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Here is our family pet (Mr) Peabody approving my new F150 Chrome grill :)


And a close up using the sun for effect.
One of my 3 family dogs died today. A westie we called Sundance AKA Sunny AKA Sun-Sun and so many other cutesy variations we gave him, as many that its a wonder he ever knew his name.

He had severe pancreatitis. It only became apparent how severe yesterday and today, we had thought he was ultimately going to be fine prior to this.

He was a true light in our lives, his name could not have been more apt. Such a joyful character. It breaks my heart that he's gone.

I'd post a pic but its so raw right now that I don't think I could bear to look for one. Can't even believe I'm typing this message..I didn't wake up today expecting to be dealing with this, its just unbelievable; I thought this was years away.

But in peace my little Sun-Sun man. 2003-2013

Sorry that this is one of those depressing messages. I'm guessing this thread sees them every few pages or so though...
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sorry for your loss a-dev, i know how hard it is to loose a beloved pet.
One of my 3 family dogs died today. A westie we called Sundance AKA Sunny AKA Sun-Sun and so many other cutesy variations we gave him, as many that its a wonder he ever knew his name.

He had severe pancreatitis. It only became apparent how severe yesterday and today, we had thought he was ultimately going to be fine prior to this.

He was a true light in our lives, his name could not have been more apt. Such a joyful character. It breaks my heart that he's gone.

I'd post a pic but its so raw right now that I don't think I could bear to look for one. Can't even believe I'm typing this message..I didn't wake up today expecting to be dealing with this, its just unbelievable; I thought this was years away.

But in peace my little Sun-Sun man. 2003-2013

Sorry that this is one of those depressing messages. I'm guessing this thread sees them every few pages or so though...

Sorry for your loss. We have two Great Danes that we love like children in our home. One is 8 with pretty bad Arthritis in his back left leg, and the other is 7. It is so difficult for me to watch them get older, and I dread the day my family has to go through what your family is going through today. But, I believe the part that makes it hurt so bad is also the part that makes it a little easier to come to grips with. Your boy loved his family, and you obviously loved him very much. It's sucks that they can't live as long as we do, but we will love them, and give them the best life we can while they are with us.
sorry for your loss a-dev, i know how hard it is to loose a beloved pet.

Thanks. Damn its hard, I've been through it before but theres no getting accustomed to it. The last time with our previous dog we knew it was coming beforehand. This time it feels so out of the blue. He was full of the joys of life running on the beach maybe even last week. Either way though, its just horrible to lose them.
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Sorry for your loss. We have two Great Danes that we love like children in our home. One is 8 with pretty bad Arthritis in his back left leg, and the other is 7. It is so difficult for me to watch them get older, and I dread the day my family has to go through what your family is going through today. But, I believe the part that makes it hurt so bad is also the part that makes it a little easier to come to grips with. Your boy loved his family, and you obviously loved him very much. It's sucks that they can't live as long as we do, but we will love them, and give them the best life we can while they are with us.

Thats what we've been telling ourselves and its the truth. He did have a great life with us and my mother and eldest brother were there with him at the end. I'm thankful for that, we'd all be even more broken up had he died in the animal hospital during the night and none of his family were there.
Sorry to hear that, dev :(

I'm sure he was a great little companion.

I sometimes called him mini-me. He liked his solitude like me, he loved his walks like I love my toys and he bit his nails like I do. He also liked me to pick him up and carry him around which I gladly did.
I sometimes called him mini-me. He liked his solitude like me, he loved his walks like I love my toys and he bit his nails like I do. He also liked me to pick him up and carry him around which I gladly did.

One of mine bites his nails also. I am also a nail biter. I think he got it from watching his dad.
Finding it tough to be around my other westie. Obviously he's quite the reminder. Its also so sad to wonder what he's feeling now with his brother gone.
Sorry for your loss A-dev. :(
It's definitely hard to loose a close pet.

Thanks. Its horrible. The whole family is distraught, we saw him as another little person, as we do our other 2 dogs.

Theres just something that feels so wrong about bringing him to the vet and not bringing him home. Not that it really was wrong but you can't help but think if he still had a consciousness he would feel abandoned and alone. This grief brings all sorts of irrational thoughts into your head.
Sorry to hear about your loss a-dev. :( Every time a dog dies of mine I always tell myself that's it no more pets. It's seriously depressing. Then I always get another asking myself why do I put myslef through this. And it usually ends badly.

About 6 months ago my dog almost got hit but 3 different cars. It is beyond me how not one didnt hit him. A tire came I know an inch or two from his head. Now Im not a man prone to tears but I was so shaken I know my eyes were watering, hands shaking. Little bastard.

I'm sorry for your loss a-dev, I know how heart-wrenching it is to lose a beloved pet :(

Thanks guys.

Sorry to hear about your loss a-dev. :( Every time a dog dies of mine I always tell myself that's it no more pets. It's seriously depressing. Then I always get another asking myself why do I put myslef through this. And it usually ends badly.

About 6 months ago my dog almost got hit but 3 different cars. It is beyond me how not one didnt hit him. A tire came I know an inch or two from his head. Now Im not a man prone to tears but I was so shaken I know my eyes were watering, hands shaking. Little bastard.


Thats a cute dog. I saw your earlier post about the hilarious way he sits with his back legs sticking up. :)

All I can say is the last 2 nights have been 2 of the worst of my life. I usually love my alone time but thats when its hitting the hardest. You try to distract yourself from it and you feel guilty. Hell you can't even distract yourself from it because virtually every avenue of thought leads you right back.
Sorry to hear about that a-dev. This stuff is tough.

We got our dog in 2000 and he's still going strong. He's still a quick, loud, neurotic son of a *****. He recently had a check up at the vet and they said, "he's healthy, a middle aged dog". Going on 13 is middle age? I thought that was nuts. I've been expecting to see signs of him slowing down but have yet to see it. Then again, he's a Jack Russell Terrier breed. Some of those ****ers live to be 20.
Thanks Difab,

yeah small dogs tend to have longer lifespans than large ones. Before we got the 2 westies and then the shih tzu we had a Labrador/retriever cross and she died aged 9. But we pretty much expected to get at least 15 years out of all of these guys. That one of our westies is already gone (also aged 9) is one of things that makes this even worse. It feels like an injustice that hes gone this soon. And he always seemed like the fittest and healthiest...until this pancreatitis hit. However the vets never gave the impression that his life was in danger from it. I don't think they even knew till right at the end when they too were shocked by his sudden massive deterioration. Just feels so out of the blue.