Sometimes this Luke figure looks so... Unlike Luke. 3po thumbs look great!
Great looking 3PO, Tali.
Thanks, guys - he really is one of my faves, and I was all ready to really dislike it before it shipped (I get that way sometimes).

Talibane, I'm interested in how you removed the chocolate sauce...what kind of solvent/technique did you use?
Chocolate sauce removal was with rubbing/isopropyl alcohol and q-tip. I think there was a thread titled "rubbing alcohol is awesome!" or something that suggested it. Some comes off very easily, other parts you really need to scrub (and in the grooves it won't come out without sharper implement.)
Just go a little easy though - it is possible to remove the gold paint if you keep rubbing hard. Mine had a tiny area (fortunately back of leg) that isn't noticeable where the gold paint came off a little. Thankfully it blends into the spray weathering on the lower leg.
The isopropyl also leaves a white fogging when it dries that needs to be rubbed off. So rinse figure with a damp cloth once done and dry.
Just like R2's dome, the fig looks night-and-day different though - nice bright metallic look.

Talibane, how did you fix the thumbs? Heat and twist or did you disassemble the hands?
I pulled the hands apart. Galactiboy did a tutorial. You use a small pocket knife.
I was worried the thumbs might slowly return to the original position if just heated so I neatly cut them and reglued them. If you want extra strength, take a small drill bit and use fingers to drill small hole on each side and put in short section of paper clip then glue.
The good thing about doing the thumbs mod is you can also trim the wrist joint so the hands can also pivot for 3PO gestures (ie so they're more like standard 1/6 figure wrist joint.) For some reason, they can only spin on the stock figure.
I also added punched 1.5mm dia pieces of black plastic to the eyes (for more clear pupils) and painted his upper lip gold to make face look less rounded overall. The collarbone spikes mod (pretty easy - just pull them from neck ring and re-position) helps likeness too.