Sorry a-dev, that truely sucks. Those little guys are easy to love and very hard to let go. I got a little weiner dog and he is my shadow, everywhere I go he wants to go and could'nt imagine him not being around.

Sorry to hear about that a-dev. This stuff is tough.
We got our dog in 2000 and he's still going strong. He's still a quick, loud, neurotic son of a *****. He recently had a check up at the vet and they said, "he's healthy, a middle aged dog". Going on 13 is middle age? I thought that was nuts. I've been expecting to see signs of him slowing down but have yet to see it. Then again, he's a Jack Russell Terrier breed. Some of those ****ers live to be 20.
Sorry to hear about that a-dev. This stuff is tough.
We got our dog in 2000 and he's still going strong. He's still a quick, loud, neurotic son of a *****. He recently had a check up at the vet and they said, "he's healthy, a middle aged dog". Going on 13 is middle age? I thought that was nuts. I've been expecting to see signs of him slowing down but have yet to see it. Then again, he's a Jack Russell Terrier breed. Some of those ****ers live to be 20.
Its hard to enjoy anything at the moment. Its snowing heavily right now, ordinarily something I'd get excited about because we rarely get it here. Unfortunately all I can think is its the first snow where I'm one dog short. Everything from tuesday on has been 'the first since...'.
Thanks guys.
Thats a cute dog. I saw your earlier post about the hilarious way he sits with his back legs sticking up.
All I can say is the last 2 nights have been 2 of the worst of my life. I usually love my alone time but thats when its hitting the hardest. You try to distract yourself from it and you feel guilty. Hell you can't even distract yourself from it because virtually every avenue of thought leads you right back.
Just had to have my dog put to sleep. He was fine one minute, then the next he was down and disoriented. Ran him to the vet and his pupils were dialated and he couldn't breathe even with oxygen. They think he had a seizure due to a heart problem. I'm just heartbroken. It came out of no where. I'll miss him so much.
Just had to have my dog put to sleep. He was fine one minute, then the next he was down and disoriented. Ran him to the vet and his pupils were dialated and he couldn't breathe even with oxygen. They think he had a seizure due to a heart problem. I'm just heartbroken. It came out of no where. I'll miss him so much.
Just had to have my dog put to sleep. He was fine one minute, then the next he was down and disoriented. Ran him to the vet and his pupils were dialated and he couldn't breathe even with oxygen. They think he had a seizure due to a heart problem. I'm just heartbroken. It came out of no where. I'll miss him so much.