Sideshow 1/6 C-3PO

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[...]If you are splurging on one, iconic character, then it's fine to pay whatever amount for it. Once you're into the line - or multiple lines - and you look at the aggregate, the cost becomes appalling (especially when you consider what that money could be doing elsewhere). [...] SW and Marvel are brutal unto themselves. Definitely looking forward to getting the essentials from each and getting out from collecting within the next couple years.

I hear ya. Curate to have an exit strategy. My final 1/6 collection could fall anywhere between 12 and 25 pieces. Still a lot of coin, even though I'm by no means a completist it doesn't help that I squad build troops. That number is between double and three times my original plan, but I think that plan was before HT entered the fray.

I'd have to bash/customize a couple I may not see any time soon, and another two have yet to be made but remain theory I could be done with acquisition by late next year, if say...SSC were to produce a Hoth Pilot Luke...
I hear ya. Curate to have an exit strategy. My final 1/6 collection could fall anywhere between 12 and 25 pieces. Still a lot of coin, even though I'm by no means a completist it doesn't help that I squad build troops. That number is between double and three times my original plan, but I think that plan was before HT entered the fray.

I'd have to bash/customize a couple I may not see any time soon, and another two have yet to be made but remain theory I could be done with acquisition by late next year, if say...SSC were to produce a Hoth Pilot Luke...

I'm nearly at 60 SW figures already - that's before the SSC Hoth figs, Scout and R2 and HT stormies, Han and Chewy... and anything else HT or SSC decides to throw our way.:slap Exit strategy?:rotfl Problem for me is I love the fringe characters too.
I'm nearly at 60 SW figures already - that's before the SSC Hoth figs, Scout and R2 and HT stormies, Han and Chewy... and anything else HT or SSC decides to throw our way.:slap Exit strategy?:rotfl Problem for me is I love the fringe characters too.

Lol I consider myself a tame collector, but mine are numbering 48 not including 1:1 prop replicas

You get there so easily right? And you think "I really should cut back" but then they go and announce something awesome and suddenly there's a whole bunch of PO's
I'm nearly at 60 SW figures already - that's before the SSC Hoth figs, Scout and R2 and HT stormies, Han and Chewy... and anything else HT or SSC decides to throw our way.:slap Exit strategy?:rotfl Problem for me is I love the fringe characters too.

That could have been me but I just love open, empty space too much. And from a design perspective I like the look of massed - or at least repeating - uniform objects so I'm more likely to buy 3-5 troopers of one type than a wide variety of characters.

Right now I'm leaning towards this C3PO because I like the weathered finish and love the little details like articulated fingers, but as others have said he's not as necessary to me as R2. I'm cautious because I want to see production photos.
For the record, I wasnt offended, Rook. I laughed at your post.

I agree about spending larger amounts on iconic characters. Im more addressing the fact that it seems like more of them are being made now with the influx of new superhero movies and the relaunch of Star Wars. The market is flooded with products that many of us want to purchase from mutiple licenses or lines. Having a figure budget of several thousand dollars is nuts. I could budget $1,000 or so and still end up with four or five solid figures. That is quickly dwindling to three at this current rate.

I just dont think theyre being realistic with pricing. Stormtroopers at $199 is perfectly fine. A walking carpet Chewie at $235 is fine. He has never been done at that quality. But a basic Luke with hardly any accessories and isnt what I would call a must have portrait of him for $240? Makes me pass. Im not complaining. They can do whatever they want. Im just sayong it makes m more conservative with my purchase. I think Tamashii is a perfect example. You have to price properly if you want to move inventory.
For the record, I wasnt offended, Rook. I laughed at your post.

He didn't put those ironic smileys down because of what you wrote about figure releases, but about the somewhat uninformed Photoshop comment. Rook is the photographer of the amazing 3PO shoot, so I think he took your previous comment in stride, considering some other people, myself included, thought it may have been a little insulting. You kind of put your foot in you mouth with it.
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He didn't put those ironic smileys down because of what you wrote about figure releases, but about the somewhat uninformed Photoshop comment. Rook is the photographer and videographer of the amazing photos and video for 3PO, so I think he took your previous comment in stride, considering some other people, myself included, thought it may have been a little insulting. You kind of put your foot in you mouth with it.

Thanks, Pix. :wave Cheers, Snoop. :hi5:

I suppose that, these days, assuming the use of Photoshop is an easy assumption to make. But I can honestly state that the three photos in that blog post were 99.9 percent Photoshop-free. Read the blog. It's all there.

Oh, and I didn't do the videos. I was only the still photographer. There's a whole team of awesome dudes who do the videos. They're badass.
Oh, no. I wasnt being insulting in saying that. That was not my intention. My apologies if that is how it came across. Im an artist myself though mainly comic line art, but sometimes work digitally. It is becoming quite common now. I wrongly assumed the background was added digitally. I didnt mean photoshopped as in they were doctored up like a magazine. I meant they were given class treatment to show quality. Dust effects, background etc. Many artist do produce effects and compile backgrounds this way. Obviously, Rook didnt do that.

Im actually impressed by the work. It was well done. I figured they were showing such work to showcase a high quality figure to compete with HT. It works for me! Honestly, I was wowd by the photos and vid. Instant PO for me after seeing them. Im happy SSC is putting out such quality figures and I stand behind their SW line.

I already own SSC Vader and SSC Yoda. I have R2 arriving next month and Im excited to PO 3PO next week.

Sorry for any confusion and hard feelings, Rook. Great work and nice to see it done the old fashioned way! Where might I find the blog link? I would like to read more about the process and shoot.
Oh, no hard feelings at all. :wave I probably wouldn't have even posted those smileys, had it not been for all the damned wine last night... :chug So don't sweat it. It's cool.

You can view the blog here.
I love the way your image turned out Rook. The first time I saw the pic I immediately recognized the composition from the McQuarrie painting. Very nice homage.

Since you have seen SS's Threepio in person what are your thoughts on this figure vs the Tamashii?
Thanks, Rook. And no worries, my friend. I have a lot of respect for artists, and especially for those doing things the traditional way. I dont hold anything against digital artists or manipulations...its just nice that people still do things hands on. So much more to it that way. The creative expression is what it is all about. Im excitex to read the blog. Im about to head out to a state park near the everglades. I will read it on the way.

What other figures have you photographed? Do you have a website?
I try not to comment on the prototypes, as the difference between a prototype and a production piece can be huge, especially with a new body.

That being said, I'm comfortable saying that Threepio is the best prototype figure I've worked with to date. Joints were solid, and I was delighted with the range of motion. I totally geeked out over the posable fingers, which add a whole new level of potential expressions through body language. (It'll be interesting to see how many collectors take the time and effort to really dial in the fingers on their Threepio figures. I've been posing figures for years, but this was my first extended experience with fingers. There's a lot of back-and-forth to get it perfect, but the effort is worth the eventual reward.)

Stepping out of my Sideshow shoes for second ...

I think it's a mistake to compare the Sideshow Threepio to the Tamashi. Each has its charms, and each brings something unique to the table. Many people appreciate the tactile sensation of a metal C-3PO in their hands, and there's no denying the appeal. But, honestly, as many times as I've had the chance to futz with a Tamashi, I could never bring myself to get one of my own.

But I'll be buying a Sideshow Threepio for sure. Which is saying something, because my sixth scale collection is growing too large, and I've had to become pretty selective. It's going to be a great figure.

But, again, the differences are down to taste, and tastes vary. For my part, speaking as a collector and fan, I'm glad that Sideshow didn't choose to take the same path as Tamashi. That figure's already been done. What I saw in my studio is something new, and innovative.
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that was a great post rook!! amazing work on the photos, and I have a feeling they WERE so amazing because the figure inspired them!!
I really dig the figure..Im hoping it doesn't have that light as feather Hasbro/Medicom feeling to it in hand.
If it weighs between 312 and 356 grams, it should be approximately in scale based on volume (using 150 to 170lbs for Daniels in costume). ;)