Sideshow 1/6 C-3PO

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3PO/R2 iconic lovefest aside, hardly ANYBODY bought the Tamashii 3PO despite it being an "ultimate" version of the character (real torso wires!)

If it was a stand-alone centerpiece character like Vader, they would gladly have paid $300-400 for an "ultimate" version that nailed the character.

3PO isn't that character - he's part of a duo, so SSC needs to keep that in mind price-wise. Above a certain pricepoint and this could join Luke X-Wing in the pariah club.
I think the retailers were a bit too quick to discount 3PO, too. Eventually they'd have sold through, if they'd kept him at full MSRP (like SSC did). If anything, Sideshow's version would've probably got a few people to buy Tamashii's, for that little bit of extra cash. I don't think even an HT 3PO will equal Tamashii's. I bet they will cut a corner, somewhere.
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3PO/R2 iconic lovefest aside, hardly ANYBODY bought the Tamashii 3PO despite it being an "ultimate" version of the character (real torso wires!)

If it was a stand-alone centerpiece character like Vader, they would gladly have paid $300-400 for an "ultimate" version that nailed the character.

3PO isn't that character - he's part of a duo, so SSC needs to keep that in mind price-wise. Above a certain pricepoint and this could join Luke X-Wing in the pariah club.
You're being too black & white with your Tamashii 3PO summation.

Regardless of their fondness for the character/s or lack thereof, some won't go beyond a certain price point for an item. That says nothing about a character's overall appeal, or the validity of one's true-ness as a fan.. just generally speaking.
I reckon Tamashii would've sold more 3POs had they delivered on R2. And had the MSRP been closer $300. $400 for any figure is pushing it for most, no matter how good it is.
really dont know how you can top this guy, still one of the standouts in my collection. Looking forward to seeing the sideshow 3P0 anyways though!

I reckon Tamashii would've sold more 3POs had they delivered on R2. And had the MSRP been closer $300. $400 for any figure is pushing it for most, no matter how good it is.
Definitely the uncertainty over R2 killed a lot of the momentum for 3PO and that $400.00 price point... I agree, $300.00 at that time would've been the 'sweet spot' where a lot more people could've justified the purchase to themselves. I know I had a very tough time with $400.00, and initially ruled it out altogether, but the quality eventually won me over.

really dont know how you can top this guy, still one of the standouts in my collection. Looking forward to seeing the sideshow 3P0 anyways though!

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I don't generally quote pics but I'm gonna throw caution to wind, this time. Fantastic shot, chilipep! Just those eyes alone are astonishing, nevermind all the other details on this figure. It may be mass produced, but I'd consider it as much 'art' as anything I have that would more conventionally get that designation.
My thought is $229, max. I'm betting $219 or $229. There is a license to Disney, sure, but no actor license. Right? So he should be reasonably cheaper (I feel) than X-Wing Luke. He is plastic with a metallic finish. Still isnt all that IMHO. Could it be the photoshopped photos and video is to showcase the fig and build interest before HT potentially announces they are making R2 and 3PO?

My thought is $229, max. I'm betting $219 or $229. There is a license to Disney, sure, but no actor license. Right? So he should be reasonably cheaper (I feel) than X-Wing Luke. He is plastic with a metallic finish. Still isnt all that IMHO. Could it be the photoshopped photos and video is to showcase the fig and build interest before HT potentially announces they are making R2 and 3PO?


It'd be highly unlikely that HT would make these given the holes they're plugging in the OT1 human character range.
...There is a license to Disney, sure, but no actor license. Right?...
No actor license with anything Star Wars. Lucas made sure all the actors signed that away. Have to admire how ahead of the curve he was, at the time.

...Could it be the photoshopped photos and video is to showcase the fig and build interest before HT potentially announces they are making R2 and 3PO?
Think it'll be a while before they do R2 and 3PO. My personal feeling is they will do both for Episode VII. That way it's not part of their OT line and there is no possible conflict with Sideshow. Just a guess.

Yeah, I think R2 could stand alone.... but 3PO needs R2 as a set to really work as a stand-alone Star Wars display.
I see this a lot and get the sentiment, but 3PO to me is just as iconic as R2 (and they were broken up a large part of the time, too, in the OT). When I look at the Tamashii 3PO, I don't feel a huge gap b/c R2 is missing. Yes, ideally they should be together in the 'Abbot and Castello' sense, but if we never got a decent R2, I'd still be very happy with my 3PO.

Edit: Hmm, read that a bit too quickly... As a "stand-alone SW display", I can't argue w/that. I was thinking in a larger SW display, I'd be happy with 3PO -- even solo -- but as a sole representation, you'd need the pair, for sure. You win this battle, Wor-Gar...
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Just like everyone else here, I'm anxious to see the price on Threepio. If it's X-Wing Luke high-priced, I think that will pretty much cement the fact that the ridiculous prices are here to stay. Hopefully it clocks in around $180 to $190. :pray:
Hey...cut me some slack. Im trying to rationalise the attention to the fig in the hopes that all figs are not approaching the $250 range. I dont care what they say about licensing and what not, the annual price hikes arent consistent IMHO to justify the purchase. I have money to spend on these figures but at the prices they are climbing to it is becoming irrational to justify for what we are getting. $200 - $225 I can see, but once they hit the $250 mark I expect deluxe figures like Vader, with tons of accessories and multiple portraits
Just a few short years ago most of these figures were well below $200.

I am one of the fans of this hobby that is approaching my limit. They are asking too much for basic figures with hardly any accessories. Im sure many others are also wondering how long theyre going to be in this hobby. I was planning on picking up loads of figures in the next year..Hawkeye, Ultron, Widow, Han, Chewie, R2, 3PO, and two Stormtroopers for sure...but now? Pardon the Avengers figs, but as a collector I cant reasonably make those purchases at $250 or more each. It is becoming kinda dumb.

I love the hobby, but what they are asking for is reaching rediculous territory.
Judging from your sig, you also did the photos for the Scout, Rook? If so, I have you to blame for buying three of them! :lol

Seriously, though, nice work on that and the 3PO pics. Seems like SSC went above and beyond for this reveal, and especially cool that it's a boardie that was involved.

Hey...cut me some slack. Im trying to rationalise the attention to the fig in the hopes that all figs are not approaching the $250 range. I dont care what they say about licensing and what not, the annual price hikes arent consistent IMHO to justify the purchase. I have money to spend on these figures but at the prices they are climbing to it is becoming irrational to justify for what we are getting. $200 - $225 I can see, but once they hit the $250 mark I expect deluxe figures like Vader, with tons of accessories and multiple portraits
Just a few short years ago most of these figures were well below $200.

I am one of the fans of this hobby that is approaching my limit. They are asking too much for basic figures with hardly any accessories. Im sure many others are also wondering how long theyre going to be in this hobby. I was planning on picking up loads of figures in the next year..Hawkeye, Ultron, Widow, Han, Chewie, R2, 3PO, and two Stormtroopers for sure...but now? Pardon the Avengers figs, but as a collector I cant reasonably make those purchases at $250 or more each. It is becoming kinda dumb.

I love the hobby, but what they are asking for is reaching rediculous territory.
Entire post is great, but the bolded part is key, to me. If you are splurging on one, iconic character, then it's fine to pay whatever amount for it. Once you're into the line - or multiple lines - and you look at the aggregate, the cost becomes appalling (especially when you consider what that money could be doing elsewhere). Thankfully I'm not into some costly lines, though I love the property (e.g., Alien/Aliens/LotR) and will soon be exiting others (Terminator, RoboCop), but SW and Marvel are brutal unto themselves. Definitely looking forward to getting the essentials from each and getting out from collecting within the next couple years.