the reviews, which is ok but it left me wanting so much more. They could have done some tightening up on the political drama side of things and still gotten the point across, maybe even more so because it wouldn't have become so monotonous as it did in the movie. How many scenes with meetings do you need to have to get the point across that their government is too caught up in procedure and red tape and that it is costing lives? How about some back and forth with these scenes actually showing the destruction first hand while this stuff is going on? They did that for small snippets when Godzilla first appears on land but then it just grinds down into meeting fest. And him just freezing when he powers down is horrible. After his first time when he uses his atomic breath and he powers down, why in the hell didn't they hit him with more bunker busters? They worked!! It was killing him and after he went into "sleep mode" you could have hit him with more and destroyed him before he could even reanimate and attack. There was no need to use nuclear weapons except to give a reason for the Japanese government to tell the US to shove it, which is fine, they should be able to run their own country at this point, but it was a lame plot device. Godzilla himself was cool but horribly underused. I love the design now and the evolution but out of a two hour movie we see him for maybe ten minutes? What the serious F? The computer effects were very Sci Fi channel in certain spots (first transformation, when he "freezes). It's weird how slow he moves most of the time, which actually makes sense but then when he gets pissed and starts moving faster his movements look too jerky and fake. His atomic breath rules though, it's the best thing about this new version. I do think the back rays are taking it a little too far though, they could have done without that. And that final scene at the end... well that could go either way. They could just jump off the deep end and make the next movie all about those things coming off of his tail and do something totally new and different but I don't think many of the fans would like that. Although, what if each one evolved differently and kept getting getting larger and larger? Well, anyway, that's my two cents. Long live Godzilla!
I'm in the same boat. Pretty much feel the same way, if you read my first review I posted last Tuesday (10/11), several pages back.
The way his atomic breath erupts in stages is very cool, but the spine attack and tip of the tail blast are lame.
I do agree that more showing and less talking would've helped this movie even with the talking being above average for this series.

But his spine and tail blasts were a nice evolution of the character plus how his mouth blast fluctuated in size and effect.

The series already has a ton of mouth only atomic breath so i'm ok with seeing it expanded upon especially since it made sense for it to exist.

But TOHO needs to edit this movie and add 10 more minutes of Godzilla and remove 10 minutes of political discussions.

Perfect movie that would be.
I'm not sure how to change it, but I feel like the actual CG effect of the back rays is more responsible for fan dislike than the concept. For me they're a Godzilla equivalent to porcupine quills. This Godzilla is a walking engine of destruction capable of adapting on the fly to survive any attack, and each new attack revealed served as a means to deal with a new threat the previous ones couldn't stop.

I kinda image the things at the end evolving into something kinda like this.
Shin 5.jpg


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I wonder if the wings comment was meant for Ghidorah.

Do you think the government could use samples from the big G to create something like Ghidorah?

Or the creature that breaks off from his tail becomes Ghidorah.

Wait didn't Biojex already say this lol.

I like this chain of thinking!!!
I brought up "shin Ghidorah" but Jye you get the credit for that wing comment potentially being a nod to Ghidorah :panic:
So apparently this movie has done so well that some theaters are playing it for the remainder of October

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Last I read it did 1.5 million, which at 1 show per day and only 1 screen per theater at many of the theaters showing it, and with only around 400 theaters showing it, is a great accomplishment for this film.
It was ok, but I thought they wasted to much time talking about politics. Getting a charlie horse in the middle of the movie didn't help much either. Guess better there then while I was driving.