Have to agree, although I'm not retired. Sitting back and watching all the people argueing about a figure most have waited 20+ years for and finally have coming. Sure it has it's faults but if you aren't happy rework it or don't buy it, it's that simple. Heck, with the way the economy is I think people could gripe and worry about other things than if Sideshow's Indy is missing the 124th hair in his facial stubble. To all of you who have been waiting for years, and countless customs to own a 1:6 Indy figure, Face it Tiger, you just hit the jackpot! To all who don't like it, you don't need to justify yourselves, just say I don't like it and didn't order it, and let it go. Frankly I don't care if anyone doesn't like it. I still can't wait for mine. Oh well,I guess that's why I sit back and read and after almost 4 years I've just now gotten over 1000 posts. I will enjoy my two figures when they come and be happy to rework them if I feel it's needed. No griping, no whining, just happy someone finally made a decent and from the looks of it the best Indy figure. Unlike the inferior one released over seas a few years ago, I can afford this one.