Super Freak
Damn. You know what it costs to see a movie here in Australia? About $25.
I paid $29 for 2 presale TDKR tickets. That sucks that you have to pay that much dude.
Damn. You know what it costs to see a movie here in Australia? About $25.
I saw this at my local TRU too, and I totally would've bought it if it weren't for the bullet marks on the Batmobile. I saw that and was like, "WTF?"![]()
I already have loose in good condition versions of the car from Ertl 89 and Returns mobile i had since i was 9yrs old onward plus the Batmissile.
Its a nice figure, so far I have all four (Batman, Bane, Alfred and Catwoman, which I paid $6.74 due to an error on the stores part) and Bane is the best and he looks cool with the coat off too. I still need 2 more pieces to complete the Bat Signal, does anyone know who the last 2 characters in this line will be?
I know I already complimented you on these before Butcher but these two are especially awesome. I've always had an issue with the DX02's eyes. There to big and goofy, but not here. The DX02 is nothing short of badass here. Same for Keaton. He looks super realistic here.![]()
the last two are Blake and the mystery figure aka dont Ras
Thanks dude!
I was messing around with them for ages till I was happy.
With the dx, tilt the neck as far forward as possible, then tilt his head up till you are happy with it. Then move the eyes to an extreme position so that some of them aren't showing. This solves the big and goofy problem.
I wish I knew how to do the neck mod. All the pictures of medix's made me want to prove that the stock dx can be cool too!
Rock on bro!
Rex, thanks so much for compiling this list! I'm real excited to see what the 1940's Batmobile looks like. Have you seen any pics yet?
For anyone interested in the Hot Wheels Batman series, I compiled a checklist over on the Mattycollector boards, so I thought I'd post it here. It includes the newest releases along with the new TRU three packs.
The three packs all include two re-releases, along with one new variant. The 1966 Batmobile is chrome, the 89 Batmobile has bullet holes, and the Tumbler has water spots.
Batman Hot Wheels list:
Comic Book version Batmobile
Comic Book version Batmobile 1940s (not yet released)
Batman 1966 Batmobile
Batman 1966 Batmobile with trailer hitch
Batman 1966 Batmobile chrome TRU exclusive (from box set)
Batman 1966 Batcycle
Batman 1966 Batgirl Cycle
Batman 1966 Penguin Batmobile
Batman 1966 Batboat
Batman 1966 Batcopter
Super Friends Batmobile
Batman 1989 Batmobile
Batman 1989 Batmobile with bullet holes TRU exclusive (from box set)
Batman 1989 Batwing
Batman Returns Batmissle
Batman Returns Armored Batmobile (shields)
Batman Returns Batskiboat
Batman: The Animated Series Batmobile
Batman: The Animated Series Batmobile (with bullet holes)
Batman Forever Batmobile
Batman and Robin Batmobile
Batman and Robin Batblade
Batman Begins Tumbler Batmobile (camo)
Dark Knight Tumbler Batmobile (black)
Dark Knight Tumbler Batmobile (black) TRU exclusive with water spots (from box set)
Dark Knight Tumbler Batmobile (slight paint variant from comic con)
Dark Knight Batpod (with Batman figure - comic con exclusive)
Dark Knight Batpod (without Batman figure)