Sideshow 1/6 C-3PO

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I think he'll be somewhere in the range of $200-$220. I don't see him getting too much higher than that really but I guess we'll have to see. Personally I'm not using the price of X-Wing Luke as the pricing model that I think every Sideshow figure going forward will be based on and think we'll have to see what the next few figures cost.
It does seem like the fact is a bit fat or the features are kind of close-set... so far nothing about it is a deal breaker and I'll be adding this one to the collection as long as the price isn't outrageous. And if it is, I'll just wait for a deal like I did with the Tamashii.
It will be a long wait for him, sometime in 2015 I assume. Poor R2 wont have his droid counterpart. Really wished SSC would have released these two in a two pack, but I am just happy we are getting them.
I think he'll be somewhere in the range of $200-$220.

Sideshow - If you guys are reading this - Please ignore all the dufus people who say this will be 200 and up. They create an unnecessary environment for these prices to go up and up and up. I really wish the'd shut up already or express more outrage over your price of 179.99 for this piece.

Wait!! 179.99???? Are you out of your mind?????? For this piece of plastic, with 3 tiny accessories?????? Stop it sideshow, what's up with this ripoff??? I can get a diecast Tamashii for around 250 right now!!! You got the nerve to ask 179.99 for this!!!!

:pray: :pray: :pray:
It will be a long wait for him, sometime in 2015 I assume. Poor R2 wont have his droid counterpart. Really wished SSC would have released these two in a two pack, but I am just happy we are getting them.
HT will release the two-pack.

Thing is though like I said, we only have X-Wing Luke to supposedly base the new pricing off of. I get that figure is a lot but I don't think that guarantees that every figure is going to be that price or more going forward. I'm waiting to see how their next few releases are priced.
One thing to keep in mind about the price is that SSC will learn from the Tamashii experience - bottom line is, 3PO is a pretty unsexy character that people sort of want as a side display, but he's not (for most people at least) a centerpiece display character. Yet... he's very complex to design and produce.

The Tama was an insanely high pricepoint two years ago (not quite as insane these days :lol) because of the metal and technical complexity, but suffered discounts because of that "side display" factor. SSC has another technical marvel - as proven by a great video - but they will need to keep the price in check otherwise they'll see similar drops. I see this as falling in the $220-240 range (which would make it easily over $100 cheaper than Tama's original RRP, but about what the Tama can be had for these days,) but it's a hard one to pick because it's unique.

Re: the "fat head" headsculpt, 3PO's head is one of the worst offenders in terms of lens distortion of any SW helmet. His head looks proportionately TOTALLY different depending on lens choice - sometimes narrow and thin, sometimes wider and more bulbous. So it's more than possible the image I took from the video was taken with a macro lens, and some distortion has created some of that "fat head."

The sculpt is definitely off in a number of ways though - I keep saying the jaw is too bulbous, but whoever said it's that the eyes/nose/mouth being too cllosely clustered has nailed it.

I'm with you -- I want 3PO for $150-$160.

But I think it will be less in a two pack.

This has been fixed especially for you , by Mr. Pixelpiper on this fourteenth day of November, the year of our Lord, two thousand and fourteen.
Everything looks awesome to me and I'm totally down to pre-order.

Sideshow gave me a personal call to tell me they're going back to the old pricing format and he's gonna be $119.99 and that they're sorry for being jerks with X-Wing Luke.

Sideshow gave me a personal call to tell me they're going back to the old pricing format and he's gonna be $119.99 and that they're sorry for being jerks with X-Wing Luke.

Amen. Frankly, $180 is too much for that Luke, let alone what they're asking. The prices will correct themselves or these manufactures are going to find themselves not making the profits they'd like in 1/6 lines. Regardless of how much licensing is costing, the market simply won't support every figure at $250+

I can honestly think of only three more SW figures besides the ones currently on tap that would even make a blip on my radar - Farmboy Luke, Ep.IV Leia and AT-AT driver.
It will be a long wait for him, sometime in 2015 I assume. Poor R2 wont have his droid counterpart. Really wished SSC would have released these two in a two pack, but I am just happy we are getting them.

On the contest page, in the fine print it says to expect delivery November 2015.
Body looks good in these nice but incredibly over photoshoped pics, head still looks like ****. IMO.
But R2 looks good!
It does look a bit like he just sucked on a lemon or something. :lol

In regards to photos, the PS doesn't bother me, personally (though I get maybe it does if you work with it or image manipulation regularly). I like all the effort SSC seems to have put into this reveal with the pics and video. They're obviously proud of their work and are trying to step things up a bit. R2 does look incredibly good. Still can't believe that entire package for $130.00.

...I can honestly think of only three more SW figures besides the ones currently on tap that would even make a blip on my radar - Farmboy Luke, Ep.IV Leia and AT-AT driver.
While I'm definitely in for Farmboy Luke, I cannot wait for a proper Star Wars Princess Leia in her iconic white outfit. Really glad HT seems to be making a concerted effort on ANH, to start with.
He is going to be $250 at least...

They took special photos for him and an advance video showing off all his fantastic new parts / design... they are trying to soften the blow when the price is announced...